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Criado por Linda Lummer
quase 8 anos atrás
What are the principles of sensorimotor control?
functional segregation
sensory feedback
ballistic movements
posterior parietal association cortex
association cortex
Contralateral neglect
dorsolateral prefrontal association cortex
secondary motor cortex
mirror neurons
functions of mirror neurons
primary motor cortex
(deficits in stereognosis)
dorsolateral corticospinal tract
dorsolateral cerebrospinal tract
ventromedial corticospinal tract
ventromedial portico-brainstem spinal tract
brain stem structures that with the ventromedial portico-brainstem spinal tract
(brain stem structure interaction with the ventromedial cortico-brainstem spinal tract)
vestibular nucleus
(brain stem structure interaction with the ventromedial cortico-brainstem spinal tract)
reticular formation
(brain stem structure interaction with the ventromedial cortico-brainstem spinal tract)
motor unit
motor unit
motor end-plate
motor pool
fast muscle fibers (white)
slow muscle fibers (red)
synergistic muscles
antagonistic muscles
isometric contraction
dynamic contraction
tension in a muscle
Golgi tendon organs
Golgi tendon organs
muscle spindles
patellar tendon reflex
(stretch reflex)
withdrawal reflex
reciprocal innervation
recurrent collateral inhibition
Renshaw cells
Sensorimotor system comprises a hierarchy of central sensorimotor programs
motor equivalence
motor equivalence
response chunking
response chunking