Criado por Karima Ranieri
mais de 7 anos atrás
What did the British announce in 1945?
How did Zionists react? What was the climate at the time?
What was the Biltmore Declaration?
What did Harry Truman call for in April 1946?
List the different acts of Jewish terrorism towards the British in Palestine.
Reasons British handed over Palestine to the UN in May 1948.
What did the UN partition of November 1947 entail?
What was the Arab response?
What was the Jewish response?
What happened when the UN voted for partition?
Civil war in Palestine, November 1947 to May 1948.
List main events.
By the 14th May 1948, when British finally withdrew from Palestine, how many Arab fled from the new Jewish state?
Did the Palestinians leave voluntarily or were they expelled?
What is the Zionist interpretation?
Did the Palestinians leave voluntarily or were they expelled?
What was the Zionist interpretation?
Did the Palestinians leave voluntarily or were they expelled?
What was the Revisionist interpretation?
What was Plan D?