Este Quiz é cronometrado.
Você tem 30 minutos para completar as 20 questões deste quiz..
( Ayah 12 ) what is the lesson in this Ayah ? Select one or more
Allah has kept variety in His creation
With all the difference between people, yet there is something to benefit from them
Allah gives from His Bounty, so that we be grateful to Him
Is the person in the grave able to hear our dua ? (YES OR NO)
Even if one listens to our dua ,can they help us in anyway ? ( YES OR NO)
None can inform us about the Qudra of Allah or the details about Qiyamah, other than Allah Himself. (True or False)
(Ayah 15 ) what is the lesson for us in this Ayah ? Select one or more
We are all beggars, we need Allah at every stage of our life
Allah is Ghanni, He is not in need of our worship but when we worship Him, we do ourselves a favor
Whether we Praise Allah or we are indifferent to Him, Allah is the Most Praise Worthy
( Ayah 18) "Those who fear Allah with the unseen " How is this understood as ? Select one or more
Those who fear Allah in private, even when they are alone they fear to disobey Him
Those who have certainty in the matters of Ghaib such as the akhirah
Those who show,they fear Allah, when among people
( Ayah 19 - 22 ) What is the lesson in these Ayaath ? Select one or more
Turning to Allah and turning away from Allah, is not the same
Striving in the way of Allah and being indifferent to Allah, is not the same
Iman/Gratitude and Kufur/Ingratitude are not the same
What is the evidence of his fear or how does he put his fear into Amal ? Select one or more
He recites the Book of Allah
He establishes Salah
He spends in the way of Allah, secretly and openly hoping for an imperishable profit
( Ayah 27 - 28 ) Who is an Aalim ? Select one or more
His level of fear towards Allah is more compared to a person who has no illm of the Kitaab of Allah
He ponders over the variety in the creation of Allah
He is so amazed by the Qudra of Allah that it results in the Fear of Allah
We Muslims, the Ummah of the Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) are the inheritors of the Quran. (True or False)
So it becomes an obligation on us to study the Quran and pass it on. (True or False)
But sadly, among the Ummah, there are those who are " Zalim ". Who are they ? Select one or more
He does not give the Haq of the Quran
Never studies nor does he implement on the Quran
After having understood the Quran, he leaves the Waajib and adopts Haraam
Among the Ummah, there are those who are " Muqhtasid " . Who are they ? Select one or more
He leaves the Haraam, adopts only the Waajib and does not do anything extra good.
He sometimes performs Makroo and Mubah deeds .He leaves that which is Mustahab
He is neither blame worthy nor praised worthy. This is the worst category
Among the Ummah, there are those who are " Saabiqoon " Who are they ? Select one or more
He studies the Quran, implements and passes it on.
He not only performs Waajib deeds but also performs deeds that are Mustahab. He leaves the Makroo and Mubah deeds
He outstands, takes a lead, he finds ways to get the closeness of his Rabb
According to Ibn Abbas ra. the Sabiqoon will be brought to Jannah without Hisaab. (True or False)
The Muqhtasid will enter Jannah only by the Mercy of Allah ie ; could be questioned. (True or False)
Jannah is : Select one or more
Gardens of Eternity, its people shall be decked with bracelets of gold and pearls and their dress of silk
Its people will Praise Allah Who removed all grief and sorrow from them
Its people shall never experience any stress, tiredness nor any boredom
( Ayah 39 ) Allah has made you successors on the Earth. How is this understood as. Select one or more
We are successors of the previous generation
We are here today, tomorrow a new generation will take our place
This life is temporary
Jahannam is : Select one or mo
Its people shall never experience death nor will their punishment be reduced.
Its people shall cry out violently, desperately asking for help
Its people will be made to taste the Azab and nor will be offered any kind of help
( Ayah 45 ) What lessons we learn from this Ayah Select one or more
If Allah wished, He would have punished us for every misdeed, and as a result no one would have been left on the surface of the Earth.
But those who do Zulm, Allah is only giving them respite,for an appointed time
And when their appointed time( death ) comes to them, they shall realize the fact that Allah was watching them all along