Criado por Natalia Cliff
mais de 7 anos atrás
Exponential growth
S-curve graphs and J-curve graphs
Zero Growth
Natural decrease
Natural increase
Birth rate
Death rate
Life expectancy
Are death rates higher in MEDCs or LEDCs? Why?
Demographic transition model (diagram)
Characteristics of Stage one
Why (stage 1)
Characteristics of Stage two
Why (stage 2)
Characteristics of Stage three
Why (stage 3)
Characteristics of Stage four
Why (stage 4)
Characteristics of Stage five
Why (stage 5)
Ecuadorian tribes
Agricultural change
Emancipation and Status of women
Draw and label a population pyramid
Three sections of a Population Pyramid
Population Pyramid stage one
Population Pyramid stage two
Population Pyramid stage three
Population Pyramid stage four
Population Pyramid stage five
All 5 Population Pyramids diagrams
China one child policy
Sustainable population
China one child policy
policy rules
China one child policy
Policy punishments
China one child policy
Exemptions and enforcing
China one child policy
China one child policy
Chine one child policy
Indonesia Transmigration
Population Problem
Indonesian Transmigration
What happened
Indonesian Transmigration
Economic issues
Indonesian Transmigration
Environmental issues
Indonesian Transmigration
Social issues
Indonesian Transmigration
Political issues
Indonesian Transmigration
Issues with an ageing population
Health Care
Social Services
Pension crisis
Opportunities of an ageing population
Frances pro-natal policy
Why was it needed?
France pro-natal policy
The policy
Dependency ratio
Reasons for international migration
Economic impact of international migration
Housing impact of international migration
Labour and skills impact of international migration
Social impact of international migration
Migration from outside the EU
Polish workers in the UK
Labour migration
International migration:
Senegal to Italy
Refugee Migration