Criado por Karima Ranieri
quase 8 anos atrás
Which Arab areas did Israel remain firmly in control of after the Six-Day War in 1967?
What made the Israelis determined to hold on to the land they had seized in the war?
How many Palestinian Arabs were found living under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza?
Fighting across the Suez Canal, March 1969 to August 1970
What did Nasser want to do?
Fighting across the Suez Canal, March 1969 to August 1970
Who did Syria and Egypt receive military support from?
What happened in 1969?
What was Nasser's aim when he attacked Israeli positions on the Suez Canal?
How did the Israelis respond?
Who did Israel receive military support from?
What was the Israeli aim?
What did the Israelis do to secure Sinai further?
What was the issue with the fighting across the Suez Canal?
When did Nasser die?
Who was Nasser succeeded by?
What did Anwar Sadat realise about the fighting over the Suez Canal?
What was needed in order to clear the Canal and rebuild Egypt's cities?
What was the overriding objective for Egypt?
What was Sadat willing to do?
What plan did Sadat put forward in February 1971?
What did Sadat do in order to persuade the US government to use its influence with the Israelis?
Did the USA react?
What did Sadat decide was the only solution to the problem, in 1972?
What did Sadat need in order to force the Israelis out of Sinai?
What were the Israelis doing in the occupied territories, particularly Syria's Golan Heights and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula?
When did Syria and Egypt attack?
How many Egyptian men and tanks crossed the Suez Canal in the first 24 hours?
What did Egypt and Syria manage to do?
What did Israel manage to do?
How was Israel helped?
What was Israeli success?
When was the ceasefire due to come into effect?
When did the fighting end?
How was the war a success for the Arabs?