Criado por charlottedarling
mais de 10 anos atrás
The Tempest was written by who
and when?
The Tempest's Genre was...
Part of a group of four plays called...
Social structure C.17th Century and how Tempest questions this...
"The Tempest"
More than just a title...?
From Christopher Colombus to the Virginia Company
The play is based on...
Caliban representative of...
Montaigne famously wrote what essay?
Why Montaigne clashes with what Shakespeare presents in The Tempest
The women of the play live in a *what* society? (Miranda subverts this!)
The way Ferdinand treats Miranda is an example of...?
Word for "good" and "bad" magic?
(Sneaky A03)
Malcolm Hebron's view on alchemy is
"Interestingly, in alchemy...
3 elements of a Tragicomedy
3 elements of Shakespeare's Romances
Characters that challenge the Great Chain of Being?
Was Montaigne criticising or praising/ supporting cannibals?
No or Pro?
What was the NEW WORLD?
(Sneaky A03 take 2)
Walter Cohen about imperialism
A Renaissance Magnus