Criado por Dooney
mais de 11 anos atrás
What is the critical values of Cronbach's Alpha?
What is test-retest reliability? How is it measured?
What is validity?
What is content validity?
What is predictive validity?
What is construct validity?
What is the first stage of constructing a test?
What is the second stage of constructing a test?
What is the third step of constructing a test?
Once the first draft of a test is done, what is it then important to do?
How do you confirm the validity of a test?
It is important that items can be scored in what way?
What are the problem with rating scales?
What is the problem with having a 'don't know' answer?
What are two characteristics of a poor question?
What are the features of the item pool of the draft of test?
What type of questions are worth using as different markers can easily and reliability mark them, with guessing controlled and is discriminative?
What are the important rules in item construction?
What are the four types of psychometric tests?
What are the characteristics of open format items?
What are closed format questions?
What is the aim of closed questions?
What three sources to use when constructing a test?
How many items did Kline say a good psychometric should have?
What are the necessary properties of psychometric tests?
What is the recommended number of participants per items for testing a draft test?
What embarrassing questions bad?
What is reliability?
What is internal consistency?
Why shouldn't you ask hypothetical questions? (Do not ask participants what they would do in a situation they may not ever find themselves in)
What is consistency over time?
What is a good way to test participants are answering properly?
Why do we seek high reliability?
How can means be used to identify poor questions?
What is face validity, and how can it be measured?
How much error is associated with each item in a test?
Cronbach's alpha is used to measure...
What does the Cronbach's alpha do?