Criado por matthewking422
quase 11 anos atrás
What is cognitive language?
What is non-cognitive language?
What is the problem with the claim "God loves us as a father loves his children"?
What is the problem with the claim "God appeared to me in a dream"?
What is the problem with the claim "God created the world"
What is the problem with the claim "there will be a last judgement"
What are the other ways of referring to a) cognitive and b) non-cognitive language respectively?
What is the purpose of symbols?
Give an example
What is the difference between symbols and signs?
What was Tillich's view on Miracles
What is Don Cupitt's view on religious language?
What are the problems with symbolic language?
What did D.Z Philips suggest about eternal life?
What are myths?
What are common features of myths?
How is myth used in the bible?
What key problem did Rudolph Bultmann identify with mythological language?
What is myths fundamental criticism?
What is the via negativa (or the apathetic way)
What are the flaws of the via negativa?
What is a strength of the Via Negativa?
What did Aquinas believe in reference to analogy?
Give an example of analogy in reference to God.
What is the analogy of proportion?
Analogy of attribution
What is the principle of remoteness and excellence?
What does it mean to say language is meaningful
What is an analytic statement
What is a synthetic statement?
What is the verification principle?
What is weak verification?
What are the implications for religious language?
What are the wider implications of the verification principle
What are the three language suppositions that support the view that religious language is meaningless?
How does Empiricism support the view that religious language is meaningful?
How does Science support the view that religious language is meaningful?
How does The work of Wittgenstein support the view that religious language is meaningful?
What are the advantages of Ludwig Wittgenstein's language games theory?
What are the language games?
What are the weaknesses of the language games?
What is Anthony Flew's falsification principle?
According to Flew what do believers make god do?
What was R.M.Hare's comments on the falsification principle?
What did Basil Mitchell say in reference to the falsification principle?
What did Richard Swinburne argue?