Aim, hypothesis, equipement list, method, results, disscussion and then conclusion.
Aim hypothesis, equipment list, method, discussion, results and then conclusion.
Questão 2
What is a controlled variable?
A controlled variable is something that keeps the things you are testing at the correct temerature.
A controlled variable is something that keeps a test fair and evn so that you can get the best results.
Questão 3
What is the nessasery requirements for drawing a graph or table?
You must draw in pencil, rub out all the mistakes well, use a rular, always have a boarder and don't write the unit of measurment in the graph or table.
You must draw in pencil, use a rular, always have a boarder and do write the unit of measurment in the graph or table.
Questão 4
What are the basic requirments for humans when surviving?