PSY 101-Chapter 7


Psychology 101 Quiz sobre PSY 101-Chapter 7, criado por Emily Fox em 26-10-2017.
Emily  Fox
Quiz por Emily Fox , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily  Fox
Criado por Emily Fox aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the meat/food served as a(n)...
  • Conditioned stimulus (CS)
  • Conditioned response (CR)
  • Unconditioned stimulus (US)
  • Unconditioned response (UR)

Questão 2

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) _____ stimulus, after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) ___stimulus.
  • conditioned; neutral
  • Neutral; condition
  • conditioned; unconditioned
  • unconditioned; conditioned

Questão 3

To obtain a reward, a monkey learns to press a lever when 1000-Hz tone is on but not when it's 1200-Hz tone is on. What aspect of training as described?
  • Extinction
  • Generalization
  • Classical conditioning
  • Discrimination

Questão 4

Which of the following statements concerning reinforcement is correct?
  • Learning is most rapid with intermediate reinforcement, but continuous reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction
  • Learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement, but intermediate reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction
  • Learning is fastest and resistance to extinction is greatest after continuous reinforcement
  • Learning is fastest and resistance to extinction is greatest following intermediate reinforcement

Questão 5

Mirror neurons are found in the brain's [blank_start]frontal lobe[blank_end] and are believed by some scientists to be the neural basis for [blank_start]observational learning[blank_end]
  • frontal lobe
  • temporal lobe
  • observational learning
  • classical conditioning
  • operant conditioning

Questão 6

A response that leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is one being...
  • Positively reinforced
  • Negatively reinforced
  • Punished
  • Extinguished

Questão 7

When conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without any accompanying unconditioned stimulus, [blank_start]extinction[blank_end] will take place
  • extinction
  • generalization
  • discrimination
  • acquisition

Questão 8

Two groups of rats receive classical conditioning trials in which a tone and electrical shock are presented. Group 1: the electrical shock always follows the tone. Group 2: the sequence is random. Which of the following is most likely to occur?
  • The tone will become a conditioned stimulus for Group 1 but not for group 2
  • The tone will become a conditioned stimulus for group 2 but not Group 1
  • The tone will become a conditioned stimulus for both groups
  • The tone will not become a conditioned stimulus for either group

Questão 9

In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, celebration to meat/food was the...
  • Conditioned stimulus
  • Unconditioned response
  • Unconditioned stimulus
  • Conditioned response

Questão 10

From a casino owners view point, which of the following Jackpot payout schedule would be the most desirable for reinforcing customer use of a slot machine?
  • Variable ratio
  • Fixed ratio
  • Variable interval
  • Fixed variable

Questão 11

During Extinction, the [blank_start]unconditioned stimulus[blank_end] is omitted; as a result, the [blank_start]conditioned response[blank_end] seems to disappear
  • unconditioned stimulus
  • conditioned stimulus
  • conditioned response
  • Unconditioned response

Questão 12

Shaping is a(n) [blank_start]operant[blank_end] technique for [blank_start]establishing[blank_end] a behavior
  • operant
  • respondent
  • establishing
  • supressing

Questão 13

In Pavlov's study of classical conditioning of a dogs salvatory responses, spontaneous recovery occurred...
  • During acquisition, when the conditioned response was first paired with the unconditioned stimulus
  • During Extinction, when the conditioned stimulus was first presented by itself
  • When the conditioned stimulus was reintroduced following extinction of the conditioned response and a rest period
  • During discrimination training, when several conditioned stimuli were introduced

Questão 14

Operant conditioning to be most effective, when should the reinforcers be presented in relation to the desired response?
  • Immediately before
  • Immediately after
  • At the same time as
  • At least a half hour before

Questão 15

Instant Ocean between negative reinforcers and Punishment, we know that...
  • In contrast punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of response by the presentation of an adversive stimulus
  • Punishment, but not negative reinforcement, involves use of an adversive stimulus
  • In contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the presentation of an adversive stimulus
  • In contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of response by the elimination of an adversive stimulus

Questão 16

Putting on your coat when is cold outside as behavior that is maintained by...
  • Discrimination learning
  • Punishment
  • Negative reinforcement
  • Classical conditioning

Questão 17

Regarding the impact of watching television violence on children, most researchers believe that...
  • Causal links do not exist, instead aggressive children simply prefer violent programs
  • Television simply reflects, rather than contributes to, Violent social trends
  • Watching TV shows where violence is rewarded increases kids aggressive tendencies
  • There's only a week correlation between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior

Questão 18

You teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so; this is an example of...
  • Operant conditioning
  • Classical conditioning
  • Conditioned reinforcement
  • Partial reinforcement

Questão 19

Leon psychology instructor has scheduled in exam every third week of the term. Wion will probably study the most just before an exam in the least just after an exam. Because the schedule of exams is reinforcing studying according to which schedule?
  • Fixed ratio
  • Variable ratio
  • Fixed interval
  • Variable interval

Questão 20

Jack finally takes out the garbage in order to get his father to stop pestering him. Jack's behavior is being influenced by...
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Negative reinforcement
  • A primary reinforcer
  • Punishment


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