Imperialism Review Quiz II


Imperialism Review Quiz for the Imperialism test
K. Asher
Quiz por K. Asher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
K. Asher
Criado por K. Asher mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Which factor of Imperialism is described in the following statement: "France expanded control over West, Central Africa; Britain began to expand colonial empire to block French"?
  • Militarism
  • Nationalism
  • Political Competition
  • Cultural motives

Questão 2

Which factor of Imperialism is described in the following statement: Germany and Italy became new nations. In order to prove themselves, they began to acquiring colonies in Africa and/or Asia
  • Militarism
  • Political Competition
  • Cultural motives
  • Nationalism

Questão 3

Identify everything that applies to the picture.
  • It depicts Leopold II
  • It depicts the quote "Cape to Cairo"
  • It depicts Cecil Rhodes
  • The person is holding rope because he intends to enslave all of Africa

Questão 4

Identify everything that applies to the picture.
  • The person with the knife is Cecil Rhodes
  • The person with the knife is Otto von Bismarck
  • The picture represents the Scramble for Africa
  • The picture represents the Berlin Conference
  • The people seated represents the countries of Europe
  • The picture depicts the events that would eventually result in the Scramble for Africa

Questão 5

Identify everything that pertains to the Sepoy Rebellion
  • The Rebellion involved Indian soldiers in British Army
  • It began because of rumors that the rifle Cartridges greased with beef and pork fat
  • It began because because it violated the religious/cultural beliefs of the Muslim and Hindu soldiers
  • It resulted in France taking over India
  • It was resulted in the India gaining independence from Great Britain

Questão 6

Hong Xiuquan, who believed he was brother of Jesus, began the__________________ because he believed he had a mandate for God
  • Boxer Rebellion
  • Taiping Rebellion
  • Opium Wars
  • 1911 Revolution

Questão 7

Identify all the things that apply to the Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking)
  • It ended the Tia Ping Rebellion
  • It ended the Opium Wars
  • It gave extraterritoriality rights to British
  • The Treaty treated China fairly
  • It was the first of unequal treaties

Questão 8

Identify everything that applies to the Boxer Rebellion.
  • It involved a group who was called the “Righteous and Harmonious Fists”
  • It was a movement to overthrow the Qing Dynasty
  • It was an attempt by the Chinese people to get rid of any Imperialistic influence in China
  • The Boxers only attacked missionaries

Questão 9

The leader of the 1911 Revolution was __________________. It resulted in ________________
  • Sun Yat-sen; The formation of the Republic of China
  • Gandhi; The independence of India from British rule.
  • Hong Xiquan; The overthrow of the Qing Dynasty


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