Taleem ul Quran English quiz week 97


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz por TQ English Quiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Criado por TQ English Quiz mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

When we become serious about our deen, we will feel left out.
  • True
  • False

Questão 2

You don’t need to have schedule. And bind yourself to good deeds.
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

What is the meaning and the root word of يَغُرَّنَّكَ?
  • غ ر ر - Deception
  • غ ؤ ر - Deception
  • ر غ ر - Deception

Questão 4

What is the meaning and the root word of نُزُلاً۬ ?
  • ن ز ل - that which is prepared for the guest / Hospitality
  • ز ن ل - that which is prepared for the guest / Hospitality
  • ن ز ز - that which is prepared for the guest / Hospitality

Questão 5

In how many situation sabr is needed? Menton them
  • On doing good deeds: You won't feel like doing it, but you have to control and go against your desires at that time.
  • Over disobedience: You want to disobey Allah (SWT) , but hold yourself back. You do not let your Nafs control over you, but you control your Nafs.
  • Over difficulties: You want to have something, but Allah doesn’t want it for you. Accept what Allah has decreed for you
  • Over disobedience: You want to disobey parents , but hold yourself back. You do not let your Nafs control over you, but you control your Nafs.

Questão 6

Mention kinds of enjoyments as per ayah?
  • Physical enjoyment- This is very temporary.
  • Enjoyment of the heart and the soul - this is a permanent enjoyment.
  • Enjoyment of hereafter - This is permanent enjoyment.
  • Enjoyment of the heart and the soul - this is a temporary enjoyment.

Questão 7

Mention 3 groups of people which Allah mentioned at the end of this surah?
  • Those who disbelieve and their end.
  • Those who believe and their end.
  • The people of the book who believed.
  • The people of the book who disbelieved.

Questão 8

what does Rabitu menas ?
  • Rabitu -ر ب ط - To bind / tie something up It means to Bind yourself to act of obedience.
  • Rabitu -ر ب ط - To bind / tie something up It means to Bind yourself to act of islam.
  • Rabitu -ر ب ط - To bind / tie something up It means to Bind yourself to act of disobedience.
  • Rabitu -ر ب ط - To bind / tie something up It means to Bind yourself to act of sabr.


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