Whenever a nation is struck by an Azad, who and why are they saved ?
Select one
The rich are saved due to their wealth
The learned are saved due to their knowledge
The believers are saved due to their Taqwa
Questão 2
Who are the enemies of Allah ?
Select one or more
Those who disbelief and disobey
Those who harm His Rasool and the believers
Those who Reject, Argue, Oppose and mock at His Religion
Questão 3
How are the enemies of Allah be dealt with in the Akhirah ?
Select one or more
They will be led to hell fire in groups
When they will reach hell fire, their own ears, eyes and skin will testify against them
Out of complete shock, they will ask their skin, " why did you testify against us ?"
Questão 4
What will the skin say in reply ?
Select one or more
Allah Who Gives the faculty of speech to everything has made us to speak "
"Our obedience is forever for Allah because He created us and to Him we shall return "
" When you disobeyed Allah, you never hid yourself from your own faculties because you never knew that your own faculties will bear witness against you "
Questão 5
What is the " Thinking " the enemies of Allah have ?
Select one or more
They think that their own eyes, ears and skin will never bear witness against their evil deeds
They think that even Allah is not aware of their evil deeds
They think that one day their own eyes, ears and skin will bear witness against their evil deeds, hence live a life fearing Allah.
Questão 6
Why do people become enemies to Allah ?
Select one or more
When one is away from the Zikr of Allah, Allah appoints "Qareen ", an evil jinn who will incite one to do evil
He will be influenced by bad friends and they will make his evil deeds look attractive
On matters of Akhirah, his friends will show false hope and in matters of duniya, he will be told " Enjoy, you live only once !!"
Questão 7
At the time of Rasulillah( pbuh) how did the Mushriq of Macca stop him, when he recited the Quran ?
Select one or more
They would start clapping
Hooting and Whistling
Say silly, sarcastic remarks
Questão 8
How do the followers react to their leaders when they see them in the Akhirah ?
Select one
The followers will be happy to see their leaders
The followers will greet their leaders with Salam
The followers would want to trample their leaders under their feet for misleading them in the duniya
Questão 9
What does Rabb mean ?
Select one or more
Qaliq ( Creator )
Malik ( Owner )
Mudab'bir ( Planner and Sustainer )
Questão 10
How is " Our Rabb is Allah " done ?
Select one or more
Say it ! Tongue ( lisaan )
Mean it ! Heart ( Qalb )
Act upon it ! Limbs ( Jawaraih )
Questão 11
How will one remain on " Our Rabb is Allah " ?
Select one or more
Straighten ones actions, correct, fix up
Be firm and steadfast
Firmness until the time of death
Questão 12
When one lives his life upon " Our Rabb is Allah ", Angels will ?
Select one or more
In duniya, Angels will protect, make dua and encourage to do good
At the time of death, Good looking Angels will come with good news of Jannah
In the Akhirah, Angels will be friends , protecting them
Questão 13
When one lives his life upon " Our Rabb is Allah " ,he will have to fight with
Select one or more
His own Nafz
Wass'wasa from Shaytaan
Pressure from the people around him
Questão 14
When you say, " Our Rabb is Allah " then
Select one or more
You completely rely on Allah
Allah is the priority in your life
To Please Allah becomes your goal in Life
Questão 15
What are characteristics of the people who live upon " Our Rabb is Allah " ?
Select one or more
He invites or calls people to Allah
Does deeds according to the Quran and Sunnah
He happily and confidently calls himself a Muslim
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Noorun Ala Noor - Weekly Tafseer Test - Surah Fussilat Ayah 34 - 46