Bio 110 Final: Chapter 4


Quiz sobre Bio 110 Final: Chapter 4, criado por Christina Marshall em 12-12-2017.
Christina Marshall
Quiz por Christina Marshall, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Christina Marshall
Criado por Christina Marshall quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The cell theory states that
  • all living things are composed of cells
  • cells are small units of living organisms
  • new cells come from pre-existing cells by cell division
  • all of the above
  • a and b only

Questão 2

When using microscopes, the resolution refers to
  • the ratio between the size of the image produced by the microscope and the actual size of the object
  • the degree to which a particular structure looks different from other structures around it.
  • how well a structure takes up certain dyes.
  • the ability to observe two adjacent objects as being distinct from each other.
  • the degree to which the image is magnified.

Questão 3

A spherical cell has a radius of 34 micrometers. What is its surface area/volume ratio?
  • 0.088
  • 0.12
  • 11.3
  • 55.7
  • 127

Questão 4

If a motor protein was held in place and a cytoskeletal filament was free to move, what type of motion would occur when the motor protein was active?
  • The motor protein would "walk" along the filament.
  • The filament would move.
  • The filament would bend.
  • All of the above would happen.
  • Only b and c would happen.

Questão 5

Each of the following is part of the endomembrane system except
  • the nuclear envelope
  • the endoplasmic reticulum
  • the Golgi apparatus
  • lysosomes
  • mitochondria

Questão 6

Vesicle transport occurs between the ER and the Golgi in both directions. Let's suppose a researcher added a drug to cells that inhibited vesicle transport from the Golgi to the ER but did not affect the vehicle transport from the ER to the Golgi. If you observed cells microscopically after the new drug was added, what would you expect to see happen over the course of 1 hour?
  • The ER would get smaller, and the Golgi would get larger.
  • The ER would get larger, and the Golgi would get smaller.
  • The ER and the Golgi would stay the same.
  • Both would get larger.
  • Both would get smaller.

Questão 7

Functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum include
  • detoxification of harmful organic molecules
  • metabolism of carbohydrates
  • protein sorting
  • all of the above
  • a and b only

Questão 8

The central vacuole in many plant cells is important for
  • Storage
  • Photosynthesis
  • Structural Support
  • all of the above
  • a and c only

Questão 9

Let's suppose an abnormal protein contains three targeting sequences: an ER signal sequence, an ER retention sequence, and a mitochondrial matrix-targeting sequence. The ER retention sequence is supposed to keep proteins within the ER. Where would you expect this abnormal protein to go? Note: Think carefully about the timing of events in protein sorting and which events occur cotranslationally and which occur post-translationally.
  • It would go to the ER
  • It would go to the mitochondria
  • It would go both to the ER and mitochondria equally.
  • It would remain in the cytosol
  • It would be secreted

Questão 10

Which of the following observations would NOT be considered evidence for the endosymbiosis theory?
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts have genomes that resemble smaller versions of bacterial genomes
  • Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria all divide by binary fission.
  • Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria all have ribosomes.
  • Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria all have similar sizes and shapes.
  • All of the above are considered evidence for the theory.


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