Chapter 5: Anxiety Disorders


Psychology Quiz sobre Chapter 5: Anxiety Disorders, criado por Rose Hamilton em 15-12-2017.
Rose Hamilton
Quiz por Rose Hamilton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rose Hamilton
Criado por Rose Hamilton mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Sally has been worrying that the doors and windows in her home are unlocked and has been checking them numberous times before leaving the house each day. This takes up about 40 mins of the day she realizes that her thoughts and actions are excessive but doesn't feel particularly distressed about them. would she or would she not get a diagnosis of OCD and why?
  • a. yes, she meets the criteria
  • b. no, in OCD the person fails to see that thier symptoms are excessive
  • c. no, the daily duration of her symptoms falls short of the required
  • d. no it is unusual for those with OCD to recognize that their thoughts and actions are excessive and irrational
  • f. both C and D
  • g. B, C and D

Questão 2

New to DSM 5 for all obsessive and compulsive and related disorders are specifiers for level of insight. Approximately what percent of those with OCD appear to have absent insight / delusional beliefs?
  • a. 10%
  • b. 25%
  • c. 50%
  • d. 75%
  • e. 100%
  • f. None

Questão 3

which of the following is NOT true of OCD compulsions
  • a. they can conclude repetitive behaviours
  • b. they can include mental acts
  • c. they are aimed at reducing anxiety
  • d. they bring pleasure to the person
  • e. they may be unconnected in a realistic way to these thoughts that drive them

Questão 4

Our lecture notes, case study and text describe many different kinds of obsessions. Which of the following is NOT likely to occur in OCD?
  • a. obsessing about germs and contamination
  • b. thinking that if you forget to say goodbye to a person they might die
  • c. thinking you might blurt out something embarassing in church
  • d. obsessive sexual thoughts
  • e. obsessive thoughts of harming others
  • f. obsessing about symmetry in one's surrounding
  • g. all of the above are seen in OCD

Questão 5

the most effective psychologial treatment approach for OCD
  • a. involves the use of psychodynamic tecniques to determine where, in the persons early, life need for such symptoms arose
  • b. involves systematically exposing the patient to the feared thoughts or triggered stimuli and activley preventing the ritualized responses
  • c. involves keeping detailed journal noteson the obsessions and complusions in an effort to uncover their triggers
  • d. is less effective than medicaiton

Questão 6

which of the following is consistent with the treatment known as FLOODING ?
  • a. using an individualized anxiety hierarch created by the client
  • b. gradual expose to what is feared within brief sessions
  • c. it involves training in deep muscle relaxation techniques
  • d. it is a lengthy treatment, involving weeks or months of sessions
  • e. it invovles rapid exposure to feared stimuli in the hope of rapid extinction of the panic response
  • f. A and B
  • g. A and C
  • h. C and D

Questão 7

Which of the following is/ are viable surgical options for OCD ?
  • a. electrodes implanted near the OCD circuit and a battery to change them surgically placed under the chest skin.
  • b. having tiny key areas on the OCD circuit lesioned (burned away) surgically
  • c. having the two hemispheres of the brain surgically severed to stop the runaway activity
  • d. both A and B are used in severe non responsive cases
  • e. all of the above are used
  • f. none of the above are viable treatments for OCD

Questão 8

which of the following does NOT tend to co-occur with OCD?
  • a. tic disorder
  • b. anorexia
  • c. schizophrenia
  • e. depressive episodes
  • f. body dismorphic disorder (BDD)
  • g. all of these tend to co-occur with ocd

Questão 9

how are most people with ocd different from those with paranoid delusional beliefs such what we might see in schizophrenia ?
  • a. in ocd the thoughts are usually seen as irrational or excessive
  • b. in delusional states such as , is seen in schizophrenia, the 'thoughts' are often percieved as coming from outside the person in the form of auditory hallucinations
  • c. in ocd the thoughts are more believed, invested in and consistent with their world views
  • d. in paranoia the thoughts are usually fought against
  • e. a and b
  • f. c and d

Questão 10

Dsm's new catgory of obsessive compulsive and related disorders now contains several disorders that were once placed elsewhere. choose what does NOT belong
  • a. hoarding disorder
  • b. ocd
  • c. compulsive sex disorder
  • d. hair pulling disorder
  • e. skin picking disorder
  • f. all of the above do belong to this group

Questão 11

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • a. aused to be classified as a somatoform disorder
  • b. is now classified as an anxiety disorder
  • c. used to be classified as an anxiety disorder
  • d. is now classified as a somatic symptom and related disorder
  • e. a and b
  • f. a and c

Questão 12

in which way does Hoarding disorder differ from ocd ?
  • a. it is at least twice as prevalent
  • b. the age at diagnosis is much later
  • c. there is generally more insight into the severity of their problem
  • d. the responses to treatment are much better than what we see with ocd
  • e. a and b
  • f. all of the above

Questão 13

trichotollomania, now also known as hair pulling disorder involves ______________
  • a. complusive pulling of hair from anywhere on the face, head or body
  • b. for some it provides anxiety relief during the act
  • c. some experience pleasure during the act
  • d. both positive and negative reinforcement feed this disorder
  • e. all of the above

Questão 14

both obsessions and compulsions are required for the diagnosis of ocd
  • True
  • False

Questão 15

J. L feels strong urges to have sex or masturebate several times a day, and usually give in to them, which could be classified as ocd
  • True
  • False

Questão 16

hair pulling and skin picking (excoriation disorder ) used to be classified with the impulse control disorders in previous dsm's
  • True
  • False

Questão 17

psychological treament for ocd is less successful than medication treatment
  • True
  • False

Questão 18

most people with ocd have multiple obsessions vs. just one
  • True
  • False

Questão 19

a significant minority of those with ocd act out on their aggressive or sexual
  • True
  • False

Questão 20

those with BDD are poorer than average at deciphering visual details in faces
  • True
  • False

Questão 21

transcranical magnetic stimulation (TMS) is one of the new biological treaments for ocd
  • True
  • False


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