PMP Midterm 2 Fourth 20 Q


Fourth 20 Q
abdulaziz zaid
Quiz por abdulaziz zaid, atualizado more than 1 year ago
abdulaziz zaid
Criado por abdulaziz zaid aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

You are planning a storage device migration in a data center. During this phase of the project, who should be controlling the project?
  • Project Manager
  • SME’s
  • Sponsor
  • Management

Questão 2

Your most recent quality control chart shows that all data points measured fall within the control range. However, there is a group of 8 consecutive data points sitting above the mean. What do you do?
  • Do nothing. The control processes are working as designed.
  • Change the standard deviation by +/- 1.
  • Tell the stakeholders there is a possible quality control issue and you are investigating the cause.
  • Use project contingency funds to pay for the rework of these items

Questão 3

In a multi-phase project, the procurement team decided to close the procurements applicable to a particular phase of the project. What happens to unresolved claims?
  • Unresolved claims are usually resolved at the end of all phases of the project.
  • Unresolved claims are also closed when the procurements for that phase are closed.
  • Unresolved claims remain open for a period of 1 year from closure of procurements.
  • Unresolved claims may still be subject to litigation after closure

Questão 4

The product design your project team developed was very well received by the customer. There were two key contributors to this design. The customer calls you to tell you how pleased he is with the design. What do you tell him?
  • Ask to negotiate a bonus payment.
  • Thank the customer.
  • Thank him on behalf of the team and call out the contributions made by two of the team members.
  • Tell the customer that you worked very hard on the design and that you are happy he is pleased.

Questão 5

You are managing a project for a customer that has just gone bankrupt and is subject to liquidation proceedings. There are several outstanding invoices that this customer has not paid to your company. What should you do now?
  • Go into alternate dispute resolution
  • Do nothing.
  • Contact the appropriate management at your company for advice how to proceed.
  • Send the invoices to the bankruptcy attorneys.

Questão 6

Peter works as a project manager for GOODSTEEL, a steel melting shop. He was assigned by his Executive Project Manager to study and prepare a report on the defects that eroded the blast furnace lining which has caused a drastic decline in production. Since this report will be used by the management to control the process and material quality, Peter performed a careful study and identified two major factors out of many factors related to refractories that caused majority of the lining problems. Which of the following statements BEST illustrate the technique Peter must have used in this scenario?
  • A Pareto chart indicates that the vital few sources of the problem.
  • A cause and effect diagram indicates how various causes show the history and variation of defects
  • A Pareto chart identifies the possible relationship between changes observed in two independent variables
  • A cause and effect diagram indicates how various factors or causes can be linked to potential problems

Questão 7

The Identify Stakeholders process is an initiating process. At this stage, which of the following organizational process assets is the most crucial input to this process?
  • Change control procedures
  • Lessons learned from previous projects.
  • Financial control procedures
  • Risk control procedures

Questão 8

You have been chosen by a program management office (PMO) to write a purchase order for your expertise in business writing. You have learned that the PMO has already selected a seller for a software product and would like to award the procurement contract to the selected seller as a purchase order which you must prepare. In this scenario, the PMO is administering:
  • The close procurements process
  • The control procurements process
  • The plan procurement management process
  • The conduct procurements process

Questão 9

The morale of the team members of a project is very low. The team members feel that they were not given opportunities to participate in the organizational team development activities due to over allocations to project tasks, and hence they missed opportunities to grow. Which of the following is a primary factor for this situation?
  • Use of zero-sum rewards in the project
  • A poorly defined resource calendar
  • Too many senior team members
  • Poor interpersonal skills in the team

Questão 10

Calculation of late finish dates and late start dates for the uncompleted portion of the project is called .
  • Schedule compression
  • An arrow diagram
  • A backward pass
  • A forward pass

Questão 11

You are a Project Manager working on a project to create high efficiency electric motors for a company introducing a new electric golf cart. Your company’s president is keenly interested in the project and requests a chart that shows the number of defects by type ordered by their frequency of occurrence. Which type of chart would BEST meet this request?
  • Pareto diagram
  • Control chart
  • Statistical sampling
  • Scatter diagram

Questão 12

All of the following activities areperformed in the Close Project or Phase process EXCEPT
  • Activities that fulfill the exit criteria of the project
  • Sending the deliverables to the customer for acceptance
  • Activities which are needed to transfer the completed products to operations
  • Documenting the reasons for projects terminated early

Questão 13

You are working for GOODROAD highway construction agency as a project cost estimator. The agency started a highway construction project which is in it’s planning phase. The rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost estimate for the project is expected to be between 3 and 5 million dollars in the planning phase with a ROM of -25% to +25%. What will be the ROM estimate in the execution phase if it changes to -10% to +10%?
  • Between 3.1 and 4.1 million dollars
  • Between 3.6 and 4.4 million dollars
  • Between 3.9 and 4.1 million dollars
  • Between 3.4 and 4.4 million dollars

Questão 14

In a sender-receiver model for communication, information is sent and received between two parties, defined as the sender and the receiver. In such a model, anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of the message is called:
  • Noise
  • Constraint
  • Medium
  • Decode

Questão 15

In a matrix organization, where the team members report to both, a functional manager as well as a project manager, generally, whose responsibility is it to manage the dual reporting relationship?
  • Functional manager
  • HR manager
  • Team members
  • Project Manager

Questão 16

A manager asks you to evaluate four new projects that he has suggested for next year. You review the projects and notice that one is not really a project, but more an operational task. Which of these is not a project?
  • Change the product to enable increased consumer usage
  • Manage a set of people for the next year to deliver the desired productivity results
  • Respond to a customer request for different product packaging
  • Resolve a space constraint issue by building a new addition to the plant

Questão 17

When beginning a new outsourcing project, what is the best way to determine which companies you should request a bid from?
  • Send your proposal to the company you last worked with
  • Have someone else manage this part of the process
  • Send your proposal to everyone
  • Consult the qualified sellers list

Questão 18

A project manager is currently ensuring that the stakeholders clearly understand the project goals, objectives, benefits and risks. This relates to which of the following processes?
  • Control Stakeholder
  • Identify Stakeholders
  • Plan Communications Management
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Questão 19

A project manager would find team development to be the MOST difficult in which type of organization?
  • Functional organization
  • Projectized organization
  • Weak matrix organization
  • Balanced matrix organization

Questão 20

You are the project manager from a seller organization, based at the customer location. One of your team members is involved in certain unacceptable activities at the customer location. The HR manager of the customer team organizes a meeting between you, the team-member, your customer manager and HR wherein the team member apologizes for his activities and agrees not to repeat them. You should:
  • Ignore the incident since the team member has agreed not repeat such activities.
  • Report this incident immediately to HR of your organization and to your managers.
  • Warn the team-member that this is the last opportunity and future incidents will lead to strict action.
  • Document the issue for your project records.


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