Taleem Quran English Quiz Week 105


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz por TQ English Quiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Criado por TQ English Quiz aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The Prophet sas said the best companions according to Allah are the ones who are best to their friends and the best neighbors according to Allah are the not good to their neighbors.
  • True
  • False

Questão 2

When a person spends in the way of Allah, when he has iman, he doesn’t suffer any harm. There could be harm that is incurred but we must remember that it is temporary, and minimal. The reward that one gets is much more more.
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

What is the root word and meaning of مِثۡقَالَ ?
  • ث ق ل - (thaa,qaaf,laam) mithqaal is the weight of something
  • ق ت ل - (thaa,qaaf,laam) mithqaal is the weight of something
  • ل ت ق - (laam,thaa,qaaf) mithqaal is weight of something

Questão 4

The root word and meaning of تُسَوَّىٰ is س وى - means to level something.
  • True
  • False

Questão 5

Why don’t we do ihsaan?
  • Because we expect others to do ihsaan to us first. Allah swt doesn’t like those who are self-conceited and boastful.
  • Because we dont expect others to do ihsaan to us first. Allah swt doesn’t like those who are self-conceited and boastful.

Questão 6

Allah's haqq is that He should be worshipped alone. We should not forget his right. And do not associate anything with him, whether it is a person, or an object.
  • True
  • False

Questão 7

Why disobeying parents is shirk?
  • “Parents have the most right upon us after Allah swt. They gave birth to us and raised us. Thus, disobedience to parents is a major sin.
  • “Parents don't have the most right upon us after Allah swt. They gave birth to us and raised us. Thus, disobedience to parents is a major sin.

Questão 8

What are the two attitudes mentioned in Surah Nisa Ayah 37?There are two attitudes:
  • One who is selfish, he is only concerned about his rights, himself,
  • The other is one who is caring and generous. One who spends their time, cuts down on their rights to help others. We should be concerned of others as well.
  • The reward that one gets is much more more.

Questão 9

Why some people spend to show off or to gain praise from people?
  • Their iman is very strong. If they truly believed in Allah and the last day, the wouldn’t do bukhl.
  • Their iman is very weak. If they truly believed in Allah and the last day, the wouldn’t do bukhl.

Questão 10

How and why does Shaytan become persons qareen?
  • He becomes a companion to the person in this life; he suggests evil things to do and the person follows him. Because one is neglectful of the dhikr of Allah swt, he will do that which shaytaan suggests to him. He becomes his companion, friend in the akhirah, in the hellfire.
  • He becomes a companion to the person in this life; he suggests evil things to do and the person follows him. Because one is neglectful of the dhikr of Allah swt, he will do that which shaytaan suggests to him. He becomes his companion, friend in the akhirah, in the paradise.


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