Genetics Final Exam-LEC 19


Lec 19, October 30th Gene regulation in Eukaryotes.
Rochelle T
Quiz por Rochelle T, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rochelle T
Criado por Rochelle T mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What is the function of lac Y?
  • B-Galactosidase activity
  • Permease activity
  • transacetylase activity
  • methyltransferase activity

Questão 2

Allolactose binds to the promoter
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

In bacteria with genotype I+P+O+Z+Y+A+, in the presense of lactose and presense of glucose, which of the following is/are true?
  • Transcription in on
  • Transcription is off
  • The CAP site is not occupied
  • Two of the above
  • none of the above

Questão 4

Allolactose and lactose differ in the formation/type of the glycosidic bond.
  • True
  • False

Questão 5

In bacteria with genotype I+P+ O^C Z+Y+A+, in the presence of lactose and absence of glucose, which of the following is/are false?
  • Transcription is off
  • The repressor does not bind to the operator
  • The CAP site is unoccupied
  • The inducer is present
  • Two of the above

Questão 6

Chromatin remodeling complexes alter nucleosomes, this occurs when:
  • Compleses of ATP dependent protein degrade histones and release the DNA from nucleosomes
  • complexes of ATP dependent proteins may reposition, evict or change nucleosome composition
  • remodeling proteins bind to TFIID to promote or inhibit nucleosome formation
  • remodeling proteins increase the supercoiling of the DNA, which can inhibit nucleosome formation

Questão 7

[blank_start]Transcription[blank_end]: (Gene)Regulatory transcription factors activate or inhinit transcription. The arrangements and composition of nucleosomes influence transcription. DNA methylation (usually) inhibits transcription. [blank_start]RNA processing[blank_end]: (pre-RNA)Alternative splicing alters exon choices. RNA editing alters the base sequence of mRNAs [blank_start]Translation[blank_end]: (mRNA) Small RNAs, called miRNAs and siRNAs, silence the translation of mRNA. Proteins that bind to the 5' end of mRNA regulate translation. mRNA stability may be influenced by RNA binding proteins [blank_start]Posttranslation modification[blank_end]: (Protein) Feedback inhibition and covalent modifications regulate protein function. Finally a Functional protein
  • Transcription
  • RNA processing
  • Translation
  • Posttranslation modification

Questão 8

What are some types of the molecular changes that undelie epigenetic gene regulation?
  • DNA methylation and depurination of cytosine residues
  • depurination and chromatin remodeling
  • DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling
  • depurination of cytosine and thymidine residues

Questão 9

DNA that contains actively transcribed genes would most likely contain chromatin in the closed configuration.
  • True
  • False

Questão 10

Which of the following mRNAs would be degraded the most rapidly?
  • an mRNA with 200 adenine residues at its 3' end
  • an mRNA with multiple AAUUU sequences in its 3' untranslated region and with 10 adenine residues at the 3' end
  • an mRNA with 100 adenine residues at its 3' end
  • an mRNA with multiple AAUUU sequences in its 3' untranslated region and with 200 adenine residues at the 3' end


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