
- at Quiz sobre ОБЖ1, criado por хомяк убийца em 16-12-2018.
хомяк убийца
Quiz por хомяк убийца, atualizado more than 1 year ago
хомяк убийца
Criado por хомяк убийца quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The main purpose of occupational health and safety of life is:
  • to protect people from the adverse effects of human, technological and natural origin and ensure comfortable living conditions
  • qualitative and quantitative indicators, sample conditions, productivity and labor process
  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities
  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values required for life
  • 1 and 2

Questão 2

Definition of overlaps safety:
  • the state of security of workers, to ensure comprehensive measures that exclude the impact of harmful and hazardous factors on workers in the course of employment
  • harmful and hazardous industrial factors;
  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities
  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values required for life
  • 1 and 4

Questão 3

Labour (main work) it is:
  • human activity aimed at creating material and other values required for life and meet the needs of individuals and society
  • safety system of health and safety in the workplace, which includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities
  • the state of security of workers, to ensure comprehensive measures that exclude the impact of harmful and hazardous factors on workers in the course of employment
  • 1 and 2
  • 1 and 3

Questão 4

The sphere of human activity is:
  • single;
  • same
  • diverse;
  • 1 and 2
  • 1 and 3

Questão 5

What does include safety system health and safety in the workplace?
  • ergonomic activities
  • legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and epidemiological, medical and preventive treatment, rehabilitation and other activities and facilities
  • economic activities
  • sanitary and epidemiological activities
  • social activities

Questão 6

Learning objects of OHS and FSLA:
  • a person in the process of life, nature and the working environment and conditions, , as well as emergency
  • the relationship of person with the environment, industrial equipment and technological processes
  • the organization of labor and production ,организация труда и производства;
  • rescue and other emergency operations
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 7

The subject of OHS and FSLA as a science is:
  • the study of working conditions and emergencies aimed at ensuring not only safe working, but also to create favorable conditions for raising them and life
  • the study of working conditions for raising life
  • the study of emergencies for raising life
  • to create favorable conditions
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 8

A set of measures aimed at safe human interaction with the environment and its protection, sustainability of facilities management in emergency situations, prevention and elimination of consequences of natural man-made disasters, as well as the use of modern weapons of destruction:
  • Safety of life activity
  • system of safety
  • main purpose of life activities safety
  • all of the answers are correct
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 9

Economic objects is:
  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of one person
  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of two person
  • buildings, and other structures used in the interest of industrial, agricultural and other sectors of society buildings, and other structures used in the interest of industrial, agricultural and other sectors of society
  • all of the answers are correct
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 10

A group of people together implement the program or purpose and acting on the basis of certain rules and regulations:
  • district
  • team
  • state
  • organization
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 11

What may be as a result of accident (несчастный случай) at the production:
  • suddenly deterioration in health worker or poisoning leading to temporary or permanent disability of employee
  • industrial injury
  • occupational disease
  • death
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 12

The probability of harm as a result of a natural or legal person's life activity on life or humans health, the environment, the property interests of the state according to the gravity of its implications:
  • Danger
  • Risk
  • occupational disease
  • working conditions
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 13

A negative phenomenon due to the energy state of the environment by human activities, which can, under certain conditions, cause damage to anything in the environment:
  • Risk
  • working conditions
  • occupational disease
  • danger
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 14

The sources of risks in specific activities:
  • The person himself as a complex system of "body-person"
  • Elements of the environment
  • The processes of interaction between person and the elements of the environment
  • 1, 2 и 3
  • 1 и 3

Questão 15

The human environment due to present a set of factors (physical, chemical, biological, and social) that could have a direct or indirect, immediate or remote effects on human performance, health and breed:
  • habitat
  • working conditions
  • occupational disease
  • 1 and 3
  • 2 and 3

Questão 16

The area of distribution of life on Earth, including the lowest layer of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and the top layer of the lithosphere has not experienced industrial impact:
  • Technosphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Antroposphere
  • Biosphere
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 17

The region of the biosphere in the past, the converted people by direct or indirect effects of technical means in order to best suit their material and socio-economic needs:
  • Technosphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Antroposphere
  • Biosphere
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 18

An area with common characteristics of the biosphere or the technosphere:
  • District
  • Local area
  • Region
  • State
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 19

A space in which the labor is performed by human activities:
  • Job
  • Place
  • Region
  • Technosphere
  • Working environment

Questão 20

Transition from the biosphere to the technosphere contributed to:
  • higher rate of population growth in the world and urbanization
  • consumption growth and the concentration of energy resources
  • intensive development of industrial and agricultural production
  • the massive using of transport, rising costs for military purposes, and a number of other processes
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 21

The situation in a particular area, resulting from accident, disaster, which resulted or may result in loss of humans life, damage to their health, the environment and facilities management, significant financial loss and breach of living conditions of the population:
  • Natural emergencies
  • Technogenic emergencies
  • Emergency situations
  • Emergency situations of global origin
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 22

The main types of emergency situations, which depend on origin:
  • Emergency situations of natural and technogenic origin
  • Emergency situations of technogenic and global origin
  • Emergency situations of natural, technogenic and global origin
  • all of the answers are wrong
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 23

On the extent and scope of damage emergencies of natural and man-made disasters are divided at the:
  • facility, local, regional
  • facility, local, and global
  • facility, local, regional and global
  • facility, regional and global
  • local, regional and global

Questão 24

A devastating event that caused the emergency:
  • Disaster
  • Accident
  • Natural disaster
  • Catastrophe
  • 1 and 3

Questão 25

Process malfunction, damage to machinery, equipment and structures:
  • Disaster
  • Accident
  • Natural disaster
  • Catastrophe
  • 1 и 3

Questão 26

A natural phenomenon that occurs is usually sudden and leads to a dramatic disruption of normal life of the population, the loss of life and livestock, damage and destruction of property:
  • Disaster
  • Accident
  • Natural disaster
  • Catastrophe
  • 1 and 3

Questão 27

A devastating event that caused the emergency situation of regional or global scale
  • Disaster
  • Accident
  • Natural disaster
  • Ctastrophe
  • 1 and 3

Questão 28

A set of activities carried out in advance and aimed at the greatest possible reduction in the risk of emergencies, maintaining the health and life of humans, reducing the damage and material losses:
  • Emergency response
  • Prevention of emergency situations and emergency response
  • to keep material sources
  • to stay in one level of development
  • Prevention of emergency situations

Questão 29

Rescue, emergency recovery and other urgent works carried out in an emergency and life-saving and preserving health, reducing the damage and material losses, as well as the location of the zones of emergency situations:
  • Emergency response
  • Prevention of emergency situations and emergency response
  • to keep material sources
  • to stay in one level of development
  • Prevention of emergency situations

Questão 30

In the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of emergency situations is accepted next Laws:
  • "On emergency situations of natural and man-made origin" of 5 July 1996
  • "On the emergency services and the status of the rescuers" of 27 March 1997
  • "About Civil Defense" on May 7, 1997
  • "On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 31

In the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of emergency situations is accepted next Laws:
  • 1 "On Radiation Safety" on 23 April 1998
  • 2 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" of 3 April 2002
  • 3 «Оn radiobiology» on 5 November 2003
  • 1 and 2
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 32

This law regulates the social relations in Kazakhstan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of natural and man-made origin:
  • "On emergency situations of natural and man-made origin" of 5 July 1996
  • "On the emergency services and the status of the rescuers" of 27 March 1997
  • "About Civil Defense" on May 7, 1997
  • "On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996"On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996
  • all

Questão 33

This law regulates the social relations in the organization and operation of the emergency services and units designed to eliminate emergency situations of natural and man-made origin, establishes the status of the rescuers:
  • "On emergency situations of natural and man-made origin" of 5 July 1996
  • "On the emergency services and the status of the rescuers" of 27 March 1997
  • "About Civil Defense" on May 7, 1997
  • "On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996
  • all

Questão 34

This law defines the main objectives, the organizational principles of construction and operation of CD Kazakhstan, central authority, local representative and executive bodies, organizations, the rights and duties of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens and stateless persons in the field of ionizing radiation:
  • "On emergency situations of natural and man-made origin" of 5 July 1996
  • "On the emergency services and the status of the rescuers" of 27 March 1997
  • "About Civil Defense" on May 7, 1997
  • "On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996
  • all

Questão 35

This law regulates the legal relationships of government agencies, individuals and legal entities, irrespective of ownership in the field of fire safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan:
  • "On emergency situations of natural and man-made origin" of 5 July 1996
  • "On the emergency services and the status of the rescuers" of 27 March 1997
  • "About Civil Defense" on May 7, 1997
  • "On Fire Safety" from November 22, 1996
  • all

Questão 36

This law regulates the social relations in the field of radiation safety of the population in order to protect their health from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation:
  • 1 "On Radiation Safety" on 23 April 1998
  • 2 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" of 3 April 2002
  • 3 «Оn radiobiology» on 5 November 2003
  • 1 and 2
  • all

Questão 37

This law regulates the legal relations in ensuring the safe operation of hazardous industrial facilities and is aimed at preventing accidents at hazardous production facilities, preparedness organizations in the containment and elimination of their consequences, guaranteed compensation of damages caused by accidents, natural and legal persons, the environment and the state:
  • 1 "On Radiation Safety" on 23 April 1998
  • 2 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" of 3 April 2002
  • 3 «Оn radiobiology» on 5 November 2003
  • 1 и 2
  • all

Questão 38

Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan … :
  • regulates legal relations in the field of labor and social partnership and health
  • regulates the social relations in the field of radiation safety of the population in order to protect their health from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation
  • regulates the legal relationships of government agencies, individuals and legal entities, irrespective of ownership in the field of fire safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • defines the main objectives, the organizational principles of construction and operation of CD Kazakhstan
  • regulates the social relations in Kazakhstan for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of natural and man-made origin

Questão 39

According Labour Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on industrial enterprises на should be the types of controls:
  • 1 State control
  • 2 Internal control
  • 3 Social control
  • 1, 2 и 3 (all)
  • 1 and 2

Questão 40

Which document of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined the procedure and conditions of compulsory insurance?
  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Labour Code of 15 May 2007
  • Technical Regulations of the specialty
  • orders of the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on labor protection
  • "On mandatory insurance of civil liability of the employer for injury to life and health of the employee in the performance of labor (service) duties" on February 7, 2005

Questão 41

For what the employer is liable to the employee?
  • 1 for the damage caused by the illegal deprivation of the employee the opportunity to work on the job
  • 2 for damage to property of the employee
  • 3 for the harm caused to life and (or) health worker
  • 1 and 2
  • 1,2 and 3

Questão 42

For what the employee is liable to the employer?
  • 1 for the damage caused by the loss of or damage to property of the employer
  • 2 for any damage incurred as a result of the action (or inaction) of the employee
  • 3 for damages arising from emergencies
  • 1 and 2
  • 1 and 3

Questão 43

Constant, systematic and purposeful activities of business, government and public organizations and officials in them to ensure safe, healthy and comfortable working conditions and the settlement of employment of people in the production process:
  • management of labor protection;
  • the norms of labor protection
  • communication of employee health and safety;
  • Chief of labor protection;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 44

What is needed to improve the effectiveness of OSH management:
  • to take care of the health and safety and has steadily and systematically involved in efforts to improve the safety of all members of the community;
  • extensive to use of material and moral incentives individuals who have achieved improvements in the safety and complying with its requirements;
  • to use in solving each specific problem comprehensive and systematic approach;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 45

What subsystem of automated production management (of OHS) can perform (CAM from)?
  • collection, processing and storage of information about the state of labor in areas in shops and other facilities;
  • accounting performance measures to improve safety;
  • analysis of occupational injuries and accidents.
  • execution of actions to eliminate accidents in the initial period;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 46

Is it necessary to conduct instruction on safety in the workplace?
  • yes
  • no

Questão 47

The main directions for improvement of production are:
  • Improved work planning
  • Modernization of special operations through the introduction of new technology streamline technology and increase power ;
  • Optimization of the operation management and maintenance of each facility by qualified technical guidance;
  • The continued strengthening of production and labor discipline;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 48

Factors that adversely affect the human body in the production process are called …:
  • hazard
  • occupation hazard
  • occupational diseases;
  • all of the answers are correct
  • risk

Questão 49

How does occupational hazard act and what can lead?
  • 1 no way
  • 2 act quickly and lead to injury or a sharp deterioration in health;
  • 3 act long and lead to a slow death;
  • 4 have a lasting impact and lead to diseases or reduced efficiency;
  • 3 and 4

Questão 50

How does harmful occupational hazard act and what can lead?
  • 1 no way
  • 2 act quickly and lead to injury or a sharp deterioration in health
  • 3 act long and lead to a slow death;
  • 4 have a lasting impact and lead to diseases or reduced efficiency;
  • 3 and 4

Questão 51

Groups of factors that adversely affect the human body in the production process:
  • physical
  • chemical
  • biological
  • psychophysiological;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 52

How does accidents in the workplace end?
  • trauma;
  • burn
  • poisoning отравлением;
  • heat stroke;
  • all

Questão 53

Groups of causes of accidents and occupational diseases:
  • technical технические;
  • organizational and technical, organizational;
  • sanitary and hygienic
  • psychophysiological;
  • all

Questão 54

Who does investigation of accidents, except in cases subject to special investigation in manufacturing act?
  • Head of the organization;
  • Chief of OHS;
  • specialist of OHS
  • Created commission;
  • inspection body.

Questão 55

Does commission official of directly responsible for safety in the relevant area where the accident occurred on the investigation of the accident include?
  • yes
  • no

Questão 56

What accidents are subject to special investigation?
  • 1 accidents with severe or fatal end;
  • 2 group accidents occurred simultaneously with two or more employees, regardless of the severity of injuries victims;
  • 3 clusters of cases of acute poisoning
  • 4 special investigation is not conducted
  • 1,2 and 3

Questão 57

What happens during the work activity of human?
  • 1 is the interaction of the work environment and the body
  • 2 man changes, adapts the work environment to their needs
  • 3 work environment has on working some effect
  • 4 nothing happens
  • 1, 2 и 3;

Questão 58

How is due to the impact of the working environment on the human body?
  • 1 No way;
  • 2 features of the technological process
  • 3 nature of the of the labor process
  • 4 sanitary conditions of labor
  • 2, 3 и 4.

Questão 59

Can occupational factors have harmful effect on the body working under certain conditions?
  • yes
  • no

Questão 60

Is instruction of employees mandatory?
  • yes
  • no

Questão 61

Reason of occupational diseases?
  • industrial dust;
  • chemical production factors;
  • physical production factors;
  • biological production factors;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 62

Consequence of effects of different external hazardous factors on the body:
  • 1 risk;
  • 2 danger;
  • 3 work injury;
  • 1 и 3;
  • all

Questão 63

Work injury can take place from effects of:
  • chemical factors, such as pesticides, in the form of poisoning or burns
  • electric current - burns, electric shocks, etc.
  • high or low temperatures (burns or frostbite)
  • a combination of different factors
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 64

Set of accidents in the industry (enterprise):
  • Risk
  • Industrial injury
  • Danger
  • 1 amd 3
  • all

Questão 65

The causes of industrial injuries:
  • technical
  • sanitary and hygienic
  • organizational
  • psychophysiological
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 66

Corrective actions in identifying inconsistencies in the functioning of the OHS management system is to eliminate the causes of deficiencies for which is carried out:
  • changes in the internal documentation management system labour safety
  • yield the initiative to amend the requirements of legal acts in the field of labour safety, based on the activity
  • redistribution of responsibility and authority in the field of labour
  • reallocation of resources
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 67

For the prevention of industrial injuries are the most important
  • 1 To provide with instructions;
  • 2 training;
  • 3 check on labor protection;
  • 4 solution of personal problems of employees;
  • 1, 2 и 3.

Questão 68

By the nature and timing of the instruction of employees in the workplace is divided into the following types:
  • introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, target;
  • primary, repeated, unscheduled, target;
  • introductory, repeated, unscheduled, target;
  • introductory, primary, unscheduled, target;
  • introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled

Questão 69

What types of instructing are held with students in different types of practices?
  • primary, repeated;
  • introductory, repeated;
  • introductory, primary, repeated;
  • introductory, primary;
  • only introductory.

Questão 70

Who conducts instructing for employees in the workplace?
  • specialist on OHS;
  • the employee;
  • Head of the enterprise or organization;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 71

System of organizational measures and technical means to prevent or reduce the impact on the workers harmful industrial factors:
  • non-productive sanitation
  • production area
  • industrial lighting
  • industrial hygiene производственная санитария;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 72

The main hazardous and harmful factors include:
  • Excessive dust and gas contamination of air in
  • elevated or low temperatures air of the working area and higher or low mobility of and air humidity in the work area
  • elevated levels of various electromagnetic radiations and poor lighting the work area
  • high level of noise and vibration
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 73

Types of lighting
  • 1 natural;
  • 2 artificial;
  • 3 artificial;
  • 1, 2 и 3;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 74

Artificial lighting is divided into:
  • working, security, local
  • emergency, security, general
  • operating, emergency, security, local
  • operating, emergency, security, general and local

Questão 75

What type of lighting is the most favorable to human health
  • Natural and artificial;
  • artificial;
  • natural;
  • combined;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 76

On a design of natural light is divided into the following types:
  • 1 side, carried out through the window openings, one-or two-way
  • 2 top, when light enters the room through the aeration or antiaircraft lights, holes in the roof and floors
  • 3 combined when lighting is added to the upper side
  • 1 и 2;
  • 1, 2 и 3 .

Questão 77

Measure of the luminous flux:
  • lm;
  • V
  • W
  • dB
  • all of the answers are wrong
  • lx

Questão 78

Measure of the light intensity:
  • lx
  • V
  • W
  • dB
  • All of the answers are wrong
  • lm

Questão 79

Normative documents on the coverage:
  • Building regulations SNIP RK 2.04-05-2002. Design standards. Natural and artificial lighting;
  • building regulations SNIP 5.08-05-1987 USSR. Design standards. Natural and artificial lighting
  • There is no specific regulatory document нет конкретного нормативного документа;
  • instruction on correct lighting design RK 5 December 2003
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 80

Formula of daylight factor:
  • е = Евн./Енар.·100 %
  • е = Евн./Енар.
  • е = Евн.·100 %./Енар
  • е = Евн.·24./Енар
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 81

Formula of normalized values of daylight factor:
  • eN = eH x mN;
  • eN = eH/mN;
  • eN = eH x 100%/mN;
  • eN = mN/eH;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 82

Microclimate of industrial premises include:
  • air temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • air velocity;
  • the intensity of thermal radiation;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 83

Physiological ability to regulate heat exchange between the organism and the environment, depending on weather conditions, keeping your body temperature at a constant level:
  • thermorezistention;
  • thermoregulation;
  • thermocouple;
  • termoskleyka;
  • all of the answers are correct

Questão 84

Under what conditions is a thermoregulatory mechanism operates of human without stress, there is thermal comfort, well-being and high availability?
  • In thermal equilibrium (at QB = Q0);
  • if Q0 more or less QB;
  • if the QB more or less than Q0;
  • 2 и 3;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 85

When there is an accumulation or excessive heat removal, and therefore - overheating or overcooling of the body?
  • 1 if the QB more or less than Q0
  • 2 In thermal equilibrium (at QB = Q0);
  • 3 if qк more than qп;
  • 1 and 3
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 86

The optimum temperature of air in the premises:
  • 10-20'C
  • 16-25'C
  • 13-28'C
  • 20-25'C
  • 15-30'C

Questão 87

Permissible temperature of air in the premises
  • 10-20'C
  • 16-25'C
  • 13-28'C
  • 20-25'C
  • 15-30'C

Questão 88

Types of humidity of air:
  • maximum, absolute, relative humidity and concentrated;
  • Absolute and relative;
  • maximum and absolute;
  • maximum, absolute and relative humidity;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 89

Relative humidity is (Вo):
  • the ratio of maximum to absolute humidity, in%;
  • the ratio of absolute to relative humidity, expressed in%;
  • the ratio of absolute humidity to the maximum, in%;
  • multiplication of absolute humidity to the maximum, in%;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 90

The actual amount of vapor in 1m3 of air (g/m3) and the partial vapor pressure (Pa) at a given temperature::
  • absolute humidity;
  • maximum humidity;
  • relative humidity;
  • 1 и 2;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 91

The maximum possible number vapors in 1m3 of air (g/m3) and the saturated vapor pressure (Pa) at a given temperature:
  • absolute humidity;
  • maximum humidity;
  • relative humidity;
  • 1 and 2
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 92

Optimum air velocity are:
  • 0,3-0,9 m/s;
  • 0,15-1,5 m/s;
  • 0,3-0,5 m/s;
  • 0,2-1,0 m/s;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 93

Permissible air velocity are:
  • 0,3-0,9 m/s;
  • 0,15-1,5 m/s;
  • 0,3-0,5 m/s;
  • 0,2-1,0 m/s;
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 94

How many categories are there by severity based on total energy expenditure of the body?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Questão 95

What types of air ventilation depend on methods and means for movement are there?
  • Natural, artificial (mechanical);
  • Just natural;
  • Natural, artificial (mechanical) and mixed;
  • just artificial (mechanical);
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 96

What types of the air ventilation depend on actions place are there?
  • general exchange, local and combined
  • natural, artificial (mechanical) and mixed
  • general exchange, local
  • natural, artificial
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 97

How does classify the natural ventilation?
  • as a direct and indirect;
  • the unorganized (infiltration) and organized (aeration);
  • at the local and general;
  • long and short;
  • the dense and loose.

Questão 98

Types of mechanical ventilation:
  • as a direct and indirect
  • natural, artificial
  • air intake and air extraction
  • air intake, air extraction and air intake- extraction
  • all of the answers are wrong

Questão 99

Any sound that can cause hearing loss or to be harmful to health or dangerous in other ways:
  • noise;
  • sound;
  • physiological noise;
  • physical noise;
  • wave.

Questão 100

Any adverse effects on human sound:
  • noise;
  • sound;
  • physical noise;
  • wave.
  • physiological noise;


Tricky words: Set one
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Present continuos tense
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Phrasel Verb (Prepositions IN, ON, UP and AT)
Dmitriy Lagutin
Phrasel Verb (Prepositions IN, ON, UP and AT)
Петр Казаков
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