TYPO3 CI 2018 5.2 und 5.3


TYPO3 CI 8.7 (5. Extensions) Quiz sobre TYPO3 CI 2018 5.2 und 5.3, criado por Ma Hi em 17-12-2018.
Ma Hi
Quiz por Ma Hi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ma Hi
Criado por Ma Hi quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

You have updated your TYPO3 version (or have had it updated), and now detect problems with an extension. How do you approach this problem? (2)
  • You update the extension.
  • You uninstall the extension and install it again in the same version.
  • You delete individual files in the typo3temp/ directory.
  • You select the faulty extension in the “Update Manager”.
  • You delete the key in the LocalConfiguration.php file.

Questão 2

Which sub-module in the Extension Manager allows you to update extensions that exist in your system? (2)
  • “Loaded extensions”.
  • “Installed extensions”.
  • “Import extensions”.
  • “Update extensions”.
  • “Check for extension updates”.
  • “Manage Extensions”.
  • “Get Extensions”.
  • Function “Update” in the “Manage Extensions” menu.

Questão 3

You have installed or updated an extension and now your TYPO3 installation no longer runs properly. What can you do in this situation? (2)
  • The current version of the extension may be faulty. You should therefore downgrade to a lower version.
  • You can use the “Database Analyzer” to check whether the database schema is correct.
  • The problem usually disappears if you log out of the backend and then log in again.
  • Manually delete all files from the typo3conf/ directory.
  • Uninstalling the extension and re-installing it again solves the problem.

Questão 4

You have installed or updated an extension and are now unable to access your TYPO3 installation. Instead, a PHP fatal error or an empty page is shown in the backend and frontend. What should you do? (2)
  • You use the Extension Manager to uninstall the extension.
  • You use the Install Tool to uninstall the extension.
  • You delete the extension key in the localconf.php file from the variable $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extList']
  • You delete the extension key in file LocalConfiguration.php.
  • You delete the extension key in file PackageStates.php.
  • You delete the typo3temp/Cache/ directory.
  • You delete the extension directory.

Questão 5

Your TYPO3 instance runs in “composer mode”. How can you update extensions? (1)
  • You can use the Extension Manager to download and install the new version of an extension.
  • You can use the command line and execute the following command: php typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 --upgrade-extension <extensionkey>
  • You can use the command line and execute the following command in the project folder: composer update
  • You have to use the Install Tool to update extensions, if the TYPO3 instance runs in “composer mode”.

Questão 6

You want to change the text output of an installed extension, because certain labels have an incorrect or missing translation, for example. How would you proceed? (1)
  • Only the author of the extension can change text outputs.
  • You can simply use TypoScript to overwrite certain texts.
  • Changes can only be made in the source code of the extension.
  • You can use a form in the “Labels” backend module to change labels.
  • Changes can be made using the Extension Manager.

Questão 7

You want to change the text [more] in extension tt_news for the English language output to much more. What is the correct TypoScript code? (1)
  • plugin.tt_news._LOCALLANG.default.more = much more
  • plugin.tt_news._LOCALLANG.more.en = much more
  • plugin.tt_news._LOCAL_LANG.more.default = much more
  • plugin.tt_news.LOCAL_LANG.de.more = much more
  • plugin.tt_news._LOCAL_LANG.default.more = much more
  • plugin.tt_news.LOCALLANG.default.more = much more
  • plugin.tt_news.LOCALLANG.more = much more

Questão 8

You have to know the name of a language label in order to change it in an extension. In which files can labels be stored? (3)
  • In the labels.php file.
  • In the locallang.php file.
  • In the locallang.xml file.
  • In the _local_lang.php file.
  • In the tca.php file.
  • In the language.xml file.
  • In the locallang.xlf file.

Questão 9

You need to change something in a PHP file of an extension. Which statements are correct? (2)
  • TYPO3 automatically detects modified extensions and highlights the extension in the Extension Manager.
  • Modifying extension files directly is not recommended and should be avoided.
  • The “Edit files” function in the Extension Manager can be used to modify files directly.
  • The “Edit files” function in the Install Tool can be used to modify files directly.
  • TYPO3 prevents backend users to edit or upload .php files in the Filelist module.


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