TYPO3 CI 2018 8.9 - 8.11


Programmierung Quiz sobre TYPO3 CI 2018 8.9 - 8.11, criado por Andreas Kirilow em 21-12-2018.
Andreas Kirilow
Quiz por Andreas Kirilow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Andreas Kirilow
Criado por Andreas Kirilow mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 |*| 2 |*| 3 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A1 1B1 1C1 2D2 3E3
  • 1A1 2B2 2C2 2D2 3E3
  • 1A 1B 1C 2D 3E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
  • 1A 2B 2C 2D 3E

Questão 2

Your website has only one page “A”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 |*| 2 |*| 3 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A
  • 2A
  • 3A
  • 1A 2A 3A
  • 3A 1A 2A

Questão 3

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 |*||*| 2 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A 2B 1C 2D 1E
  • 1A 1B 1C 1D 2E
  • 1A 2B 2C 2D 2E
  • 1A 2B 1C 2D 2E

Questão 4

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1 |*| 2||3 |*| 4 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A 2B 3C 2D 4E
  • 4A 2B 2C 3D 1E
  • 1A 2B 2C 3D 4E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 4E

Questão 5

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1||2 |*| 3 |*| 4 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A 2B 1C 3D 4E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 4E
  • 1A 2B 1C 2D 3E
  • 1A 2B 2C 3D 4E

Questão 6

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = 1||2 |*||*| 3 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A 2B 1C 1D 3E
  • 1A 2B 3C 1D 2E
  • 1A 2B 2C 2D 3E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
  • 2A 2B 2C 2D 3E

Questão 7

Your website has five pages “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”. What is the output of the following TypoScript code? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = HMENU page.10.1 = TMENU page.10.1.NO.linkWrap = |*||*| 1||2||3 page.10.1.NO.allWrap = | 
  • 1A 2B 3C 1D 2E
  • 1A 2B 3C 3D 3E
  • 1A 1B 1C 2D 3E
  • 1A 2B 1C 2D 3E

Questão 8

You change a setting in the TypoScript Object Browser. Where is this change entered? (2)
  • At the beginning of the TypoScript “setup” template.
  • At the end of the TypoScript “setup” template.
  • At the beginning of the TypoScript “constant” template.
  • At the end of the TypoScript “constant” template.
  • In the LocalConfiguration.php file.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

Questão 9

Your TypoScript code obviously contains a syntax error. How can you find it? (2)
  • The error is displayed in the TypoScript Object Browser (TSOB).
  • The error is displayed in the Admin Panel.
  • The error is displayed in the Template Analyzer.
  • The error is displayed in the frontend.

Questão 10

What is the precise effect of the following two lines of TypoScript code in the constants area? (2) # cat=mytext/ctext/a; type=color; label=text color mytextcolor = red
  • The first line is ignored because it is introduced with a comment character.
  • The mytextcolor constant is set to red.
  • A selection field for colors is created in the Constant Editor.
  • This code results in an error message.
  • This code has no effect.

Questão 11

You create a page with UID 76, an empty navigation title and the title “Test page”. What is the output created by the following script? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = Certification page.10.data = field:nav_title // field:uid // field:title
  • Certification
  • Certification76Test page
  • 76
  • Test page 76Test page

Questão 12

How can you use TypoScript to determine the name of the frontend user who is logged in? (1)
  • {field:name}
  • ${fe_user->name}
  • TSFE:fe_user|user|name
  • $TSFE->fe_user->user->name
  • getIndpEnv:name
  • TSFE[fe_user][user][name]
  • $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['name']

Questão 13

What is the output of the following TypoScript? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.value.data = DB:pages:11:title
  • There is no output.
  • The output is DB:pages:11:title.
  • The output is DB pages:11 title.
  • The output consists of the page title of the page with the UID 11.
  • The output consists of the table cell with UID 11 from the pages table.
  • This TypoScript does not create any output, but it saves the data record of the page with UID 11 in a register for use later on.

Questão 14

You want the page title of the current page to be output. What do you need to add to the script below? (1) page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.value = The page title of the current page is: {page:title} ??? }
  • 10.wrap = $|$
  • You do not need to add anything for the output to be right.
  • 10.dataWrap = {field:title}
  • 10.insertData = 1
  • 10.dataWrap = 1

Questão 15

What do you have to add to the script below so that the complete URL is output? (1) page = PAGE page { 10 = TEXT 10.data = ??? }
  • getIndpEnv:TYPO3_REQUEST_URL
  • {getIndpEnv:TYPO3_REQUEST_URL}

Questão 16

What code is required in place of the question marks in order to achieve the output of all important properties of the current page and the parent pages (such as UID, PID, title, etc.)? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10.value = TypoScript page.10.???
  • data = debug : rootLine
  • data = debug : -1
  • debugData = 1
  • data.debug = rootLine
  • debugData = rootline
  • data.debugData = 1

Questão 17

What do you have to enter in place of the question marks so that the page title of the current page is output? (1) page = PAGE page.10 = TEXT page.10 { dataWrap = DB:pages:{TSFE:id}:title ??? = <h1>Page title: &nbsp;{|}</h1> insertData = 1 }
  • data
  • wrap
  • innerWrap
  • wrap3
  • stdWrap


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