College 1: Georgiou Jack 2011:


Georgiou Jack 2011:
Burak Baharli
Quiz por Burak Baharli, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Burak Baharli
Criado por Burak Baharli aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Definitions of Measurement in CF
  • Measurement is the process of quantifying, in monetary terms, information about an entity’s assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses.
  • A measure is the result of measuring an asset, a liability, equity or an item of income or expense on a specified measurement basis.
  • A measurement basis is an identified feature of an item being measured (for example, historical cost, fair value or fulfilment value).
  • Applying a measurement basis to an asset or a liability creates a measure for that asset or liability and for any related income or expense.
  • using information derived from the transaction or event that created them
  • do not reflect changes in prices
  • do reflect changes such as the consumption or impairment

Questão 2

Give the definition historical cost?
  • using information derived from the transaction or event that created them
  • do not reflect changes in prices
  • do reflect changes such as the consumption or impairment
  • using information that is updated to reflect conditions at the measurement date
  • current values capture any positive or negative changes

Questão 3

Give the definition current value?
  • using information that is updated to reflect conditions at the measurement date
  • current values capture any positive or negative changes
  • in estimates of cash flows and other factors
  • value in use for assets and fulfilment value for iabilities

Questão 4

Current value measurement bases include?
  • fair value
  • value in use for assets and fulfilment value for liabilities
  • significant downward adjustment of Recoverable Amount
  • downward adjustment of Recoverable Amount

Questão 5

What is the difference in historical cost-based values vis-ávis fair value-based values with regards to financial reporting?
  • Boekwaarde neemt naarmate de tijde verstrekt af doormiddel van afschrijving of impairment.
  • Fair value wordt gemuteerd gebaseerd op de marktprijs die geldig is op de balansdatum. Fair value kan dalen of stijgen.
  • Fair value is betrouwbaarder dan historische kostprijs


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