Taleem ul Quran English Quiz week 154


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz por TQ English Quiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Criado por TQ English Quiz mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The staff of Musa was a miracle. He would throw it and it would turn into a snake. He threw it into the water and the sea split. He struck it on the rock in the dessert and springs gushed forth. He would touch sick they would recover.
  • True
  • False

Questão 2

Allah swt told him how to combat what the magicians had done.he was to use the miracle of the staff that he was to use to combat these magicians.
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

What is the root word and meaning of عَصَاهُ ?
  • ع ص ه - a staff that is thick and strong; generally used for the staff of a shepherd.
  • ع ض ه - a staff that is thick and strong; generally used for the staff of a shepherd.
  • ع ص و - a staff that is thick and strong; generally used for the staff of a shepherd.

Questão 4

What is the root word and meaning of تَنقِمُ ?
  • ن ق م - is to resent, dislike someone and as a result of that, take some action against them
  • ن ك م - is to resent, dislike someone and as a result of that, take some action against them
  • ن ك و - is to resent, dislike someone and as a result of that, take some action against them

Questão 5

What was the reaction of Magicians after seeing Musa AS miracle?
  • They realized that what Musa had was completely different and it must be from Allah swt. That is why they prostrated right away. They knew the limitations of magic and accepted the reality immediately.
  • They realized that what Musa had was completely different and it must be from Allah swt. That is why they didn’t prostrated right away. They knew the limitations of magic and accepted the reality immediately.
  • They realized that what Musa had was completely different and it must be from Allah swt. That is why they prostrated right away. They knew the Musa AS limitations of his magic and accepted the reality immediately.

Questão 6

Why did Allah SWT sent all the messenger?
  • Every messenger was sent to guide people to tawheed. They all said to worship Allah swt. The messenger also went with a mission to reform the practices of the people. whether it was in regards to dealing with others, business matters, belief, fulfilling desires..
  • Every messenger was sent to guide people to tawheed. They all said to worship Allah swt and them. The messenger also went with a mission to reform the practices of the people. whether it was in regards to dealing with others, business matters, belief, fulfilling desires..
  • Every messenger was sent to guide people to tawheed. They all said to worship Allah swt. The messenger also went with a mission to reform through only preaching of the people. whether it was in regards to dealing with others, business matters, belief, fulfilling desires..

Questão 7

Whom Firawn use to listen too?
  • Mala
  • Aala
  • Hala

Questão 8

What is the difference between Sihr and Sahara?
  • Sihr is magic and sahara is to affect
  • Sihr is magicians and sahara is to affected person
  • Sihr is vodu and sahara is to victim


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