PSY5 Forensic Ethics and Law


PHCY320 (Psychiatry) Quiz sobre PSY5 Forensic Ethics and Law, criado por Mer Scott em 13-10-2019.
Mer Scott
Quiz por Mer Scott, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mer Scott
Criado por Mer Scott quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

I'm pretty sure any questions about this will be common sense but let's have a refresher covering - What [blank_start]rights[blank_end] do / should persons with mental illness have? - In what circumstances should mentally ill persons be [blank_start]required[blank_end] to receive treatment? Code of Health and Disability Consumer Code of Rights: Relevant right - Right [blank_start]7[blank_end]: Right to make an informed [blank_start]choice[blank_end] and give informed consent. If the person is '[blank_start]competent[blank_end]' they have a right to refuse treatment. Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992: [blank_start]Application[blank_end] for assessment for Compulsory Treatment Order, followed by a physician [blank_start]assesment[blank_end], and a [blank_start]Court[blank_end] hearing: - Judge must decide if suffering “mental disorder*’ & - if compulsory treatment is ‘[blank_start]necessary[blank_end]’ Under Section [blank_start]4[blank_end]: Can’t invoke process by reason only of a person’s: (a) political, religious or cultural [blank_start]beliefs[blank_end]; (b) [blank_start]sexual[blank_end] preferences; (c) [blank_start]criminal[blank_end] or delinquent behaviour; (d) substance [blank_start]abuse[blank_end]; (e) intellectual [blank_start]disability[blank_end] *'Mental disorder’ means an [blank_start]abnormal state of mind[blank_end] of such a degree that it - (a) Poses a serious [blank_start]danger[blank_end] to the health or safety of that person or of [blank_start]others[blank_end]; or (b) Seriously diminishes the capacity of that person to take care of [blank_start]himself or herself[blank_end]. Compulsory ‘treatment’ for mental disorder may include: - Treatment to alleviate [blank_start]symptoms[blank_end] or prevent deterioration; - Diagnostic tests; - Nursing care & rehabilitation; - Surgery following [blank_start]self[blank_end]-harm/ingestion of objects; - Secure care; - Seclusion and restraint .. aided by [blank_start]police[blank_end] if needed
  • rights
  • required
  • 7
  • choice
  • competent
  • Application
  • assesment
  • court
  • necessary
  • 4
  • beliefs
  • sexual
  • criminal
  • abuse
  • disability
  • abnormal state of mind
  • danger
  • others
  • themselves
  • symptoms
  • self
  • police


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