Dissociative Disorders


Test I: 128, 130 Test II: none Test III: 33, 118 Test IV: none Test V: none Test VI: 92 Vignette 15
Eleanor garvey
Quiz por Eleanor garvey, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eleanor garvey
Criado por Eleanor garvey mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Test 1 Question 128. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states is most consistent with a diagnosis of
  • Dissociative amnesia
  • Depersonalization/derealization disorder
  • Dissociative fugue
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Dissociative identity disorder

Questão 2

130. A subjective sense that the environment is changed or unreal is:
  • Depersonalization
  • Derealization
  • Fugue
  • Amnesia
  • Anosognosia

Questão 3

Test 3 Question 33. Ending up in strange places with no recollection of how one got there, or finding objects in one’s possession that one doesn’t recall acquiring, is most characteristic of:
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis
  • Histrionic personality
  • Dissociation
  • Depression

Questão 4

test 3 question 118. Which one of the following causative etiologic factors is not believed to contribute to the genesis of dissociative identity disorder?
  • A traumatic life event
  • A vulnerability for the disorder
  • Environmental factors
  • Absence of external support
  • Prior viral infection or exposure

Questão 5

Test 6 Question 92. A 45-year-old woman is raped on an inner-city street late one night. She tells no one about the incident. The next day, her coworkers note that she is absent from work and a week later she is found 50 miles away in a nearby town mumbling incoherently to herself and wandering the streets. When taken to the local hospital emergency room she is initially unable to recall her name, her address, her birth date, or her telephone number. This presentation is most compatible with a diagnosis of:
  • Dissociative amnesia
  • Dissociative fugue
  • Dissociative identity disorder
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Acute stress disorder

Questão 6

Vignette 15 Question 1. Which of the following clinical features of this patient’s disorder are correct? (Pick two of six)
  • Clinical studies report female-to-male ratios of up to 10 to 1 in diagnosed cases
  • Fifteen percent of cases are associated with childhood trauma and maltreatment
  • Psychotherapies of choice include dynamic, cognitive, and hypnotherapy
  • Studies have shown a strong genetic component to the disorder
  • Inability to recall important personal information is not part of this disorder
  • About 10% of patients also meet criteria for somatization disorder

Questão 7

Vignette 15 Question 2. Which of the following would be expected to worsen the prognosis of this patient’s disorder?
  • Concomitant diabetes and hypertension
  • Concomitant eating disorder
  • Recommending clonazepam for anxiety symptoms
  • The patient forcing herself to maintain a high level of daily functioning despite having serious symptoms
  • Group therapy for patients with the same disorder only
  • Past traumatic brain injury from a motor vehicle accident

Questão 8

Vignette 15 Question 3. Which one of the following is not a recommended pharmacologic choice for this patient’s disorder?
  • Quetiapine
  • Fluoxetine
  • Divalproex sodium
  • Lithium carbonate
  • Zolpidem

Questão 9

Vignette 15 Question 4. Which of the following symptoms is not typically seen in this patient’s disorder?
  • Seizure-like episodes
  • Survivor guilt
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Asthma and breathing problems
  • Manic episodes

Questão 10

Vignette 15 Question 5. Which of the following would help you rule out a factitious or malingered disorder in this patient’s case? (Pick two of six)
  • Marked inconsistencies in her story and symptom presentation
  • The patient prevents you from speaking to collaterals
  • Marked dysphoria about her symptoms
  • A significant history of legal problems
  • Feeling confused and ashamed about her symptoms
  • A history of poor work performance by the patient


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