Taleem Quran English Quiz Week 170


Taleem Quran English By Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz por TQ English Quiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Criado por TQ English Quiz quase 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Intangible in the physical sense; to construct or build a place. ‘imara of a masjid would be to build it and beautify it. This also includes, Adorning the place and looking out for it, cleaning it. Also means that people are present for worship. It could be a beautiful masjid but if no one is there to pray there, then it is not populated.
  • True
  • False

Questão 2

Maskan is a place where you find sukoon. It literally means to become still after movement. It is such peace and contentment that Allah swt gives to a person when they are going through a lot of difficulty.
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

What is the root word and meaning of يَعۡمُرُواْ ?
  • ع م ر - is to fill something with life;
  • ع م ر - is to fill something with heart;

Questão 4

What is the root word and meaning of سِقَايَةَ ?
  • س ق ي - to give water to drink
  • س ق ي - to give food to eat

Questão 5

What is Khaseeya?
  • khaseeya is such fear based on knowledge and recognition of the great power of the other.
  • khaseeya is such brave based on knowledge and recognition of the great power of the other.

Questão 6

What are the most virtuous act in the sight of Allah?
  • The most virtuous act in the sight of Allah swt is iman, hijrah, and jihaad.
  • The most virtuous act in the sight of Allah swt is iman.

Questão 7

What is Walee and Wilayah?
  • Walee is who you have a close relationship with, whom you are allies with. The highest level of friendship is wilayah. They will support one another unconditionally.
  • Walee is who you have not close relationship with, whom you are allies with. The highest level of friendship is wilayah. They will support one another unconditionally.

Questão 8

Whay did muslim lost at the battle of Hunain?
  • The muslims had 12000 in their army for the conquest of makkah After the conquest, 2000 from makkah joined the muslim army to go to hunain. The tribes of hawazir And thaqeef only had 4000. But it did not avail you at all anything Your numbers could not avail you bc you couldn’t withstand the enemy. The muslims weren’t expecting the sudden attack as hunain was a valley. People started to flee from the battlefeild
  • The muslims had 14000 in their army for the conquest of makkah After the conquest, 4000 from makkah joined the muslim army to go to hunain. The tribes of hawazir And thaqeef only had 4000. But it did not avail you at all anything Your numbers could not avail you bc you couldn’t withstand the enemy. The muslims weren’t expecting the sudden attack as hunain was a valley. People started to flee from the battlefeild


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