chapter 21


Leadership test 2 Quiz sobre chapter 21, criado por Esmeralda Espitia em 26-02-2020.
Esmeralda Espitia
Quiz por Esmeralda Espitia, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Esmeralda Espitia
Criado por Esmeralda Espitia mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

1. The nurse manager schedules evaluations of staff members using a newly developed performance appraisal tool. The development of a performance appraisal tool should include:
  • a. organizational mission, philosophy, and position requirements.
  • b. a generalized overview of the duties of a position.
  • c. a skills checklist and accreditation requirements.
  • d. an ordinal scale that ranks all employees.

Questão 2

2. John, a new graduate, reviews the employee evaluation for his new position. The first section requires that he list his own specific objectives to be accomplished. This is an example of:
  • a. the traditional rating scale.
  • b. learning goals, or management by objectives.
  • c. a forced distribution scale.
  • d. a behavior-anchored rating scale.

Questão 3

3. John notes that the next section is specific to the organizational philosophy and has a 4-point ordinal scale that describes performance from “always meets expectations” to “does not meet expectations.” This type of evaluation is most commonly known as:
  • a. a behavior-anchored rating scale.
  • b. management by objectives/learning goals.
  • c. the forced distribution scale.
  • d. a graphic rating scale.

Questão 4

4. On your unit, despite efforts to build a strong sense of team, conflict between some of the staff is ongoing. Nonetheless, you want to proceed with developing a systematic and effective performance appraisal system. Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for you to implement?
  • a. Peer review
  • b. A combination of tools
  • c. Anecdotal notes
  • d. Rating scale

Questão 5

5. As part of orientation to your unit, you decide to administer Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) to new staff. The most likely reason for your decision is that the use of Kolb LSI:
  • a. reduces the cost of orientation.
  • b. determines if there is fit between learner and organizational values.
  • c. develops the strengths of the new staff member.
  • d. enables individualization of learning to the learner’s needs.

Questão 6

6. Which of the following might best conclude an interview?
  • a. “Thank you for your interest. Someone will be in touch with you soon.”
  • b. “Before you go, we will make sure that we have your contact information. Thank you for coming.”
  • c. “I will be in contact with all candidates by telephone by next Friday. It has been a pleasure to meet you.”
  • d. “We have several excellent candidates so I am not sure about the outcome of the interview, but I will let you know. Thank you for coming.”

Questão 7

7. In determining the fit of a candidate with the culture on your unit, which of the following interview questions might be asked?
  • a. “Could you review your résumé for us, highlighting your certifications and experience?”
  • b. “If we were to ask your references, what would they list as your strengths? Weaknesses?”
  • c. “We have a number of older adult patients on this unit. If you noticed another staff member addressing one of these patients impatiently, how would you respond?”
  • d. “Tell us about your work and academic experiences and qualifications.”

Questão 8

8. The biggest challenge in the recruitment of staff is:
  • a. finding well-qualified candidates who can function well within your particular work culture.
  • b. recruiting individuals with the appropriate qualifications and experience.
  • c. screening out candidates who are unable to function well within a team.
  • d. determining if candidates have had previous negative experiences in a work environment.

Questão 9

9. Anecdotal notes:
  • a. should be completed only when there are performance concerns.
  • b. can be used to support and justify fairness in termination discussions.
  • c. are unnecessary if the evaluation instrument is thorough.
  • d. need to be completed at the end of a performance period.

Questão 10

10. An outpatient clinic advertised for RN positions. Before authorizing an open position, the nurse manager should:
  • a. review the position description and performance expectations for the opening.
  • b. place an ad in the local newspaper and on the telephone job line.
  • c. review all current applications on file.
  • d. look for employees within the system who might best fill the position.

Questão 11

11. The turnover rate for RNs in the ICU is high. You discuss this situation with existing staff and you find out that because of the rapid turnover, new staff are frequently required to assume full responsibilities soon into the position and before training is completed. In considering approaches that will reduce turnover rates, the staff and you decide to implement:
  • a. an employee recognition program.
  • b. coaching for new staff.
  • c. a new performance appraisal system.
  • d. a committed orientation and training program.

Questão 12

12. The validity of comments and ratings related to performance is enhanced by:
  • a. maintenance of anecdotal notes over the entire evaluation period.
  • b. quantity of information gathered for appraisal purposes.
  • c. agreement of the employee with the ratings and comments.
  • d. whether or not other individuals have contributed to the observations.

Questão 13

13. A nurse manager in the ICU works with his staff to develop an appraisal instrument that includes quantitative data and respects standards for an RN working on that unit. This type of appraisal is a:
  • a. rating scale.
  • b. collaboratively based appraisal system.
  • c. narrative instrument.
  • d. behaviorally anchored rating scale.

Questão 14

14. You have hired a new RN to replace a well-respected and experienced nurse in your outpatient department. The new RN recently graduated and is nervous about stepping into a role that was previously filled by someone who was so competent. You recognize anxiety and set up regular, frequent meetings during which you explore how she is dealing with her anxiety, provide feedback, and discuss strategies/ideas that will enhance her performance. What development approach are you using?
  • a. Performance appraisal
  • b. Counseling
  • c. Empowerment
  • d. Coaching

Questão 15

15. Sue, a nurse manager, discusses her concerns about the hospital’s employee appraisal system with her work group, noting that it includes only one rating scale and that it means nothing unless the manager has effective relationship skills. Sue’s concerns reflect which best practices associated with performance appraisal?
  • a. Rating scales are too generalized to be considered valid or reliable.
  • b. The effectiveness of appraisal is enhanced by a combination of methods and effective communication skills.
  • c. BARS is considered superior to simple rating scales in terms of performance appraisal.
  • d. Rating scales need to be designed by users to be well accepted.

Questão 16

6. During a performance appraisal, Joanne, the nurse manager, indicates that Alysha has difficulty mentoring students on the unit. Alysha responds that this is not her responsibility. In responding to Alysha, Joanne needs to consider:
  • a. Alysha’s level of confidence.
  • b. whether mentoring is included in the position description.
  • c. whether mentoring is an essential component of the position description.
  • d. whether mentoring can be accurately observed and measured.

Questão 17

17. The final section of a performance appraisal is a rating scale. This scale is very detailed and relates to competency standards specific to surgical clients. The scale is a summary of performance directly observed or documentation reviewed and is specific to client care situations in which the employee has been involved. This type of evaluation is most commonly known as:
  • a. a traditional rating scale.
  • b. management by objectives/learning goals.
  • c. a forced distribution scale.
  • d. a behaviorally anchored rating scale.

Questão 18

18. John’s performance was satisfactory during the first month, but after that time, he was found to be very inconsistent in the provision of nursing care. One month before the end of the rating period, he cared for a very wealthy and influential client, who is best friends with the clinical manager. This client donated new furniture for the staff lounge in John’s name to show appreciation for his care. John’s subsequent performance appraisal resulted in outstanding ratings in all areas. This is an example of:
  • a. a performance rating based on justifiable evidence.
  • b. a bias related to recent events.
  • c. the impact of personality on the appraisal of performance.
  • d. the effective use of a behaviorally anchored rating scale.

Questão 19

19. As a manager, you are interested in developing behavioral questions for an interview. Knowing that there is team conflict at times on your unit, which of the following questions would satisfy your interest in behavioral questions?
  • a. “Tell me about a time you were involved in a conflict related to a project. What was your role in the conflict? In the resolution of the conflict?”
  • b. “If you were to employ one strategy for managing conflict, what would it be?”
  • c. “What is your preferred style of conflict resolution?”
  • d. “How effective are you in working in a group? In dealing with conflict?”

Questão 20

20. Which of the following strategies might be effective in empowering staff?
  • a. Communication book in which new information on policies and processes is communicated and mistakes are highlighted.
  • b. Monthly staff meetings during which a portion of the agenda is devoted to sharing ideas and presentations on best practices for implementation on the unit.
  • c. Once-yearly summative evaluations based on what the manager best likes about the individual.
  • d. Focus on discussion of errors in care with direction as to how errors are to be prevented in the future.

Questão 21

21. The chief nursing officer establishes a shared governance model to help empower the nursing staff, thus empowering the organization. Common characteristics of empowered organizations are:
  • a. shared values, high salaries, and a human focus.
  • b. shared values, flexibility, and a human-capital focus.
  • c. commitment to communication, high salaries, and flexibility for evaluations.
  • d. creation of community and of effective stress management in the midst of divergent goals.

Questão 22

22. Joanne, a new nurse manager, writes certain assumptions regarding the organization’s objectives into her budget. Her supervisor tells her that the objectives implied in her assumptions are not entirely consistent with the organization, and that she needs to clarify these objectives with her supervisor. Joanne apologizes and says she had more latitude with the budget where she previously worked. This is an example of
  • a. role complexity.
  • b. role ambiguity.
  • c. role conflict.
  • d. time-dependent roles.

Questão 23

23. A survey of staff satisfaction is conducted. The survey indicates that staff members are satisfied, are loyal to the organization, and feel that they have reasonable control in their individual responsibilities. The findings best exemplify:
  • a. clarity in roles and valuing of contributions.
  • b. satisfaction but not empowerment.
  • c. effective coaching of new staff.
  • d. role attachment.

Questão 24

24. You have hired Chelsea as a new staff member on your unit. Although she is an experienced ICU nurse, this is her first educator role. A month into her new position, she confides that she feels really incompetent in her new position and bursts into tears. Your response is based on application of your understanding of:
  • a. role acquisition.
  • b. role conflict.
  • c. role complexity.
  • d. performance appraisal.

Questão 25

1. During the performance appraisal session, the manager should: (Select all that apply.)
  • a. maintain a relaxed and professional manner.
  • b. inquire about the employee’s personal life and how it is affecting performance.
  • c. allow the employee to express opinions orally and in writing.
  • d. plan to give specific examples only for poor performance.


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