
Quiz sobre INGLÉS 2. SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE, criado por Mimi Hdz em 05-03-2020.
Mimi Hdz
Quiz por Mimi Hdz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mimi Hdz
Criado por Mimi Hdz mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Choose the correct word to complete the conversation. A: Hi! What´s [blank_start]your[blank_end] name? B: [blank_start]My[blank_end] name is Paula Miller. A: It´s nice to meet you, Paula. B: Nice to meet you, too. A: I´m sorry. What´s your last name again? B: It´s [blank_start]Miller[blank_end].
  • her
  • his
  • your
  • Mine
  • Me
  • My
  • Pau
  • Miller
  • Paula

Questão 2

Complete the text. Hi! My name is Mark and I am going to tell you about my daily routine. I usually [blank_start]wake up[blank_end] at seven o’clock, except on Sundays when I [blank_start]like[blank_end] to sleep in. The first thing I do after getting up is have a shower. After my shower I [blank_start]get dressed[blank_end] and have breakfast. I normally have milk and cereal with a cup of coffee. When I have finished [blank_start]breakfast[blank_end], I always clean my teeth. Most days, I leave the house at 7.45 and [blank_start]walk[blank_end] to the subway station, which is two minutes from my flat. I usually take the subway because it’s quicker, but sometimes I catch the bus. From nine to five I [blank_start]work[blank_end] in an office. If I’m busy, I have a sandwich at my desk for lunch, otherwise I [blank_start]go[blank_end] to the nearby coffee shop with a colleague. After sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the day, I need to get some [blank_start]exercise[blank_end], so after work I always go the gym. In the evening I like to relax by [blank_start]listening[blank_end] to some music with a glass of wine. I rarely go out during the week, but on Saturdays I often go to the movies with my girlfriend. I usually go to bed at 10.30, but if I’m tired, I go to bed earlier. One thing I never do is [blank_start]drink[blank_end] coffee in the evening. It stops me from sleeping!
  • wake up
  • get up
  • like
  • love
  • get dressed
  • comb my hair
  • breakfast
  • shower
  • walk
  • dance
  • work
  • study
  • go
  • run
  • exercise
  • read a book
  • listening
  • sing
  • drink
  • take

Questão 3

Write the correct time! a) 7:30 It´s [blank_start]half past[blank_end] seven. b) 5: 45 It´s [blank_start]quarter to[blank_end] six. c) 3:10 It´s [blank_start]ten past[blank_end] three. d) 2:15 It´s quarter [blank_start]past[blank_end] two e) 1:28 It´s twenty eight past [blank_start]one[blank_end]
  • half past
  • half to
  • quarter to
  • quarter past
  • ten past
  • ten to
  • past
  • to
  • one
  • two

Questão 4

An amusing TV series about fictional characters. Also know as a situation comedy.
  • Serie
  • Sitcom
  • Comedy

Questão 5

A programme that features animated characters.
  • Anime
  • Cartoon
  • Animated

Questão 6

A show that reports world events as they unfold.
  • Documentary
  • Reality TV
  • News

Questão 7

Change the verb into the correct form. 1. I usually [blank_start]go[blank_end] to school. 2. You [blank_start]play[blank_end] basketball once a week. 3. Tom [blank_start]works[blank_end] every day. 4. Franco Escamilla always [blank_start]tells[blank_end] us funny stories. 5. Luz and Mike [blank_start]work[blank_end] hard.
  • goes
  • go
  • going
  • plays
  • play
  • plaies
  • workes
  • work
  • works
  • tells
  • tell
  • told
  • work
  • works
  • working

Questão 8

Choose the correct negative auxiliar. 1. I [blank_start]don't[blank_end] ride horses. 2. Mario [blank_start]doesn't[blank_end] dance salsa. 3. Rosa and Luis [blank_start]don't[blank_end] drink soda. 4. Lucas [blank_start]doesn't[blank_end] run fast. 5. You [blank_start]don't[blank_end] read a book.
  • doesn't
  • don't
  • doesn't
  • don't
  • don't
  • doesn't
  • doesn't
  • don't
  • don't
  • doesn't

Questão 9

Choose the synonyms of: angry.
  • Mad
  • Grumpy
  • Happy

Questão 10

What is the opposite angry?
  • Mad
  • Calm
  • Fine

Questão 11

Complete the text. Hank [blank_start]is[blank_end] a cowboy. He [blank_start]lives[blank_end] on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank [blank_start]loves[blank_end] Ginger. He [blank_start]rides[blank_end] Ginger every day. Sometimes they [blank_start]walk[blank_end] slowly, and sometimes they [blank_start]run[blank_end] fast. They always [blank_start]have[blank_end] a good time. Ginger is Hank's horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old. She lives in the stable by the house. Ginger [blank_start]waits[blank_end] for Hank every morning. She [blank_start]enjoys[blank_end] their time together. Often, Hank [blank_start]gives[blank_end] her apples. After long rides, Hank always [blank_start]washes[blank_end] and [blank_start]brushes[blank_end] Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives her food and fresh water. Ginger loves hank.
  • is
  • am
  • are
  • lives
  • live
  • loves
  • love
  • rides
  • ride
  • walk
  • walks
  • run
  • runs
  • have
  • has
  • waits
  • wait
  • enjoys
  • enjoy
  • enjoies
  • gives
  • give
  • washes
  • wash
  • brushes
  • brush
  • had


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