pre-test gts 133 by SIIT # 23 Conclusion


Questions might take some typos so you might need to read and do it carefully .
Quiz por SE ENIGMA, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por SE ENIGMA aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Which is NOT a natural capital?
  • a. Rubber
  • b. Magnesium Cycle
  • c. Sustainability
  • d. Photosynthesis
  • e. Electricity

Questão 2

Which is TRUE?
  • a. Ecological deficit happens when ecological footprint is less than biological capacity for resource renewal.
  • b. Non-point source is a pollutant that is rarely to be happened and difficult to identify the source.
  • c. The market price of car doesn’t include the environmental costs.
  • d. Solar energy, air, and water are perpetual resources.
  • e. Population is a group of different species but community is a group of same species.

Questão 3

What is the meaning of “Sustainable Yield”?
  • a. The maximum amount for consuming natural resources while maintaining supply.
  • b. The minimum amount for consuming natural resources while maintaining supply.
  • c. The maximum amount for maintaining natural resources while consuming supply.
  • d. The minimum amount for maintaining natural resources while consuming supply.
  • e. None of Above

Questão 4

Country X is located at somewhere in Pacific Ocean. Its area is 7000 square kilometers. Population rate is 700 persons/square kilometers. Each person consumes 20 kilograms of resources/day. Technology impact is 100. What is the environmental impact of this country per day?
  • a. 9.5 billion
  • b. 9.6 billion
  • c. 9.7 billion
  • d. 9.8 billion
  • e. 9.9 billion

Questão 5

Which source of pollution is the most harmful for the environment and human?
  • a. Urban Area
  • b. Nature
  • c. Agriculture
  • d. Industry
  • e. Mine

Questão 6

Which is true?
  • a. The sun sends the one-way energy to the earth.
  • b. Ecosystem is a system for only the biotic.
  • c. Infiltration and percolation have the similar meaning that water precipitates to the lithosphere.
  • d. Nitrification is the process that changes ammonia in the dead to ammonium ion.
  • e. Guano is excrement from mammals.

Questão 7

If energy of trees produced by using sunlight is 100, what is energy that human will obtain if human is tertiary consumer?
  • a. 1.00000
  • b. 0.10000
  • c. 0.00100
  • d. 0.00010
  • e. 0.00001

Questão 8

What is the process of hydrologic cycle that is against to the gravity and about 90 percent of it comes from land thru atmosphere ?
  • a. Condensation
  • b. Evaporation
  • c. Transpiration
  • d. Infiltration
  • e. Precipitation

Questão 9

Which is false?
  • a. The examples of nitrogen cycle in biosphere are protein, DNA, and urea.
  • b. Bleach is the example of phosphorus cycle from a household.
  • c. Aquifer comes from percolation and infiltration.
  • d. Fossil fuel is produced by compacting carbon dioxide in the soil.
  • e. Phosphorus cycle does not have cycle in the atmosphere.

Questão 10

Which is the process that can decrease and increase carbon in the atmosphere at the different time?
  • a. Sedimentation
  • b. Respiration
  • c. Diffusion
  • d. Photosynthesis
  • e. Compaction

Questão 11

Which is false?
  • a. Both lion and tiger are foundation species that help ecosystem to limit an amount of organisms.
  • b. Living things that have adaptive traits could have more opportunity to survive and reproduce.
  • c. Geographic isolation is an isolation of living things that happened from tectonic plate movement.
  • d. Endemic species is a species that is vulnerable and difficult to survive.
  • e. Ecological niche is roles of organisms that help to conserve ecosystem.

Questão 12

How many choice(s) is (are) correct? i. If the organisms want to find new habitats that means they needs to evolution. ii. The organisms that have more variability can have more opportunity to migrate and evolve. iii. Local extinction is a type of extinction that organisms are abruptly extinct due to catastrophe. iv. Non-native species is a species that is import from other countries.
  • a. 0
  • b. 1
  • c. 2
  • d. 3
  • e. 4

Questão 13

Which choice is match correctly?
  • a. Foundation Species – Tolerate
  • b. Indicator Species – Warning
  • c. Specialist Species – Limit
  • d. Keystone Species – Export
  • e. Non-Native Species – Import

Questão 14

All are causes of isolations except…?
  • a. Mutation
  • b. Natural Selection
  • c. Adaptive Traits
  • d. Catastrophe
  • e. Evolution

Questão 15

What is a type of extinction that is the most harmful and takes very long period of time to recover?
  • a. Biological Extinction
  • b. Local Extinction
  • c. Background Extinction
  • d. Mass Extinction
  • e. Endemic Extinction

Questão 16

What is the best description for interspecific competition and what is the way that can resolve this kind of problem which happen by these competition ?
  • a. Attempt by organisms of a single species to use limited resources in ecosystem. These can resolve by migration and population drop .
  • b. Attempt by organisms of two or more species to use limited resources in ecosystem. Shift in feeding habit or behavior can resolved .
  • c. Attempt by organisms of a single species to use unlimited resources in ecosystem. There are several way to resolve there problem.
  • d. Attempt by organisms to two or more species use limited resources in ecosystem. There are several way to resolve there problem.
  • e. None of the above .

Questão 17

What is not related to each other ?
  • a. Predators gain benefit from Preys – both can evolve to encounter the advantageous traits (Characteristic passed on from parents to offspring during reproduction in an animal or plant) the other has developed ,for example , Bat and moths.
  • b. Commensalism is beneficial interaction ,e.g., epiphytes (oil plant) has its root attach to another tree.
  • c. Mutualism means both species benefit :there are pollination , nutritional mutualism and protection , such as, oxpeckers and black rhinoceros.
  • d. Parasitism-Host , parasite rarely kill the host.
  • e. All is related to each other.

Questão 18

Which is not Predator strategies ?
  • a. Pursuit and ambush
  • b. evasion
  • c. camouflage
  • d. mimicry
  • e. none of the above

Questão 19

"Once upon a time, in the deepest of the forest named "Cuff Forest", there was colony of two kinds of mammal: liger and lion. They had a ... for a long time since they were born. One day, a donkey walked alone into here. Lion and liger had competed in order to own the donkey. When the donkey saw them, it rapidly ran and hid beside a big tree. After that, liger and lion competed to find it but could not find. Therefore they died since they did not eat anything for about 1 week." Fill in the bank and answer the question that the donkey and the big tree have what type of species interaction?And What is the type of population distribution which usually occur in nature ?
  • a. Parasitism, Commensalism, clump dispersion
  • b. Commensalism, Mutualism, uniform distribution
  • c. Competition, Commensalism , clump distribution
  • d. Competition, Mutualism, non-uniform distribution
  • e. Predation, Competition ,random distribution.

Questão 20

How many incorrect answer(s) ? a. Carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a given species that can be sustain in definitely in a given space = carrying capacity (k) b. Exponential growth or R- selected species – J shape curve which occur when intrinsic rate of increase is available . Logistic growth or K- selected species - S shape curve which means that reproducing is slow as a sequence of more competition and limited resources . c. Biotic potential is idealized capacity for growth. d. Moderate disturbance in Ecological succession term have greatest species diversity. e. In stages of population sizes , Preindustrial do not need compensation for high mortality rate . f. Exponential growth curve can be changed to logistic growth curve when it has dieback. g. Human is an example of R-selected species. h. After a volcano has erupted, grass will grow from solid magma. This is called a tertiary succession. i. Bacteria in horse's stomach and horses are an example of mutualism. j. Penguins' population distribution is a random distribution.
  • a.1
  • b.2
  • c.3
  • d.4
  • e.5

Questão 21

What are major factors which create the different in each individual biome and climate ?
  • a. Latitude
  • b. elevation
  • c. temperature
  • d. precipitation
  • e. all of the above

Questão 22

What type of biomes which occur in 30 degree latitude?
  • a. Temperate forest
  • b. Tropical grassland
  • c. Evergreen. Coniferous forest
  • d. Desert
  • e. Tropical deciduous forest

Questão 23

Which is incorrect ?
  • a. Factors which use to determine types and numbers of aquatic organism : Temperature , access to sunlight , dissolved oxygen , food availability and nutrient .
  • b. Benthos is a type of aquatic life
  • c. Coastal wetlands and estuaries are not one of the earth’s most productive zone.
  • d. Eutrophic is rich nutrient from sediment and decomposer plants.
  • e. Watersheds is divided into three zones : Source , Transition and Floodplain .

Questão 24

What is not major human impacts on terrestrial ecosystem ?
  • a. agriculture
  • b. soil salinization
  • c. pollution of forest stream
  • d. run-off water
  • e. none of the above

Questão 25

Which choice is not correct ?
  • a. Littoral has high biological diversity when compare with Limnetic and the rest of freshwater types .
  • b. Evergreen coniferous forest has long summer and short winter.
  • c. Savanna ,prairie and tundra are the best example of tropical , temperate and cold grasslands, respectively .
  • d. Dormant during dry period in the desert is a survival strategies.
  • e. Water temperature drop rapidly between the euphotic and abyssal zone , which called thermocline.

Questão 26

What is concerned-issues for water-shortage ?
  • a. Waterborne disease
  • b. Contaminated water resources
  • c. Over-consumption
  • d. Withdraw underground water
  • e. All is water concerned issues .

Questão 27

What is true about water quality ?
  • a. If DO is high and BOD is high , they can determine that water quality is good.
  • b. If DO is low and BOD is high , they can determine that water quality is not good.
  • c. If DO is high and BOD is low , they can determine that water quality is not good.
  • d. If DO is low and BOD is low , they can determine that water quality is not good.
  • e. If DO is high and BOD is low , they can determine that water quality is good.

Questão 28

How can we solve waste-water problem with unreasonable strategies ?
  • a. Do not use water over-sustainable yield.
  • b. Conserve water for future over-consumption only and removing salt from seawater for major consumption .
  • c. Manage water usage to highest efficiency.
  • d. Increase water price.
  • e. Figure out the point and non-point sources of waste water to better water usage.

Questão 29

Which choice order correctly about natural recovery process which caused by point source pollution ?
  • a. Decomposer zone. ->Septic zone -> Recovery zone
  • b. Septic zone. -> Recovery zone -> Decomposer zone
  • c. Recovery zone-> Decomposer zone ->Septic zone
  • d. Decomposer zone. ->Recovery zone -> Decomposer zone
  • e. No possible answer

Questão 30

Which choice is not correct ?
  • a. Primary sewage treatment plant is physical process.
  • b. Domestic wastewater use primary sewage treatment plant and secondary sewage treatment plant .
  • c. Secondary sewage treatment plant is physical-biological process .
  • d. Tertiary sewage treatment plant is advanced treatment for leftover nutrient removing
  • e. Chlorination is the process which blenching and disinfection .


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