The Three questions


This graphic organizer is based on the lesson 'The Three Questions
Eugin Leen
Quiz por Eugin Leen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eugin Leen
Criado por Eugin Leen mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Drag the right phrase and drop into the relevant bubble. The order of answer/response is marked as per the order of points in the textbook. The bubbles are numbered and hence the order of answer should be maintained.For example if you drop the question no.2 in the bubble marked for Q. No. 3 , it will be marked wrong.
  • What is the right time to begin sth?
  • Which people should he listen to?
  • What is the most imp thing to do ?
  • Prepare a timetable
  • Do whatevers necessary at that time
  • Have a council of wise men
  • Go to a magician
  • Councillors
  • Priests
  • Doctors
  • Soldiers
  • Science
  • Fighting
  • Religious worship
  • Timely help to hermit & wounded man
  • Cared for the hermit & the wounded man
  • Helped the enemy and made peace with him
  • The most imp time to begin sth is 'Now'
  • imp pple are one with U at the moment
  • Imp thing to do is doing good to others


Princípios de Direito Processual do Trabalho
Anderson Lopes
Principais temas para estudar Português
Francine Matos
Modelos Atômicos
Caio Carboni
O Segredo para uma Memória Ativa
Alice Sousa
Direito Constitucional e Administrativo
Maria José
Morfologia - Português
Naima Miranda
Resumo para o exame nacional - Fernando Pessoa Ortónimo, Alberto Caeiro , Ricardo Reis e Álvaro Campos
Informática Para Concursos - Conceitos Iniciais (Part. 1)
Licitação Pública - noções introdutórias
Lavs Agah
Plano de estudos ENEM 2017 - Matérias que mais caem
Nathalia - GoConqr