Exam # 1


Questions to EXAM #1 for HRT 3016
Demi LeBlanc
Quiz por Demi LeBlanc, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Demi LeBlanc
Criado por Demi LeBlanc mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What is the resolution of a dispute without a trial?
  • Pleading
  • Discovery
  • Settlement
  • Motion

Questão 2

Laws consists of rules enforceable in court that require people to meet certain standards of conduct
  • True
  • False

Questão 3

In a criminal case, who pays for the plaintiff's attorney?
  • The victim of the crime
  • The police
  • The government
  • The defendant

Questão 4

A motion is:
  • A juror's request to deliver his or her theory of the case to the judge
  • A request to a judge for relief that is made while the lawsuit is ongoing
  • A request for relief break to use the restroom while court is in session
  • The walkway the judge uses from his or her office to the courtroom

Questão 5

One of the influences on hospitality law was the poor reputation attributed to innkeepers in fourteenth and fifteenth century England
  • True
  • False

Questão 6

Which of the following is not a penalty for committing crime?
  • Jail
  • Punitive damages
  • Fine
  • Community Service

Questão 7

Common Law can be modified by statute.
  • True
  • False

Questão 8

The law that legislatures make is:
  • Constitutional
  • Statute
  • Case Law
  • Administrative Law

Questão 9

Compensation for an injury case is the objective of a criminal case
  • True
  • False

Questão 10

The actions of hospitality managers can influence the possibility of a business or the manager becoming the subject of litigation.
  • True
  • False

Questão 11

Punitive damages are awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for a loss caused by the defendant
  • True
  • False

Questão 12

Based on stare decisis, a judge will decide a case by reviewing prior:
  • Statutes
  • Case decision
  • Ordinances
  • Legislators

Questão 13

The federal government includes the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
  • True
  • False

Questão 14

Laws adopted by administrative angry are called?
  • Statutes
  • Ordinances
  • Regulations
  • Constitutions

Questão 15

Rebecca was attacked at gunpoint while walking home from work late one night. Her pocketbook was stolen and her arm broken. She wants compensation for the money that was stolen and her medical bills. True or False: To secure compensation, she should pursue a criminal case.
  • True
  • False

Questão 16

A case titled Boris Napow v. Jerry Cribo is a civil case?
  • True
  • False

Questão 17

The process by which the federal government adopts laws is called
  • Precedents
  • Constitutional Law
  • Legislative Process
  • Delegated Powers

Questão 18

Which of the following is not a tort?
  • Negligence
  • Trademark Infringement
  • Breach of contract
  • Fraud

Questão 19

The people who govern administrative agencies are elected into office
  • True
  • False

Questão 20

A judge can never deviate from precedents
  • True
  • False

Questão 21

The consequence for a defendant failing to respond to a complaint is a default judgement
  • True
  • False

Questão 22

Which of the following is not a pleading?
  • Summons
  • Complaint
  • Answer
  • Reply

Questão 23

In a particular case, the plaintiff is from Chicago, Illinois and the defendant is from Tucson, Arizona. The amount of the claim is 43,000. True or False: Federal courts will have jurisdiction of this claim.
  • True
  • False

Questão 24

Which of the following best describes a claim?
  • The first document issued by the plaintiff in a lawsuit
  • A demand for a remedy to compensate for a perceived wrong
  • The first phase of a trial
  • The basis on which a judge decides a case

Questão 25

Which of the following is not an alternative dispute resolution mechanism?
  • Arbitration
  • Summary Trial
  • Bench Trial
  • Mediation

Questão 26

Who presents a rebuttal case?
  • Plaintiff
  • Defendant
  • The judge
  • The jury

Questão 27

The plaintiff presents its case-in0chief before the defendant presents its case-in-chief
  • True
  • False

Questão 28

In every lawsuit the plaintiff must prove three things. Which of the following is not one of them?
  • Defendant violated the law
  • Defendant was negligent
  • Plaintiff suffered an injury
  • The cause of the plaintiff;s injury was defendant's violation of the law

Questão 29

The lawyer for a losing party can attack a verdict by all but which of the following procedures?
  • Seek a judgement notwithstanding the verdict
  • Seek further discovery
  • Ask for a new trial on the grounds of improper charge
  • Ask for a reduction of the damage because the amount awarded was unreasonable

Questão 30

Most cases end up in trial.
  • True
  • False

Questão 31

In the case citation 786 P.2d 435 (1987), what does the number 435 indicate?
  • The page on which the case is located
  • The volume number in which the case is located
  • The set of books in which the case is located
  • The number of a statute that was cited in the case

Questão 32

The diner sued a restaurant, claiming the food was rancid and made her sick. The restaurant intends to deny these claims and seek payment from the diner for the cost of the meal, which the diner refused to pay. The document in which the reorient would assert this claim is?
  • The answer
  • The complaint
  • The summons
  • The bill of particulars

Questão 33

The defendant is the person who initiates the lawsuit.
  • True
  • False

Questão 34

Which is the correct chronological order for the segments of a trial?
  • Opening statement, cases in full judge's charge, rebuttal
  • Opening statement, rebuttal, cases in full, judge's charge
  • Opening statement, cases in full, rebuttal, judge's charge
  • Judge's charge, open statement, cases in full, rebuttal

Questão 35

A jurisdiction of a court is determined by which of the following?
  • The legislature
  • The judge
  • The lawyer for the plaintiff
  • The lawyer for the defendant

Questão 36

A defendant made a successful motion to have a case dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction. True or False: The plaintiff can restart the case in a court that does have jurisdiction.
  • True
  • False

Questão 37

Which of the following is not included in a complaint?
  • A statement showing the jurisdiction of the court
  • Details about why the plaintiff is suing the defendant
  • A request for discovery
  • A claim for relief

Questão 38

The Supreme Court of a state has the authority to hear every kind of case
  • True
  • False

Questão 39

Both the lawyers and the judge can ask questions during the voir dire; the lawyers present the summations; the judge charges the jury
  • True
  • False

Questão 40

The voir dire is a presentation to the jury outlining the proof the lawyer expects to present during the trial
  • True
  • False

Questão 41

Jan made reservations at a hotel for three nights and paid the deposit of one night's charge. Due to family illness, she was forced to cancel the reservations. The hotel was able to rent the room to someone else. True or False: The hotel is entailed to retain Jan's deposit due to breach of her contract.
  • True
  • False

Questão 42

A breach of contract is a crime
  • True
  • False

Questão 43

Which of the following is not true about the statute of frauds?
  • Initials on a writing are sufficient in lieu of a signature
  • Two pieces of paper can be used together to make of the necessary writing
  • The required signature is that of the plaintiff in a lawsuit
  • A note or memorandum may be sufficient to satisfy the writing requirement

Questão 44

Pain and suffering is recoverable in a breach of contract lawsuit
  • True
  • False

Questão 45

The following is an offer: "We have chicken, fish and meat entrees"
  • True
  • False

Questão 46

Andrea has reservations at a hotel, but because it overbooked she was forced to stay elsewhere. The only hotel in town with vacancies was more expensive. Rather that return home, Andrea took the room in that hotel For which of the following is the first hotel liable to reimburse Andrea?
  • Mental anguish suffered by Andrea
  • The amount Andrea had to pay at the second hotel in excess of the cost of the room at the first hotel
  • The full hotel bill paid by Andrea at the second hotel
  • None of the Above; the hotel does not have any liability in this situation.

Questão 47

Which of the following is not an essential element of a contract?
  • Contractual capacity
  • Concideration
  • A writing
  • Legality

Questão 48

For a plaintiff to collect money in a breach of contract case, the plaintiff must prove that it attempted to mitigate the loss.
  • True
  • False

Questão 49

Which of the following involved an intention to mislead?
  • Fraud
  • Innocent misrepresentation
  • Mistake
  • Breach of contract

Questão 50

The Namberry Hotel had a minimum two-nights stay during the summer weekends. This arrangement was announced in all its advertisements and explained to all who inquired about reservations. Sam made a two-bight reservation and paid in advance. After spending one night in the hotel, he decided to leave. True or False: Sam is entailed to a return of his advance payment for the second night.
  • True
  • False

Questão 51

A hotel is remodeling its lobby. The manager negotiated a contract for the work with a construction company and was about to sign it. The hotel manager then decided that installation of four additional wall plugs, not referenced in the contract, were needed. The manager thereafter signed the contract, which did not make reference to the additional plugs. True of False: The hotel manager can enforce the company's promise to install the four extra plugs.
  • True
  • False

Questão 52

If one party to a contract mad a unilateral mistake, the contract is voidable.
  • True
  • False

Questão 53

Which of the following is not covered by the statute of frauds?
  • The hotel hires the services of a gardener
  • A restaurant hires a banquet manager on a three-year contract.
  • A hotel contracts for the purchase of a two-acre parcel of property on which the hotel plans to expand.
  • The parents of a bride promise a hotel they will pay for the bridal suite if the bride and the groom fail to pay.

Questão 54

A void contract is unenforceable in court.
  • True
  • False

Questão 55

A oral contract made by a restaurant for the purchase of a freezer for $1,100 is enforceable in court.
  • True
  • False

Questão 56

After an offer is made, a contract results wether the offer accepts of rejects.
  • True
  • False

Questão 57

Which of the following is not a contract
  • A restaurant purchases a month's supply of condiments from a supplier and pays the agreed price
  • A hotel delivers news papers to its guests' rooms at no charge
  • A snow plowers agrees to plow a restaurant's parking lot in exchange for free meals.
  • A hotel hires a banquet manager at a agreed salary

Questão 58

A contract mad by a person who lacks contractual capacity is void
  • True
  • False

Questão 59

Matt contrated to purchase a compater at age 16. Until when can he disaffirm the contract?
  • He cannot cancel at anytime
  • He can disaffirm the contract until his 18th birthday
  • He can avoid the contract while he is under 28 and for a reasonable period of time after he reaches 18
  • He can avoid the contract anytime until he reaches 21

Questão 60

What is the effect of a counteroffer
  • No contact results unless the counteroffer is accepted
  • The counteroffer creates a contract
  • A contract results, but is voidable at the option of the offeror
  • A contract results, but is voidable at the option of the offer

Questão 61

A restaurants duty to licensees requires that it inspect the premises for unsafe conditions and then correct those conditions
  • True
  • False

Questão 62

Which of the following is not one of the elects a plaintiff in a negligence case must prove?
  • The existence of a duty owed by the defendant to the plaintiff
  • A breach of duty to act reasonably
  • The financial circumstances of the defendant
  • An injury suffered by the plaintiff

Questão 63

A restaurant patron was injured when she fell on icy steps. The steps did not have a railing. Had a railing been present, the patron could have stopped her fall. The local laws applicable to buildings mandated that all steps have railings on both sides. Which of the following will apply in this case?
  • Negligence per se doctrine
  • Res ipsa loquitur
  • Contributory negligence
  • Attractive nuisance

Questão 64

An employer is liable for the negligent acts of its employees
  • True
  • False

Questão 65

Which of the following is not true concerning young people?
  • A young child who is negligent will not be liable for any injuries caused thereby
  • The standard of care owed to young guests by a hotel that accepts children as guests is impacted by their inexperience and impulsive nature
  • Because parents are required to care for children, the duty of care owed to children is the same as that of adults.
  • The doctrine of attractive nuisance applies to children

Questão 66

Proximate cause is a direct and foreseeable connection between the duty owed and the breach of that duty.
  • True
  • False

Questão 67

The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur creates a rebuttal inference that the defendant was negligent.
  • True
  • False

Questão 68

Which of the following is not an objective of the doctrine of respondent superior?
  • It helps to ensure that the plaintiff will have a financially secure defendant
  • It assists low-paid employees in handling legal liability
  • It encourages employers to excretes caution in the selection of employees
  • It encourages employers to train their employees well

Questão 69

If the problem that caused injury to a diner at a restaurant could not have been discovered upon a reasonable examination of the premises, the restaurant will not be liable for the injury
  • True
  • False

Questão 70

The legal duty we have to act reasonably is owed to everyone
  • True
  • False

Questão 71

From the time a visitor of a hotel guests enters the hotel until the visitor leaves, the visitor is legally considered an invitee
  • True
  • False

Questão 72

A hotel is an ensurer of guests' saftey
  • True
  • False

Questão 73

Which of the following is a rick that is assumed?
  • The risk that a person playing tennis will be hit by a ball
  • The risk that a person playing racquetball may fall in a hole in the court
  • The risk that a ski trail will have a small bush on it
  • The risk that a paddleboat at a hotel has a hole in it, causing the boat to slowly sink

Questão 74

The plaintiff in a negligence case is unable to prove primate cause, the plaintiff will lose the case and not be able to recover
  • True
  • False

Questão 75

The only duty owed by a hotel to a trespasser is to warn of those dangers about which the hotel is aware.
  • True
  • False

Questão 76

A five year old child;s negligence caused injury to a man. True or False: The child will be liable to the man for his injuries
  • True
  • False

Questão 77

The legal doctrine that imposes liability on a defendant even when the defendant is not negligent is
  • Comparative negligence
  • Strict liability
  • Last clear chance
  • Contributory negligence

Questão 78

A patron was injured at a restaurant. Both the restaurant and that patron were negligent. If the restaurant is located in a state that follows the comparative negligence rule, which of the following is true.
  • The restaurant will have to liability, and the patron's case will be dismissed
  • The restaurant will be fully liable for the injuries
  • The jury will allocate the liability between the patron and the restaurant; the patron will collect a percentage of liability attributed to the restaurant.
  • The restaurant will be fully liable for the loss and will be required to pay punitive damages as well.

Questão 79

To whom does the hotel owe the least duty?
  • An invitee
  • A licensee
  • A trespasser
  • A visitor of a guest

Questão 80

Which of the following means "The things speaks for itself"
  • Attractive nuisance doctrine
  • Res ispa loquitur
  • negligence per se
  • last clear chance

Questão 81

A plaintiff proved that she slipped on a fresh cherry on the floor of a restaurant in which she was having lunch. The restaurant proved that it exercised reasonable care in maintaining a clean floor. True or false: The plaintiff will win the case.
  • True
  • False

Questão 82

A child was burned on his arms and stomach when a waiter dropped a cup of hot coffee. The child’s mother, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table and was not in danger of being hit by the coffee, saw the incident and went into shock. If the mother sues the restaurant for her own mental anguish, what is the likelihood of her success?
  • She will be successful in most states
  • She will not be successful in any state.
  • She will not be successful in most states, although some jurisdictions now allow a person in the mother’s position to sue.
  • She will be successful in all states, provided the anguish was severe.

Questão 83

Will a hotel be liable every time someone drowns in its pool?
  • Yes, a drowning is conclusive evidence that the hotel was negligent in some way.
  • Yes, a hotel is strictly liable for all injuries occurring in and around the pool.
  • No, the hotel is not liable unless it was negligent.
  • No, the hotel is never liable, because a guest who uses a hotel pool assumes the risk of drowning.

Questão 84

Consistent with common practice, the lifeguard at a hotel pool periodically adds chlorine to the water to ensure clean and healthful conditions. One afternoon, after adding the appropriate dosage, the lifeguard failed to return the chlorine to its normal storage place and instead left it near the base of the guard chair. Unknown to the lifeguard, a young swimmer saw the chlorine, drank some, and became very ill. True or false: The hotel will be liable for the injuries.
  • True
  • False

Questão 85

When determining appropriate security measures, a hotel must consider not just prior crimes on its premises but also recent crimes in the general area.
  • True
  • False

Questão 86

A couch in a hotel room was quite worn, and a spring from the seat was poking through. Sarah, a guest, sat on the coach and was injured by the spring. True or false: The hotel is liable for Sarah’s injuries.
  • True
  • False

Questão 87

The occurrence of a rape on a hotel’s premises is conclusive evidence that the innkeeper was negligent.
  • True
  • False

Questão 88

Gordon was visiting New York City on business. He asked his college roommate, who lived in New York, to join him at the hotel for dinner. While visiting Gordon, the friend fell on a loose board in the lobby floor. True or false: Since the friend is not a guest of the hotel, the hotel will not be liable for his injuries.
  • True
  • False

Questão 89

A restaurant was located on the sixth floor of a building. Kim rode the elevator to the floor, intending to have lunch at the restaurant. When the elevator operator opened the door, the elevator was five inches below the floor, creating a step between the elevator and the restaurant floor. While exiting the elevator, Kim struck her foot against the elevator shaft, fell, and was injured. True or false: Kim should have observed the positioning of the elevator; if she sues the hotel for her injuries, her own negligence will negatively impact her recovery.
  • True
  • False

Questão 90

Due to a severe thunderstorm, the lights in a crowded restaurant went out. At about the same time a diner was bothered by a bout of diarrhea. He went to the bathroom, which was located down a flight of stairs. Due to the lack of light, the diner fell while descending the stairs and broke his leg. Was the diner negligent for attempting to go down the stairs in the dark?
  • Yes, everyone knows it is difficult to go up or down stairs in the dark.
  • Yes, injury resulting from such a feat is foreseeable. Incorrect
  • No, the attempt to descend the stairs was not the proximate cause of the injury.
  • No, the stairway was the only way to reach the bathroom, and the diner had a need that could not wait.

Questão 91

In what room of a hotel does an innkeeper not have a duty to exercise reasonable care?
  • Card room
  • Public bathrooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • None; the innkeeper’s duty to use reasonable care to protect its patrons applies in all rooms of the hotel Correct

Questão 92

A resort hotel rented bicycles by the day to its guests. Each morning before the bikes were rented out, and each night after they were returned, hotel personnel tested the bikes to be sure the horn, brakes, and other mechanisms were working properly. Once a week, each bike was thoroughly inspected and given a tune-up. While a guest was using one of the bikes, the brakes malfunctioned and the guest suffered an accident. Is the hotel liable for the injuries?
  • Yes, the hotel is negligent.
  • Yes, the hotel is an ensurer of guests’ safety.
  • No, a hotel is not liable when its sporting equipment malfunctions.
  • No, the hotel is not negligent under the circumstances

Questão 93

To avoid liability, hotels and restaurants must make sure that there is no way for guests to injure themselves in any way on the premises.
  • True
  • False

Questão 94

Jim returns to his room intoxicated after a night on the town. He was able to find the bed and crawled in. Soon after he fell asleep, some plaster from the ceiling fell, resulting in facial injuries. He sued the hotel for his injuries. True or false: Jim’s intoxication should reduce the amount of damages the hotel will have to pay.
  • True
  • False

Questão 95

The door to a hotel elevator shaft was left open while the elevator was undergoing repairs. No warning signs were placed near or around the elevator. A guest fell into the shaft and was injured. Which of the following correctly describes the hotel’s liability?
  • The hotel will be liable.
  • There is no negligence on the part of the hotel, and therefore it will not be held liable.
  • The hotel will not be liable because the guest assumed the risk.
  • The hotel will not be liable because the guest is contributorily negligent.

Questão 96

Several children were running around the perimeter of a hotel pool. The lifeguard did not direct them to stop. One tripped on a wet spot and fell, causing two others to trip and injure themselves. Is the hotel liable for the injuries?
  • Yes, the lifeguard was negligent for not ordering the children to stop running.
  • Yes, the hotel should have mopped the area around the pool so no wet spot existed.
  • No, the children who are running are at fault, not the hotel.
  • No, the children assumed the risk.

Questão 97

A hotel is not required to offer its guests medical service.
  • True
  • False

Questão 98

If a hotel complies with all the safety requirements mandated by statute, it will not be liable for any injuries caused to guests from fire.
  • True
  • False

Questão 99

Why have many hotels abandoned their pool slides?
  • The cost to maintain them is prohibitive
  • They present a great risk of injury to users
  • They are outlawed by statutes in most states
  • They are not popular with guests

Questão 100

If a hotel has been the victim of property crimes (theft and burglaries) but not violent crimes against individuals, the hotel does not have to anticipate or protect against violent crimes.
  • True
  • False

Questão 101

Matt took his girlfriend to an elegant restaurant to celebrate their engagement. He was driving his father's car. When he arrived at the restaurant, he gave the car keys to the valet parking attendant and entered the restaurant. Which of the following in this situation is the bailee?
  • There is no bailee in this situation
  • Matt's girlfriend
  • The restaurant
  • Matt's father

Questão 102

Mandy was going on a six-day trip and was concerned about her vegetable garden. A neighbor agreed to go to Mandys house every other day and water the plants while Mandy was gone. True or False: The relationship constitutes a bailment.
  • True
  • False

Questão 103

All state legislatures have adopted statutes to limit hotelkeepers' liability for guests property losses
  • True
  • False

Questão 104

Jon was a guest at a hotel. By mistake he left his radio by his lounge chair at the pool. Within moments and before hotel personal were aware of its presence by the pool, the radio was stolen. Is the hotel liable based on bailment.
  • Yes, it is liable for the full value of the loss.
  • Yes, but its liability is limited by statute
  • No, no bailment exists in this case
  • No, although a bailment exists, the hotel did nothing wrong.

Questão 105

Notice posted by a hotel that safes are available for safekeeping of guests property, without more, is adequate compliance with more limiting liability laws.
  • True
  • False

Questão 106

Wether or not a guests watch should be placed in a hotel safe may depends on the value of the watch
  • True
  • False

Questão 107

A laptop computer owned by a guest was stolen from the hotel room. True or False: If the guests has insurance coverage on the computer, the hotel will not be liable.
  • True
  • False

Questão 108

Which of the following is not required by limiting liability statutes.
  • The hotel must provide safes for the safekeeping of guests property.
  • The hotel must post notices announcing the availability of the safes
  • The safes must pass inspection by a safety commission to ensure their suitability for deterring thieves.
  • The hotel my post notices announcing the hotels limiting liability

Questão 109

To be successful in a lawsuit, a bailor whose property has been damaged by a bailee must resent evidence to establish that the bailee was negligent
  • True
  • False

Questão 110

A hotel guest, while dining in the hotels restaurant, maintains her status as a guests for purposes of limiting liability statues.
  • True
  • False

Questão 111

Prior to the advent of limiting liability statues, an ice storm occurred in a small town where the Miscadem Motel was located. heavy ice formed on tree limbs, causing many to break from the weight. One heavily iced branch fell on a hotel window, causing it to break. Shattered glass caused injury to a guests personal property inside. True or False: Under common law, the hotel would have been liable for the loss.
  • True
  • False

Questão 112

Which of the following was not an exception to the common law rule concerning liability of a hotel when a guests property was lost or stolen.
  • The loss was caused by an act of God.
  • The loss was caused by the guest's negligence
  • The loss was caused by an act of public enemy
  • The loss was caused by an act of a hotel employee

Questão 113

Which of the following is true about a hotels liability for merchandise samples?
  • It is not liable unless the guests notifies the hotel of their presence and the hotel acknowledges in writing their presence and value. If the hotel does so, it has unlimited liability.
  • It is not liable unless the get notifies the hotel of their presence and the hotel acknowledges in writing their presence and value, if the hotel does so, it has limited liability.
  • A hotel has unlimited liability for merchandise samples
  • A hotel has no liability for merchandise samples regardless of a written acknowledgment.

Questão 114

The Bedrock Motel includes on its registration form a notice of the availability of a safe and that the hotels liability is limited. The statute of the state in which the motel is located requires posting this in all the public rooms of the hotel. True or False: The notice on the registration for satisfies the statutory posting requirement in most states.
  • True
  • False

Questão 115

A guests' leather coat wa stolen form the guests room by a new housekeeping employee who had a criminal record that included two convictions for theft and burglary. The hotel had failed to inquire about or investigate the employee's criminal past. What liability does the hotel have in this circumstance.
  • The hotel ha son liability
  • The hotel will have only limited liability in the amount specified by the statue.
  • The hotel will be fully liable for the loss
  • The hotel will be liable for double to loss

Questão 116

As discussed with the front desk clerk his concern over an expensive ring he brought to the hotel. The desk clerk recommended that he putt he ring in the safe and advised the guests that by doing so the hotel would be liable for the full value of the ring it it disappeared. The guest did as recommended. The ring was stolen from the safe. What, if any, is the liability of the hotel?
  • The hotel is able for the full loss
  • The hotels liability is limited by the amount set by statute for property in a safe.
  • The hotels liability is limited by the amount set by statute for property in a checkroom
  • The hotel has no liability for the loss.

Questão 117

Under common law, which of the following accurately describes the general rule concerning the liability of a hotel when a guests property was lost or stolen?
  • The hotel was strictly liable for the full value of the loss
  • The hotel was not liable regardless of the cause of theft.
  • The hotel was liable only if the negligence of its employees contributed to the theft
  • The hotel was liable only if its employees were grossly negligent.

Questão 118

In a mutual benefit bailment, both the bailor and the bailee owe each other certain duties.
  • True
  • False

Questão 119

Tome's girlfiend handed her expensive winter coat to the attendant at the restaurant coat-check. She did not disclose to the attendant that she had placed three $100 dollar bills in the inner pocket of the coat. Does the bailment exists of the $300?
  • Yes, the necessary elements for a bailment were met
  • Yes, money can be the subject of a bailment.
  • No, money cannot be the subject of a bailment.
  • No, the attendant was not aware of the money's existence.

Questão 120

If a hotel complies with a limitng liability statute and a guests property is stolen, what, if any, liability does the hotel have?
  • The hotel will be liable for the full amount of the loss
  • The hotel will be liable only for the amount set by the statute
  • The hotel will have no liability
  • The hotel will be required to pay the guest double the amount of the loss


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