Beliefs about Deity Quiz


Quiz on topic B601, Beliefs about Deity, in preparation for end of year exams.
Leah Firmstone
Quiz por Leah Firmstone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Leah Firmstone
Criado por Leah Firmstone mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Choose the word which matches the definition: 'Beyond time and space'
  • Immanent
  • Metaphysical

Questão 2

According to Christians, God the Holy Spirit is... (tick 4)
  • Metaphysical
  • Impersonal
  • Omnipresent
  • Omnibenevolent
  • Personal
  • Immanent

Questão 3

An igtheist does not believe or disbelieve in the existence of God. They believe that any talk of God is meaningless as we do ot know what we mean by the word 'God'.
  • True
  • False

Questão 4

"God is above our understanding, therefore we cannot and should not attempt to understand him."
  • True
  • False

Questão 5

Which of these are arguments FOR the existence of God? Explain each.
  • Teleological (Design) Argument
  • Moral Argument
  • Evolution
  • Cosmological Argument
  • Variation in Beliefs
  • Ontological Argument
  • Problem of Evil (POE)
  • Where would He have come from?

Questão 6

Using the picture below, choose the 3 Christian arguments against the Problem of Evil, and then explain them.
  • Original Sin
  • God designed Evolution
  • Test of Faith
  • Free Will

Questão 7

Choose the Biblical quotes which that God is MALE.
  • ‘The man and his wife heard the Lord God as He was walking in the cool of the day.’ – Genesis
  • ‘As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.’
  • ‘God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.’
  • ‘All things have been committed to me by my Father.’

Questão 8

Choose the Biblical quotes which suggest that God is FEMALE.
  • ‘All things have been committed to me by my Father.’
  • ‘As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.’
  • ‘God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.’
  • ‘The man and his wife heard the Lord God as He was walking in the cool of the day.’ – Genesis

Questão 9

Choose the Biblical quotes which suggest that God is NEITHER male nor female.
  • ‘As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.’
  • ‘All things have been committed to me by my Father.’
  • ‘God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.’
  • ‘The man and his wife heard the Lord God as He was walking in the cool of the day.’ – Genesis

Questão 10

A Christian would be untroubled by the fact that there is no proof for the existence of God as faith includes trust in God's existence, so there is no reason for any proof.
  • True
  • False

Questão 11

ALL Christians.....
  • ....believe that the miracles of the Incarnation and the Resurrection were actual historical events.
  • ....believe that the words of the Bible are literally true.
  • ....believe in miracles as otherwise they would be undermining their core beliefs.

Questão 12

  • ....believe that the Bible is not always meant to be taken literally but that it included messages to be interpreted.
  • ....say that every word of the Bible is absolutely true.

Questão 13

LIBERAL Christians....
  • ....say that every word of the Bible is absolutely true.
  • ....believe that the Bible is not always meant to be taken literally but that it included messages to be interpreted.

Questão 14

The four types of Biblical Miracle are...
  • Healing
  • Transformation
  • Resurrection
  • Nature
  • Exorcism
  • Historical

Questão 15

Lourdes, France is the site of 69 accepted miracles, proving that miracles do exist today.
  • True
  • False

Questão 16

A miracle is an [blank_start]extraordinary[blank_end] event performed by God as a sign of his love and/or power. Christianity is founded on the beliefs that God became human as Jesus Christ (the [blank_start]incarnation[blank_end]) and that he has power over death, shown in the [blank_start]resurrection[blank_end] of Jesus Christ. Jesus said: 'I lay down my life - only to take it up again. No-one takes it from me but I lay it [blank_start]down[blank_end] on my own accord. I have [blank_start]authority[blank_end] to lay it down and authority to take it up again.' - John 10:17-18 All christians believe the miracles of the incarnation and resurrection were actual [blank_start]historical[blank_end] events. However there is much disagreement over other miracle stories in the Bible. For example, [blank_start]Fundamentalist[blank_end] Christians believe all of the Bible is [blank_start]literally[blank_end] true and that it is the word of God whereas [blank_start]Liberal[blank_end] Christians believe that many of the miracle stories are [blank_start]myths[blank_end]. Some christians do not believe that miracles take place today but the vast [blank_start]majority[blank_end] do. For example, many catholics believe that the waters from a holy spring in [blank_start]Lourdes[blank_end] can heal the sick. In total, the catholic church has confirmed [blank_start]66[blank_end] miracles to have taken place in Lourdes. Many christians believe that [blank_start]the Holy Spirit[blank_end] is responsible for the miracles that take place today.
  • resurrection
  • incarnation
  • extraordinary
  • down
  • authority
  • historical
  • Fundamentalist
  • Liberal
  • myths
  • majority
  • Lourdes
  • 66
  • the Holy Spirit
  • literally

Questão 17

The Holy Spirit is the most important member of the trinity as it spreads Christian values around the world. It is the embodiment of the Christian Faith. Which of these things do Christians attribute to the Holy Spirit?
  • Gift Giver
  • Comforter
  • Creator
  • Provider of forgiveness
  • Giver of guidance, faith, hope and understanding
  • A force still at work in the world today
  • Spreader of Love

Questão 18

Why might Christians say that the Holy Spirit is NOT the most important member of the Trinity?
  • The roles are equal
  • The Father was the one who created the world and the universe
  • Jesus (The Son) gave repentance and forgiveness
  • All of the above!

Questão 19

Pentecost [blank_start]showed that Jesus had resurrected[blank_end] and [blank_start]the Holy Spirit came down to Earth[blank_end], changing the lives of the disciples forever.
  • the Holy Spirit came down to Earth
  • showed that Jesus had resurrected

Questão 20

The return of Jesus for judgement is known as....
  • Parousia
  • Resurrection
  • Atonement

Questão 21

Immanuel means 'God is with us'
  • True
  • False

Questão 22

What are the main Christian beliefs about Jesus?
  • Jesus is a teacher and a guide
  • Jesus is fully human and fully divine
  • Jesus is eternal
  • Jesus is saviour
  • Jesus is the son of God

Questão 23

Pick two examples of Jesus' parables:
  • The Lost Son
  • God is Love
  • The Good Samaritan
  • The Last Supper

Questão 24

How does God intervene in the world?
  • Jesus, Sermons, Parables, Weddings
  • Jesus, Answered Prayers, Holy Spirit, Miracles

Questão 25

Deity is defined as 'a supreme being; God'
  • True
  • False


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