Questão 1
Based on what you have learned about calculation sheets, place a tick beside each of the options below which is true
Con base en lo que ha aprendido sobre las hojas de cálculo...
The calculation sheet is closely connected to rate tables and scales
La hoja de cálculo está estrechamente relacionada con tablas de tarifas y escalas
The calculation sheet provides a clear view on how the final amounts owing to carriers are arrived at
La hoja de cálculo proporciona una visión clara de cómo se llega a los importes finales adeudados a los transportistas
In the calculation sheet, you define a calculation method for each charge type
En la hoja de cálculo, define un método de cálculo para cada tipo de cargo
A new calculation sheet must be created for each delivery
Questão 2
Which of the following charge lines can a charge type classify?
Whether a charge line can be a positive or a negative value
Whether a charge line can be an absolute value or a percentage value
Whether the charge line has a default calculation base
Whether the charge line has a minimum amount and a maximum amount
Questão 3
Using a rate table, a rate can be determined based on different dimensions
Utilizando una tabla de tarifas, se puede determinar una tarifa en función de diferentes dimensiones
Questão 4
When calculating carrier charges in a freight order, the freight agreement is determined based on what?
Sales organization
Purchasing organization
Ordering party
Questão 5
If you assign a calculation profile to an organizational unit and to a business partner role, which calculation profile is applied during charge calculation?
The system applies the profile assigned to the organizational unit
The system applies the profile assigned to the business partner
Depending on the scenario, the system will apply the relevant profile
The system applies both and determines which profile is cheaper and uses that
Questão 6
During freight settlement, a separate FSD is created for every freight order
Durante la liquidación del flete, se crea un FSD separado para cada orden de flete
Questão 7
Which of the following business documents are created when posting a freight settlement document?
Sales Order
Purchase Order
Service Entry Sheet
Shipment Cost Document
Questão 8
Which of the following options are methods of cost distribution provided in TM?
Questão 9
Cost distribution takes place in which of the following documents?