Unit 1 Lesson 5 Activity 1


Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in the box.
Arturo Nava
Quiz por Arturo Nava, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Arturo Nava
Criado por Arturo Nava aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Excuse me / Thanks anyway / Sure / Here you go / Thanks / Can I borrow / You’re welcome / Please / How do you spell / Sorry / What’s the word for this in English? Callie: [blank_start]___________[blank_end], Bob. Bob: Yeah? Callie: [blank_start]___________[blank_end] your dictionary? Bob: Sure. Now, where is it? Callie: Um... It’s right in front of you. Bob: Oh, yeah [blank_start]___________[blank_end]. Callie: Thanks. Bob: [blank_start]___________[blank_end].
  • Excuse me
  • can i borrow
  • here you go
  • you are welcome

Questão 2

Excuse me / Thanks anyway / Sure / Here you go / Thanks / Can I borrow / You’re welcome / Please / How do you spell / Sorry / What’s the word for this in English? Ruby: Can I borrow your cellphone, [blank_start]___________[blank_end]? Millie: [blank_start]___________[blank_end] .Oh, wait. It’s not in my bag. I think is at home. [blank_start]___________[blank_end]. Ruby: That’s OK. [blank_start]___________[blank_end]. Millie: Sure… [blank_start]___________[blank_end]? Ruby: In English the word is umbrella. Millie: Umbrella? Thanks. Ruby: Sure.
  • please
  • sure
  • sorry
  • thanks anyway
  • whats the word for this in english

Questão 3

Excuse me / Thanks anyway / Sure / Here you go / Thanks / Can I borrow / You’re welcome / Please / How do you spell / Sorry / What’s the word for this in English? Yuri: [blank_start]___________[blank_end] videos? Dan: V-I-D-E-O-S. Yuri: [blank_start]___________[blank_end]. Dan: Sure. Yuri: And how do you spell television? Dan: T-V. Yuri: Very funny.
  • how do you spell
  • thanks


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