MDH - DoP - Annual Examinations 2015


MDH Annual Examinations 2015
Quiz por ColorMyWorld, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ColorMyWorld aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The patient has the right to choose a pediatrician. A pediatrician has no right to choose a patient.
  • A. The first statements if false.
  • B. The second statement is true.
  • C. The two statements are correct.
  • D. Only the first statement is true.
  • E. None of the above

Questão 2

In Neonatal Care, all newborns shall be given the necessary basic resuscitation at birth, the decision on subsequent management shall depend upon the assessment of the following issues:
  • A. Viability
  • B. Co-morbid conditions
  • C. Chances of survival
  • D. Availability of health care and resources
  • E. Risk of morality and morbidity
  • F. Capacity of pay
  • G. All of the above except e and f
  • H. All of the above except f
  • I. All of he above
  • J. None of the above

Questão 3

In antenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling, the pediatrician in coordination with the obstetrician, shall inform the parents of:
  • A. the antenatal diagnosis
  • B. its prognosis
  • C. Option of termination of pregnancy
  • D. Termination of pregnancy is not allowed
  • E. All of the above except d

Questão 4

In researches involving children, the following statements are true EXCEPT:
  • A. Researches involving children shall have informed consent.
  • B. Privacy and confidentiality shall be maintained at all times.
  • C. Stem cell researches involving aborted fetuses and pre-implantation embryos are controversial but generally acceptable.
  • D. In addition to the informed consent, assent of the child shall be taken depending on the extent of his developmental capability.
  • E. Unethical enticement of the participants such as monetary or material, out of proportion to the expected cost of participation in the research is acceptable.

Questão 5

On endorsement: the following statement/s is/are NOT TRUE:
  • A. A pediatrician shall be allowed to endorse (obvious or implied) products, medical or otherwise for commercial purposes in qudri-media.
  • B. A pediatrician shall not receive financial or any form of benefits/gifts in exchange or prescriptions and/or partnering with diagnostic and/or therapeutic facilities.
  • C. A member of PPS may accept only promotional give-aways and/or gifts of reasonable value that practice are related to their work/clinic.

Questão 6

Maria is getting married this December. She and her husband pray for a honeymoon baby. What will you advice Maria:
  • A. Take Folic acid 400mg daily at least one month before she conceives and two months later.
  • B. Take folic acid now at 0.040 ugm and during the duration of pregnancy.
  • C. Take folic acid to prevent neural tube defects in their future babies.
  • D. Take folic acid 400 ugm once a day before conception and the first three months of pregnancy.

Questão 7

This policy on the use of helmet in children, which statement is FALSE:
  • A. The is a no Philippines legislation of mandatory helmet use among child cyclists, skateboarders, and roller-skaters.
  • B. But there is a law on wearing helmets of motorcycle riders.
  • C. A PPS policy statement recommends the use of helmet of a child riding on open wheeled vehicles.
  • D. There is no need to legislate the use of helmets among children riding open wheeled vehicles because of the reduce speed compared to motorcycles.

Questão 8

Value system of children is helped shaped by the “surrogate baby sitter” TV, movies, music videos, videogames, etc. The following shall be advised during clinic visits:
  • A. Violent behavior are least emphasized on most electronic games.
  • B. Increased high risk behavior such as smoking and early onset of sexual activity are selectively seen on videos and TV shows.
  • C. Watching TV and playing video games together best promote bonding.
  • D. Electronic gadgets are best reward for a better school performance.
  • E. Activities that will promote communication and physical activities shall be given priorities.

Questão 9

On the policy on Backpacks, the following shall be advised to parents EXCEPT:
  • A. Wear backpacks properly: both straps worn and waist & chest belts in place.
  • B. Backpack weight must not be more than 10% of the body weight of the child wearing it.
  • C. Bags with rollers are better as per this policy.
  • D. Back Pack must be of soft and light weight material, with padded shoulder strap, and the length shall never be 4 inches below the waistline.

Questão 10

The grandmother of your patient on giving the pacifier to the baby. How will you convince her that it is not recommended? EXCEPT
  • A. There is breastfeeding confusion, less breast sucking, less milk intake.
  • B. There is altered dental archers oral thus, producing malfunctional structures
  • C. There is a high possibility of infection that includes the respiratory, middle ear, GI (fungal)
  • D. There are reports of trauma and obstruction
  • E. N 55

Questão 11

Again this grandmother insists on using a walker now that the baby is ten months old; You did try to discourage it. You rehearse the following statements EXCEPT:
  • A. “It is not recommended due to risk of accidents.”
  • B. “Even the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend walkers and andadors.”
  • C. “There are reported minor and major injuries.”
  • D. Delay in motor development as observed among walker user.
  • E. None of the above

Questão 12

Washington, a six year old boy was brought to the clinic by his Chinese grandmother because other progressive darkening of his neck and nape. By this time of your career, you know it is acanthosis nigricans and this boy is more than overweight. Which among the narration of the grandmother is NOT contributory to his condition:
  • A. He was not breastfeed
  • B. The family usually eats out and very seldom eats home cooked meals.
  • C. The grandma was proud that Washington has all the latest gadget and very adept in playing with them
  • D. “We have been to several doctors, all of them have the same diagnosis, but we miss their advice”
  • E. None of the above

Questão 13

PPS policy statements include recommendation on the following drinks EXCEPT:
  • A. Caffeine is a stimulant present in medicines, sodas, chocolates, coffee and tea
  • B. AHA and health Canada recommends caffeine for these age group: 4-6 yr: 45 mg/day; 7-9 year old: 62.5 mg/day and 10-12yrs: 85 mg/day
  • C. The Philippines has the same recommendation and policy
  • D. All of the above
  • E. None of the above

Questão 14

Clearance for the school entrants must include EXCEPT:
  • A. Family History
  • B. Past History
  • C. Medical History
  • D. Immunization Status
  • E. Through Physical Examination
  • F. Language, social and adoptive development

Questão 15

Preoperative evaluation of pediatric patients undergoing surgery and major therapeutics or diagnostics procedure shall include:
  • A. Thorough history and physical examination
  • B. Interpretation of relevant laboratory examination
  • C. For non- cardiac surgery: chest x-ray if with new pulmonary findings;
  • D. Hb/Hct, if history of anemia
  • E. Coagulation studies, if with coagulation history , anemia
  • F. Potassium if on digoxin;
  • G. ECG if with previous heart problem or symptoms
  • H. All of the above

Questão 16

For pediatrics sports clearance, the following shall be done in addition to medical clearance for school. The aim is to detect life threatening health condition, determine readiness for sports participation and venue for counseling:
  • A. MD must include in the medical history of chest pain, syncope, shortness of breath
  • B. Past detection of murmur;
  • C. Family history of early death, significant disability;
  • D. PE-precordial auscultation, supine and standing looking for murmurs, femoral artery assessment, blood pressure
  • E. Look for Marfan syndrome stigmata
  • F. All of the above

Questão 17

Policy on Burn Prevention, the following are true:
  • A. The burn is usually scalding, is caused by flame, the by flame and third is electrical.
  • B. Prevention through community awareness of safety
  • C. Plug all outlets
  • D. Keep matches out of reach
  • E. No picking of used/unused firecrackers, or NO FIRECRACKERS at all
  • G. All of the above
  • H. All of the above except g

Questão 18

On drowning: reminders parents that for less than 5 years old EXCEPT:
  • A. Drowning in buckets and bathtubs is common
  • B. Drowning on roadside open canals, potholes, manholes, deep wells and the floods
  • C. Parents are encouraged to teach/enroll their children to swimming lessons.
  • D. If these five year old know how to swim, they can be left alone in pools
  • E. All of the above

Questão 19

On Drinking Water. The policy aims to caution the public against the notion that al water in the plastic container is pure in addition to EXCEPT:
  • A. Importance of exclusive breastfeeding
  • B. Proper hand washing
  • C. Waste disposal
  • D. Chlorination of water
  • E. Boiling of water for at least one minute
  • F. Clean safe container are devised
  • G. Bottled water is necessary even if the water is boiled or chlorinated

Questão 20

On healthy and unhealthy food for school children. The policy includes EXCEPT
  • A. DepEd: to continue the sale of healthy food in school
  • B. School milk project
  • C. Breakfast feeding program
  • D. Applied nutrition program
  • E. Alay Tanim Pangkabuhayan
  • F. Daily food guide for Filipino children 2000 ed.
  • G. Awareness of the label of processed food and even at early age children is not necessary

Questão 21

On Poisoning
  • A. Parents and caretakers and the ER must know the telephone numbers of Poison control Center in their locality;
  • B. Legislate safety on CHILD SAFE CAP proof container.
  • C. None use of plastic drinking water as container of kerosene, chlorox, etc.
  • D. Mothballs and rat killer must be placed in area out of reach of children and must be properly labeled.
  • E. Watusi poisoning must be included in the anticipatory guidance during prenatal and well baby visits; Proper disposal of car batteries is a must in all localities

Questão 22

Child Safety in a public vehicle. The following must be reinforce
  • A. LTO traffic code RA 4136: no overloading of vehicles and prohibits riding on running boards and hitchhiking on running vehicles.
  • B. Children below 6 years old must not be seated in front of a moving vehicle.
  • C. This shall be communicated to all parents and other stakeholders.
  • D. All of the above.

Questão 23

On Road Safety, children must be taught in school, reinforced by their parents. The following are included in the policy EXCEPT:
  • A. Proposes road re-engineering
  • B. Education of parents and children on the use of pedestrian lanes
  • C. Cross only on designated crossings
  • D. Study and follow traffic signs
  • F. Walk on the left side of the road so one can see the coming vehicle
  • G. None of the above

Questão 24

These statements are true EXCEPT:
  • A. Routine circumcision is necessary for a newborn.
  • B. PPDSI supports and encourages the appropriate use of fluoride varnish and other topical fluoride containing preparations.
  • C. Children are more susceptible to the effects of second hand smoke. Strict compliance to RA 8749: Philippine Clean AIR ACT of 1999 and Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (RA 9211)
  • D. Hazards of maternal smoking: on pregnant mothers: Spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, SIDS, mental retardation and behavior problem

Questão 25

Anna at 15 years old delivered a 35 weeks AOG. She is a third Year high school, her mother and father work abroad. She volunteered the information that she has no one to ask about sexuality, pregnancy and their risk. There is a PPS policy on Reproductive Health Education among adolescents: which of these statements is FALSE.
  • A. Its aim is to increase awareness on reproductive health issues
  • B. To teach adolescents sexuality education for them to make healthy decisions re:sex.
  • C. All private and public sectors must be engaged in this undertaking
  • D. There is a regular subject in school on this

Questão 26

A 3 year old boy with aniridia presents with right sided flank mass of 5 weeks duration. There were no associated symptoms. Blood pressure was 130/90 mmHg. PE of the abdomen showed a 7 cm x 8 cm right flank mass which was firm, nontender, and nonmovable. Urinalysis showed 0-1 WBC/high power field and 20-30 RBC/high power field. Plain abdominal x-ray did not show calcifications. The most likely diagnosis is:
  • A. Neuroblastoma
  • B. Renal cell carcinoma
  • C. Wilms’ tumor
  • D. Mesoblastic nephroma

Questão 27

A 13 year old boy presents with chest pain of 4 weeks duration. There were no associated symptoms. Physical examination showed multiple cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy measuring 2 – 4 cm in diameter, firm, nontender, matted. He had bronchovesicular breath sounds, liver edge was palpable 2 cm below the right costal margin, spleen was palpable 4 cm below the left costal margin. Chest x-ray showed widening of the mediastinum with no calcifications. The most likely diagnosis is:
  • A. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • B. Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • C. Germ cell tumor
  • D. Neuroblastoma

Questão 28

In a one year old child with an abdominal mass, an elevation of the following is highly suggestive of neuroblastoma:
  • A. alpha-fetoprotein
  • B. carcinoembryonic antigen
  • C. erythropoietin
  • D. vanillylmandelic acid

Questão 29

In a 14 year old boy with calcifications in his mediastinal mass, the best differential diagnosis is:
  • A. Hodgkin lymphoma
  • B. Germ cell tumor
  • C. Ewing’s sarcoma
  • D. Thymic carcinoma

Questão 30

It is possible to diagnose the following malignancy by means of tumor markers even without a biopsy of the primary site:
  • A. Wilms’ tumor
  • B. Hepatoblastoma
  • C. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • D. Rhabdomyosarcoma

Questão 31

The most common presenting symptom of retinoblastoma is:
  • A. Leucokoria
  • B. Strabismus
  • C. Red eye
  • D. Proptosis

Questão 32

A 17 year old girl presents with one month history of pain around the right knee area later followed by a progressively enlarged hard nontender swelling just above the medial aspect of the right knew measuring 4 cm x 4 cm. She has a history of falling on her right knee during a basketball game the day before the pain started. At the time of examination she was limping. The best clinical impression is:
  • A. Osteosarcoma
  • B. Ewing’s sarcoma
  • C. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
  • D. Rhabdomyosarcoma

Questão 33

A 4 year old girl has a pelvic mass measuring 5 x 5 cm. The mass was firm, nontender, fixed. Serum alpha fetoprotein, vanillylmandelic acid, carcinoembryonic antigen were normal. Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin was elevated. The most likely diagnosis is:
  • A. Choriocarcinoma
  • B. Dysgerminoma
  • C. Endodermal sinus tumor
  • D. Teratoma

Questão 34

Chronic ear discharge can be a presenting symptom of:
  • A. Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • B. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • C. Ewings’ sarcoma
  • D. Neuroblastoma

Questão 35

The classic triad of symptoms of brain tumor in children include:
  • A. Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • B. Headache, vomiting and coordination difficulties
  • C. Headache, vomiting and visual impairment
  • D. Headache, vomiting and hearing difficulties

Questão 36

Which of the following are “musts” In the evaluation of patients with seizures?
  • A. age of onset and family history of seizures
  • B. precipitating factor, duration and frequency of seizures
  • C. accurate description of character of seizure (seizure type)
  • D. all of the above

Questão 37

Which of the following statements about epilepsy are correct?
  • A. All cases of epilepsy are hereditary.
  • B. Epilepsy is contagious.
  • C. Epilepsy cannot be treated and controlled.
  • D. None of the above statements are correct.

Questão 38

Which of the following factors are important in deciding the appropriate management for epilepsy?
  • A. age
  • B. seizure type and classification
  • C. economic status of the family
  • D. all of the above

Questão 39

Which of the following should be considered in reflex testing in children?
  • A. symmetry of the reflexes
  • B. age of the child vis a vis presence of developmental reflexes
  • C. presence of Babinski sign is not always considered an abnormality
  • D. all of the above

Questão 40

Criteria for the management of febrile seizures include the following, EXCEPT:
  • A. age of 3 mos. – 6 years
  • B. temperature of at least 38 C at the time of seizure
  • C. duration of seizure should be at least 5 minutes
  • D. other possible causes, such as CNS infection must have been ruled out


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