Questão 1
Which hormones regulate the levels of calcium in the blood?
TSH, fT4, fT3
Cortisol, ACTH
Increase lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dose of basal insulin
Decrease breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
No treatment adjustment required
Add Metformin 850 mg/d
Questão 2
25 y/o pregnant female (26 weeks gestation, 1 pregnancy) complains of low energy, No feeling of thirst. Mother is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, type 2. Physical evaluation: height - 168cm, weight - 86kg, BP - 116/76 mmHg, HR - 88/min. Blood tests (fasting in the morning, in venus plasma): complete blood count - in normal range, K - 4.4 mmol/l, Creatinine - 70 mmmol/l, glucose - 5.0 mmol/l, urine test - no pathology. What test should be done to confirm the diagnosis?
75 g oral glucose tolerance test at 0, 60 and 120 min
No further evaluation is needed. The information is sufficient for diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Glucose levels 2 hours after meal should be assessed
Fasting plasma glucose should be repeated
75 g oral glucose tolerance test at 0 and 120min
Questão 3
A 4 year old girl is seen in clinic for fatigue, insomnia, increase appetite, nervousness. Review of symptoms includes "eyes buldging", a growth spurt, tachycardia and diffusely enlarged thyroid gland. The hormone analyses are TTH < 0.01 mU/l, FT4 55pmol/l, thyroid peroxidase antibody 20kU/l (normal range 0-12), antithyroglobulin antibody 60kU/l (normal range 9-199), anti-TSH receptor antibodies 35 (normal range <9). What is the treatment of this hyperthroidism?
Iodine supplements
Questão 4
What can induce hyperprolactinemia?
No correct answer
All answers are correct
Physical activity
Salty food
Alcohol use
Questão 5
What are the clinical features of diabetes in children?
Questão 6
Patient has T2 breast cancer and axillary lymph nodes are not palpable. Before the surgery, we need to:
Mark a sentinel lymph node with a radioisotope-bound protein
There is no need of marking because all axillary lymph need to be removed
Mark a sentinel lymph node with a dye
Mark a sentinel lymph node with a radiosotope bound protein and dye
Questão 7
Which surgical procedures increase incretin secretion inside the intestine?
Questão 8
Which test would you recommend if the patient complains of dysphagia and the pressure to the neck organs is suspected?
The ultrasound of the throid
FNA of the nodule of the thyroid
CT of the neck
Oesophagus X-ray with contrast
Questão 9
The average age of puberty to begin in girls is between .....
Questão 10
Breast cancer mortality among women in Lithuania are approximately 20 cases/100000 habitants. As compared to the world average morbidity, it is
Questão 11
What is the cause of hypoglycemia with diabetes?
Missed insulin injection
Questão 12
A 14-year old overweight male (no other complaints/pathological findings) was referred to pediatric endocrinologist for evaluation of OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) results.
OGTT results:
Fasting glucose 6.5 mmol/l
2-hour plasma glucose 7 mmol/l
What is your diagnosis?
Questão 13
What are the cardiovascular complications of acromegaly?
All answers are correct
The dilatation of peripheral vessels due to high levels of IGF-1
There is no correct answer
Arterial hypertension
Acute heart failure
Arterial hypotension due to decreased blood circulation
Questão 14
A patient is being investigated for suspected endocrine hypertension (BP ranges from 150/95 mmHg to 180/110 mmHg). The morning serum hormone levels are: Cortisol - 450 nmol/L (n. 289-600 nmol/l), Aldosterone - 1260 pmol/l, Metaneferin - 0.3 nmol/; (n. <0.5nmol/l), Normetanefrin - 0.6 nmol/l (n. <0.9 nmol/l).
What dynamic test needs to be performed for further evaluation?
No further tests needed - possible endocrine hypertension has been excluded
Salt infusion test
Catheterization of v. cava inferior
Abdominal CT to evaluate for possible adrenal adenoma
No further tests needed - oversecretion of Aldosterone has been confirmed
Questão 15
Which of the investigations is the best to diagnose thyroid toxic adenoma.
Questão 16
Which of these help prevent foot injuries?
Regular footwear and foot inspection
Training the patients and their family to properly maintain feet and nails
None of the above
Special soles in the shoes
Proper footwear selection
Questão 17
Which metabolic features are specific to cortisol hypersecretion?
No correct answer
Hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia
Glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, hypercalcemia
Hypotension, hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia
All answers are correct
Hypercalcemia, hypotension, weight loss
Questão 18
Which visual radiological examinations will the surgeon guide before removing the right inferior parathyroid gland adenoma:
Questão 19
Situation: The 14 y.o boy comes to your office for short stature. Mother notes that the boy's growth according to lower percentile has been observed since early childhood. Father's height caught up and puberty was delayed. Currently, the height and weight of the boy is between 3-10 percentiles, growth rate is 5 cm/year, sexual maturity P1G1. Your suspected diagnosis:
Questão 20
What is the impact of hypokalemia on aldosterone secretion?
Questão 21
What are the clinical signs and symptoms of primary hyperaldosteronism?
Resistant hypertension, hyperkalemia, hyperpigmentation
Hypertension, irregular cycle, hyperkalemia
Hypotension, hypokalemia, headache
Hypotension, hyperkalemia, headache
Resistant hypertension, headache, hypokalemia
Questão 22
Clinical manifestation of motor neuropathy?
Innervation of the foot muscles are disturbed resulting in the atrophy of the foot muscles and alteration of the foot architecture - new support points are formed resulting in cracks and calluses
Pain, temperature, tactile sensations are damaged which increases the chance to damage the foot
Dehydrates the skin, cracks appear and soft tissue infection can occur
Questão 23
The first sign of puberty for girls is usually?
First period
Breast budding
Growth of Pubic hair
Questão 24
What macrovascular complications of diabetes mellitus do you know?
Questão 25
A Patient undergoes an oral glucose tolerance test:
Fasting glycemia - 6.8 mmol/L
2 hours post-challenge with 75 g glucose solution - 7.4 mmol/L
Which glucose metabolism impairment are such results indicative of?
Questão 26
How long does it take to develop the diabetic ketoacidosis in case of technical failure in a patient with type 1 diabetes if he is on insulin pump therapy?
Several months
Several minutes
Several days
Several hours
Questão 27
What are the clinical features of hypothyroidism?
creased blood pressure
Thirst, rashes in the skin
Weight gain, cold tolerance
Heart beats
Hyperpigmentation of the skin
Questão 28
What microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus do you know?
Ischemic heart disease
Peripheral artery disease
Myocardial infarction and stroke
All the answers are correct
Questão 29
The most common pharmacological growth hormone stimulation tests
Questão 30
Patients underwent lab tests for a suspected thryroid disease - these are the results: TSH - 0.24 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4 - 7.3 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 - 1.6 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO - 21.9 (n. <34), anti-TG - 82.4 (n. <100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 9.5 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Grave disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypthroidism
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 31
According to clinical data, the patient is suspected to have Cushing's syndrome. What test is a screening dynamic test used for outpatients?
Oral glucose tolerance test
24 h urinary free cortisol
Circadian rhythm of Cortisol
Salt infusion
Overnight 1 mg Dexamethasone suppression test
Synacthen test
Questão 32
Which medication/s can increase the level of prolactin?
No correct answer
All answers are correct
Digestive enzymes
Questão 33
You are seeing a patient in the ER who complains of nausea, vomiting aand general malaise. The tests are performed: blood glucose 21.9 mmol/L, blood ketones 3mmol/L (n. 0.4mmol/L), arterial blood gas pH - 7.18. What condition is most likely?
Questão 34
What is the type of obesity of a woman whose waist circumference is 107 cm and hip circumference is 109.5cm.
Questão 35
The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 4 years ago. He is currently on insulin Glargine 22 IU daily at bedtime, Insulin Humalog 9 IU for breakfast, 10 IU for lunch, 6 IU for dinner.
HbA1c - 7.5%. His SMBG values: fasting - up to 2.2 mmol/L, post lunch - 6.5 mmol/L, post dinner - 5.1 mmol/L.
How should you proceed with treatment adjustment?
Increase dose of basal insulin
Increase breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dose of basal insulin
Decrease breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
No treatment adjustment required
Add Metformin 850 mg/d
Questão 36
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 years ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclazide MR 120 mg daily and Liraglutide 1.8 mg daily. HbA1c - 7.5%.
His self monitoring blood glucose results are: fasting - up to 5.9 mmol/L; 2 hours post meal - 11.3 mmol/L.
Based on these results, what is the next step in adjusting the treatment?
Start basal insulin
Discontinue Gliclazide and Liraglutide and start rapid acting insulin for the meal resulting in the highest glycemia
Discontinue Gliclazide and start basal, as well as rapid acting insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start basal insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start rapid acting insulin
Questão 37
A 46 year old female complains of general weakness, headaches, weight gain, irregular menses, mood swings. Weight is increasing for about 2 years, she has gained 22 kg.
Amenorrhea for the past 9 months. Her work is sedetary. Parents are not obese. She does not use any medications. Physical examination: Height - 166 cm, weight - 102 kg. Temperature - 36.6°C, skin is normally moist with hyperpigmentation, "acanthosis nigricans" in the neck. Thyroid is invisible, enlarged when palpable. HR 94/min, regular, BP 180/100 mmHg. Central obesity with purple striate in abdomen and hips is observed. Mild lower leg edema bilaterally. Lab tests: oral glucose tolerance test: fasting 6.3 mmol/l; 2 hours after 75 g, glucose - 7.8 mmol/l; lipidogram: total cholesterol 6.8 mmol/l. FT4 - 10.5 pmol/l (9-19), TSH - 3.6 mIU/l (0,4-4), 8 A.M. Cortisol - 760nmol/l (240-580), ACTH 0.8 nmol/l (2-10). What is the most probable cause of obesity?
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Reduced physical activity, gentic predispostion
ACTH dependent Cushing syndrome
ACTH independent Cushing syndrome
Secondary hypothyroidism
Questão 38
61 years old patient complains of dryness in the mouth, general weakness, somnolence. Father was diagnosed with arterial hypertension, his mother has a history diabetes mellitus. Physical examination: Height 182 cm, weight 118kg, waist circumference 120cm, hip circumference 110cm. Temperature - 36.7°C. Skin and mucous membranes are normal color, dry. BP - 160/94 mmHg, HR - 88/min. Blood test: fasting in the morning in venus plasma; Complete blood count: in normal range, K - 4.4 mmol/l, creatinine - 70 mkmol/l, glucose - 6.9 mmol/l, urine test - no pathology. 75 g oral glucose test was performed: 0 min - 6.8 mmol/l, 120 min - 9.8 mmol/l. Do you hae enough data to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?
No. Fasting glucose is below 7 mmol/l
Yes, the glucose is over 6.1 mmol/l for 2 times
No. The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can be made if the glucose 2 hours after oral glucose is ≥ 11.1 mmol/l
Yes. The patient has complains of diabetes mellitus and the levels of glucose are increased
Yes. Plasma glucose 2 hours after
Questão 39
Patient has been on antiresorptive drugs for a couple of years of osteoporosis without fratures treatment. The bone mineral density on DXA in spine and hip has since decreased. Serum Calcium is elevated. What further evaluation is needed?
Discontinue the use o calcium and vitamin D and repeat the blood test after a few days
Assess the level of parathyroid hormone
Check serum phosphorous
Perform ultrasound examination of the neck
All answers are correct
Questão 40
The patient is admitted with a wound on the plantar surface of his right foot. An ankle branchial index is 0.54. What should be the next step?
Angiography and angioplasty is needed to restore arterial blood flow
The index is nomal, check inflammatory markers and consider antibacterial treatment
Possibly a non-compressible calcified vessel, further testing required
None applicable
Severe ischemia, consider urgent amputation
Questão 41
The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma was confirmed. What is the first line of treatment.
Preoperative preparation and surgical resection of the dominant adrenal gland
α1-arenoreceptor blockers
Preoperative preparation and pituitary adenomectomy
β-adrenegnic blockers
Questão 42
What enzymes deficiencies are relevant to CAH?
Questão 43
What are the main features of Graves' ophthalmopathy?
All answers are correct
Systolic murmur in the upper eyelid
Painful movements of the eyes
"Moon face"
There is no correct answer
Frequent blinking
Questão 44
What are the clinical features of hyperthyroidism?
Weight gain, cold intolerance
Bradycardia, increased blood pressure, weight loss
Hyperpigmentation of skin and mucous membranes, thirst
Tachycardia, arrhythmias
No symptoms are present, this is an asymptomatic disorder
Questão 45
Patient had a fever (up to 38.5°C) and sore throat two weeks ago. He got well since but a few days later; heart palpitations, general weakness and pain in the neck occurred. Physical examination: Body temperature - 37.2°C, HR - 96/min, tremor in the fingers. Thyroid is IB, rigid and painfuk in the right side on palpitation. What disease would you suspect?
Questão 46
What can induce hypopituitarism?
Macroadenoma - due to compression to the surrounding tissues
This may be a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus
Antipsychotic drugs as they increase the levels of of prolactin
There is no correct answer
Hyperthyrosis - overactive thyrod "wears-out" the pituitary
All responses are correct
Questão 47
What is a macroadenoma of the pituitary?
Adenoma >5 mm in size
When adenoma suppresses the chiasma opticum
Adenoma >10 mm in size
Adenoma that can be detected by a pituitary scintigraphy
Adenoma that manifests in macrosome
Questão 48
Deficiency of which hormones is observed in adrenal insufficiency?
All answers are correct
Questão 49
What investigations are characteristics for Primary adrenal insufficiency in children?
Questão 50
Differentiated thyroid cancers are:
Questão 51
A 2.8 cm tumour was detected in the left adrenal during ultrasound testing. Yhe patient is using antihypertensive agents. The endocrinologist did not detect any changes in the hormonal activity. CT scan was done and adenoma of the left adrenal gland is suspected. The patient was assigned to:
High risk of adrenal cancer - left adrenalectomy through laparatomy is needed.
High risk of adrenal cancer - diagnostic laparoscopy is needed
High risk of adrenal cancer - laparoscopic adrenalectomy is needed
Conduct control tests after 1 year
Perform positron emission tomography and compare with CT scan data
Questão 52
Patient complains of general weakness, constipation, hair loss, weight gain. Physical evaluation: Body temperature - 36.4°C, Height - 168cm, weight - 82kg, dry skin, HR - 68k/min. Thyroid II°. The ultrasound of the thyroid: Thyroid is enlarged, normoechogenic, non-homogeneus, with numerous hypoechoic areas. What disease is it, most likely?
Subacute thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism
Autoimmune thyroiditis, hypothyroidism
Chronic fibrosing thyroiditis
Riedel thyroiditis, hypothyroidism
Subacute thyroiditis, hypothyroidism
Questão 53
What is the treatment for hypothyroidism?
Levothyroxine replacement therapy
Betablockers are the first line of treatment option
Steroids are necessary for the treatment
Antithyroid drug replacement therapy
Questão 54
What are the possible causes for the hyperthyroidism?
Questão 55
The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 years ago. He is currently on insulin Glargine 20 IU daily at bedtime, insulin Humalog 6 IU for breakfast, 9 IU for lunch, 4 IU for dinner.
HbA1c - 7.4%. His SMBG valaues: fasting - up to 6.7 mmol/L; 2 hours post breakfast - 4.4 mmol/L, post lunch - 8.7 mmol/L, post dinner - 7.9 mmol/L.
How should you proceed with treatment adjustment?
Increase dose of basal insulin
Increase breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dose of basal insulin
Decrease breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
No treatment adjustment required
Add Metformin 850 mg/d
Questão 56
What can induce hypoglycemia for patient with diabetes mellitus?
Physical activity
Insufficient dose of basal insulin
Insufficient dose of insulin for a meal
There is no correct answer
Questão 57
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 6 years ago.
He just underwent routine tests and these are the results: estimated glomerular filtration rate - 23 mL/min; Urinary Albumin - 317 mg/L. Amount of urine - 2L/24 hrs.
What is the stage of diabetic nephropathy?
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Questão 58
What is the target of fasting glucose in gestational diabetes?
≤6.1 mmol/l
≤5.3 mmol/l
≤6.7 mmol/l
≤6.5 mmol/l
Questão 59
How can ankle/brachial index be checked?
The measurements are performed during angiography
The diastolic blood pressure is measured in the lower calf and in the upper arm. The ratio is calculated
The pulses of a. dorsalis pedis and a. radialis are assessed, the ratio is calculated
The systolic blood pressure is measured in the foot and in the upper arm. The ratio is calculated
f. The systolic blood pressure is measured in the lower calf and in the upper arm. The ratio is calculated
Questão 60
Patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 for the first time. The following changes on fundoscopy is found: abnormal growth of new blood vessels. What diabetic retinopathy can be diagnosed?
Preproliferative retinopathy
Proliferative retinopathy
Non-proliferative retinopathy
The changes are clinical insignificant, there is no enough data to diagnose diabetic retinopathy
Questão 61
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 years ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclazide MR 120 mg daily, Insulin Glargine 33 IU daily.
After downloading his recent self-montoring blood glucose readings you see that in the past week his SMBG results are: fasting - up to 7.4 mmol/L; 2 hours post meal - 6.9 mmol/L.
Based on these results, how should the treatment be adjusted?
Increase the dose of basal insulin
Discontinue gliclizade, add rapid acting insulin for the meal that results in the highest glycemia
Results are acceptable, no treatment adjustment required
Add a Sulphonylurea class medication
Questão 62
What are the target organs of parathyroid hormone?
Questão 63
Which part of the bone is responsible for the bone formation?
Questão 64
What is the type of obesity of a man whose waist circumference is 111.5 cm and hip circumference is 109.5 cm. 1.0182648401826
Questão 65
Which of the diseases of endocrine ophthalmopathy is most specific?
Secondary hyperthyroidism
Multinodula toxic goiter
Grave's disease
It is not a specific feature, it is a sign of hypothyrosis
It is not a specific feature, it is a sign of thyrotoxicosis
Questão 66
Patient complains of discomfort in the throat when swallowing. Physical evaluation: Thyroid is III°, rigid, palpable nodules. The ultrasound of the thyroid: Thyroid is enlarged, normal echogenicity, homogenous. There are multiple nodules up to 2.5 cm in both sides of the thyroid. What tests would show if there is any pressure to the neck organs induced by the nodules of the thyroid?
Questão 67
What is the first stage (screening) test of primary hyperaldosteronism is clinically suspected?
Aldosterone/renin ratio
Determination of aldosterone concentration
Cortisol/aldosterone ratio
Aldosterone level in 24 hrs urine
Renin/cortisol ratio
Salt infusion test
Questão 68
Primary adrenal insufficiency is characterized by:
Questão 69
You diagnosed a patient with Pheochromocytoma and a surgery is planned. What are the required steps prior to the surgical resection:
Spironolactone/Eplerenone at least 4 weeks before surgery
Adrenoreceptor blockers, glycemic correction
Discontinue treatment with spironolactone, ACE inhibitors or ARBs for at least 4 weeks before surgery
Metformin should be stopped at least 2-3 days before the surgery
ACE inhibitors or ARB at least 1 week before surgery
BP management of BP using α-adrenergic blockers and β-adrenegic blockers at least 2 weeks before surgery
Questão 70
What metabolic features are specific to cortisol hypersecretion?
Hypoglycemia/decreased levels of cholesterol
Hyperglycemia/decreased levels of cholesterol
There is no correct answer
Questão 71
The patient was diagnosed with ACTH independent Cushing's syndrome. What is the first line of treatment?
Questão 72
What are the cardiovascular complications of acromegaly?
The dilatation of peripheral vessels due to high levels of IGF-1
All answers are correct
Arterial hypertension
Arterial hypotension due to decreased blood circulation
Acute heart failure
There is no correct answer
Questão 73
Which dynamic test confirms growth hormone deficiency?
Questão 74
Which of these hormones are not synthesized in the anterior pituitary?
Questão 75
Which visual radiological examinations will the surgeon guide before removing the right inferior parathyroid gland adenoma:
Questão 76
75 y/o patient suffering from type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension. BMI - 27kg/m2. Blood test: Potassium 4.1 mmol/l, Na 140 mmol/l. Ultrasound and abdominal CT detected a 1.1 cm tumour in the left adrenal gland. Most likely diagnosis is:
Questão 77
Age limit and periodicity for Mammography Program in EU is:
Base mammography at the age of 35. Mammography is performed each year for 50-69 year old women
Base mammography at the age of 40-49. Mammography is performed 2 years for 45-60 year old women
Base mammography at the age of 45. Mammography is performed 2 years for 55-69 year old women
Base mammography at the age of 35. Mammography is performed 2 years for 45-60 year old women
Base mammography at the age of 40-49. Mammography is performed 2 years for 50-69 year old women
Questão 78
A patient (45 years of age, BMI 47 kg/m2), comorbidities-type II diabetes and arterial hypertension caame to an appointment with bariatric surgeon and wants to know more about surgery of obesity. What are the advantages of surgical obesity treatments against conservative ones?
Greater long term weight loss
All answers are correct
Better correction of comorbidities associated with obesity
Lower mortality during long term follow-up
Lower complication risk in the short term follow-up period
Questão 79
A patient (45 years of age, BMI 47 kg/m2), comorbidities-type II diabetes and arterial hypertension came to an appointment with bariatric surgeon and wants to know more about the effectiveness of surgery of obesity. What is the probable weight loss after surgery for obesity?
Restrictive procedures - 50% malabsorptive - 100% combined - 80% excess weight
All answers are correct
Restrictive procedures - 90% malabsorptive - 70% combined - 40% excess weight
Restrictive procedures - 50% malabsorptive - 70% combined - 60% excess weight
Restrictive procedures - 30% malabsorptive - 100% combined - 60% excess weight
Questão 80
Thyrotoxicosis is treated with the following medicines except:
Beta blockers
Antithyroid medicines
Questão 81
During the surgery, the limb is removed at the joint - this procedure is called:
Questão 82
Which of these may cause ulcers in the foot?
Questão 83
A 4 year old girl is seen in clinic for fatigue, insomnia, increase appetite, nervousness. Review of symptoms includes "eyes buldging", a growth spurt, tachycardia and diffusely enlarged thyroid gland. The hormone analyses are TTH < 0.01 mU/l, FT4 55pmol/l, thyroid peroxidase antibody 20kU/l (normal range 0-12), antithyroglobulin antibody 60kU/l (normal range 0-100), anti-TSH receptor antibodies 35 (normal range <9). What is the etiology of this hyperthroidism?
Thyroid follicular cell hyperfunction
Thyroid follicular cell destruction
Ingestion iodide preparations or thyroid hormone
Questão 84
What are the causes of primary congenital adrenal insufficiency in children?
Questão 85
What is relevant to 17α-hydroxylase deficiency?
Questão 86
8 - year old boy, weight 18kg. presents to the pediatric emergency room with complaints of polyuria, thirst, pain in abdomen, vomitting for 1 day. On examination, he was drowsy, had deep sighing respiration and dehydration. Temperature 36.9°C, heart rate 140/min., respiratory rate 30/min., blood sugar 28 mmol/l, pH 7.0. What condition is most likely?
Diabetics ketonaemia
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Questão 87
Two main reasons of growth hormone discontinuation
Questão 88
If a girl started puberty at the age of 9 would it be considered early?
Questão 89
What is relevant to Central Precocious Puberty?
5 times more common in girls
Central Nervous System Lesions (organic causes) in >60% of boys
Most cases are idiopathic
Premature activation of the HPG axis
Questão 90
A 7-year old girl came to outpatient clinic with complaints of failure to thrive, chronic diarrhoea, abdominal distention and pain, body temperature is normal. Symptoms last for 6 months. From the history, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 2 years ago, she had optimal glycemia control for one year but now her HbA1c is 9.5% with unexplained hypoglycemia events.
What is the most probable diagnosis?
Questão 91
What are the most common clinical and biochemical findings in children with type 2 diabetes?
Questão 92
Patient is a Type 2 diabetic and having arterial hypertension. He came to a consultation on restrictive obesity surgery and wants to know more about this type of surgery. What are the most common complications of restrictive obesity surgery?
Questão 93
What is the target fasting glucose for the patient with diabetes mellitus?
≤6.5 mmol/l + no hipos
≤7.8 mmol/l + no hipos
≤6.1 mmol/l + no hipos
≤ 7.0 mmol/l + no hipos
Questão 94
The patient was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 7 years ago. He is currently on insulin Glargine 30 IU daily at bedtime, insulin Humalog 7 IU for breakfast, 8 IU for lunch, 5 IU for dinner.
HbA1c - 7.2%. His SMBG values: fasting - up to 3 mmol/L; 2 hours post breakfast - 8.6 mmol/L, post lunch - 4.5 mmol/l, post dinner - 5.6 mmol/L.
How should you proceed with treatment adjustment?
lncrease dose of basal insulin
Increase breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Increase dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dose of basal insulin
Decrease breakfast dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease lunch dose of rapid acting insulin
Decrease dinner dose of rapid acting insulin
No treatment adjustment required
Add Metformin 850 mg/d
Questão 95
What are the specific metabolic changes of arterial blood pH in diabetic ketoacidosis?
Diabetic acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Diabetic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Questão 96
What is the first step to check if arterial blood flow is sufficient in patient with diabetes mellitus?
Palpation of a dorsalis tibalis
The palpation of a femoralis
Palpation of a femoralis superficialis
Palpation of a tibialis anterior
Palpation of a dosalis pedis
Questão 97
Which drug may induce hypercalcemia?
Thiazide diuretics
Questão 98
According to WHO classificaation of thyroid enlargement. What is the size of III°?
The goitre is visible from a distance
The goitre is palpable and visible when the neck is in reclined position
Thyroid is not enlarged
The goitre is palpable but not visible
Questão 99
A 58 year old man presents with a painless tumor in the neck, increased sweating and episodes of tachycardia. No discomfort on swallowing is present. Physical evaluation: Temperature 36.7°C, Heart rate 96/min. The ultrasound of the thyroid: thyroid is normal in size, echogenity, homogenous. In the left side, there is a 2x3 cm solid isoechoic nodule with regualr margins. Lab tests: TSH - o.3IU/l (n. 0.4-4.2), FT4 - 19pmol/l (n. 9-21). On the scan, there is a toxic adenoma. What are the acceptable treatment options?
Questão 100
What ultrasound features are indicative of a malignant nodule of a thyroid?
Questão 101
The patient is being evaluated for a cause of obesity. He has no other complaints. Clinical examination. Height - 178cm, weight - 121kg,. No striae are visible. The following test results are received. FT4 - 15.2 pmol/l (n. 9-19), TTH - 2.3 mIU/l (n. 0.5-4.8), 8 A.M. Cortisol - 848 nmol/l (n. 424-724). Fasting plasma Glycemia - 5.8 mmol/l. Patient undergoes an overnight 1 mg. Dexamethasone test: 9 A.M. Cortisol - 61.7 nmol/l. What is your next step?
No further tests needed - no signs of pathologic Cortisol secretion
Perform a low dose of Dexamethasone test to evaluate for posible adrenal pathology
Perform catheterization of v.cava inferior
Perform abdominal CT for possible adrenal adenoma
Perform high dose Dexamethasone test for possible adrenal pathology
Questão 102
What hormonal changes are specific for primary adrenal insufficiency?
Decreased levels of cortisol/Decreased ACTH/ a response of cortisol ( > 550 nmol/l) after ACTH stimulation
Decreased levels of cortisol/Decreased ACTH/ No response of cortisol ( > 550 nmol/l) after ACTH stimulation
Decreased levels of cortisol/Decreased ACTH/ Decreased CRH
Decreased levels of cortisol/Increased ACTH/ No response of cortisol (<550 nmol/l) after ACTH stimulation
Questão 103
Which of the following symptoms are most commonly associated with phaeochromocytoma?
Hypotension accompanied by increased sweating, hunger, headache
Hypertension accompanied by increased hypoglycemia, sweating, hunger
Hypotension accompanied by tachycardia, hyperglycemia, nausea, vomiting
Nausea, vomitting, excess sweating, normal blood pressure
Hypertension accompanied with headache, sweating, achycardia
Questão 104
The patient with Cushing syndrome has undergone a high dose dexamethasone suppression test with a baseline cortisol concentration of 980 nmol/l, followed by the 360 nmol/l after the test. What s the most probable cause of Cushing's syndrome?
Functionality inactive pituitary adenoma
Cortisol hypersecretion due to adrenal adenoma
Not enough data to set the diagnosis
ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma
None of the options is correct
Ectopic ACTH synthesis
Questão 105
A patient was diagnosed with Cushing syndrome. Could it have any effect on the secretion of growth hormone, prolactin and sex hormones?
It suppresses growth hormone but stimulates prolactin and sex hormones
Has no effect on secretion of other hormones
Yes, it may impair secretion of other hormones
Yes, it may stimulate secretion of other hormones
No correct answer
It stimulates growth hormone and prolactin but does not affect secretion of sex hormones
Questão 106
What are the clinical signs of thyrotropinoma?
Clinical symptoms of hyperthyrosis
Clinical symptoms of hypothyrosis
Clinical symptoms of hypercorticism
Signs of acromegaly
No correct answer
Questão 107
What can induce hypopituitarism?
Hyperthyroidism - increased function of thyroid gland exhausts the pituitary gland
This is the one of the chronic diabetes mellitus complications
All answers are correct
Excessive bleeding during delivery
Antipsychotic drugs because of the increase levels of prolactin
No correct answer
Questão 108
40 y/o female is suffering from chronic kidney failure and needs hemodialysis. 10 years ago, total parathyroidectomy was performed and about 4.6 mg of parathyroid gland was reimplanted to the forearm muscles. The first few years after surgery, PTH was within normal range. Recent blood test: Ca - 2.6 pmol/l, Ca ++ - 1.2 pmol/l, PTH = 120pg/l. What are the least likely causes of hyperparathyroidism?
Hyperplasia of the reimplanted parathyroid gland
Hyperplasia of the residual parathyroid tissue
Atrophy of the reimplanted parathyroid gland
Not all of the parathyroid glands have been removed
Presence of the pituitary adenoma
Questão 109
Breast removal surgery was performed for 70 year old patient having Paget disease of right breast nipple(Tis NO). Breast with nipple and skin was removed during the surgery, lymph nodes were not removed. What surgery was performed for patient?
Skin and areola preserving mastectomy
Radical (Patey) mastectomy
Extended radical mastectomy (Halsted)
Subcutaneous mastectomy
Questão 110
The most common Thyroid Cancer
Questão 111
You are discussing the case, when patient regained weight 6 years after bariatric surgery. Your colleague struggles to indicate how bariatric surgery procedures are classified according to the mechanism of action. What is your opinion?
Procedures, reducing stomach volume & gt; 50% procedures, reducing stomach by It; 50% procedures not reducing stomach volume
Procedures which treat Type 2 diabetes procedures which doesn't treat Type 2 diabetes
Restrictive, malabsorptive, metabolic
Restrictive, stomach resection, combined
Restrictive, malabsorptive, combined
Questão 112
What conditions should be maintained whe directing the patient to undergo a prosthetic treatment after a high leg amputation?
A fully healed wound
All responses are correct
Patients younger than 70 years
Sufficient physical activity of the patient
Pateints without concomitant disease
Questão 113
Clinical manifestation of autonomic neuropathy?
Dehydrates the skin, cracks appear and soft tissue infection can occur
Innervation of the foot muscles are disturbed resulting in the atrophy of the foot muscles and alteration of the foot architecture - new support points are formed resulting in cracks and calluses
Pain, temperature, tactile sensations are damaged which increases the chance of damage to the foot.
Questão 114
Situation: A 14 day old female baby born at 40 weeks with a birth weight 4100 g is reported to have an abnormal newborn thyroid screen. Her newborn screening test results: TTH > 100mU/l. The bay comes to pediatric endocrinology department, the repeated test were: TTH 100ml, FT4 < 1.29 pmol/l. The most clinical features of congenital hypothyroidism are:
Large fontanelle
Questão 115
What is the cause of hypoglycema in children with diabetes?
Insufficient dosage of rapid acting insulin for food
Excessive dose of insulin
No correct answers
Insufficient dosage of basal insulin
Questão 116
What curves are used to follow up child's growth?
Height, weight, body mass index, head circumference
Height, weight, Height and sitting height ratio, head circumference
Eight, weight, growth rate, body mass index
Questão 117
What are the most common causes of physiologic short height?
Constitutional growth nd puberty delay, familial (genetic) low height
Short height in chronic diseases
Short height due to hypogonadism
Questão 118
What is the usual chronology of changes FEMALES go through during puberty:
Thelarche→pubarche→menarche→peak height velocity (PHV)
Questão 119
Premature thelarche and prematue pubarche and normal puberty variants.
Questão 120
What is the most common cause of diabetes mellitus in children?
Genetic defects of insulin action
Autoimmune β-cell destruction
No correct answer
Genetic defects of β-cell function
Questão 121
What are the clinical features of diabetes in children?
Questão 122
A 77 y/o man complains of the pain all over the body. A DXA scan was performed. What is your interpretation of bone mineral density in this scan?
Questão 123
Match the Gonadal Dysgenesis type with its description.
46,XY [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
45,X/46,XY [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
46,XX [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
Asymmetric [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
Symmetric [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
47,XXY [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
45,X0 [blank_start]ANSWER[blank_end]
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Semininferous tubule Dysgenesis
Questão 124
The adrenal CT scan is first line test that should be performed for everybody who is suspected for the primary hyperaldosteronism.
Questão 125
Unilateral adrenalectomy is first line treatment for the ACTH independent Cushing Syndrome
Questão 126
The most common causes of the secondary chronic adrenal insufficiency are brain tumors and trauma
Questão 127
Which of those are the actions of androgens?
Stimulates potassium excreation from
the organism
Stimulates the pubic and axillary hair
Increases indirectly blood pressure
Stimulates gluconeogenesis
Influences libido, sexual behavior
Increases the secreation of H* from the
Increases bone mass
Stimulates lipolysis
Increase proteins synthesis in muscles,
bone tissue
Increases the glucose level in the blood
Questão 128
How do you classify a person whose weight is 85.7 kg and height is 1.93 m based on Body Mass Index?
Obesity Class I
Obesity Class Il
Obesity Class IlI
Questão 129
How do you classify a person who is 170 cm tall, weighs 95.4 kg and has a body mass index of 33?
Obesity Class I
Obesity Class II
Obesity Class Ill
Questão 130
What is the type of obesity of a woman whose waist circumference is 102 cm and hip circumference is 98 cm 1.0408163265306
Questão 131
Which of those are the actions of mineralcorticoids?
a. Stimulates potassium excretion from the organism
b. Influences libido, sexual behavior
c. Stimulates lipolysis
d. Has anti-inflammatory activity
e. Secretes H from the organism
f. Stimulates the reabsorbtion Na+ from the urine back to the organism
g. Increase blood volume
h. Increases indirectly blood pressure
i. Increases proteins synthesis in muscles, bone tissue
j. Decreases renin-angiotensin activity
Questão 132
The patient is suspected to have Cushing's syndrome. What hormonal test is used for screening?
Questão 133
Which of the hormally active substance does not affect prolactin secretion?
Questão 134
What are the clinical signs of mineralcorticoid excess when treating the chronic adrenal insufficiency?
a. Arterial hypertension, edemas
b. Loss of consciousness, hypotension
c. Hypotension, edemas
d. Edemas, frequent urination
Questão 135
What is the most probable cause of chronic primary adrenal insufficiency?
a. MEN 2A syndrome
b. Radiotherapy of the abdomen region
c. Non-functioning pituitary adenoma
d. Chronic renal failure
e Autoimmune adrenal damage
Questão 136
The results of the patient's lab test are: Cortisol 200 nmol/l (n 177-700), ACTH 25 (n 4-14). What dynamic test will confirm the diagnosis?
a. Synacthen test
b. Oral glucose tolerance test
c. Sampling of v. cava inferior
d. Salt infusion test
e. Overnight 1mg Dexamethasone supression test
f. CRH test
Questão 137
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 7 year ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclazide MR 120 mg daily, Insulin Glargine 34 IU daily.
His self-monitoring blood glucose results are: fasting-up to 5.1 mmol/L; 2 hours post meal-10.6 mmol/t.
Based on these results, how should the treatment be adjusted?
Increase the dose of basal insulin
Discontinue gliclazide, add rapid acting insulin for the meal that results in the highest glycemia
Results are acceptable, no treatment adjustment required
Questão 138
A patient who is 24 weeks pregnant undergoes an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Fasting blood glucose is 4.9 mmol/L;
1 hour post challenge with 75 g of glucose solution 11.7 mmol/L
2 hours post-challenge -7.8 mmol/L
Indicative of what glucose metabolism impairment are such results?
Normal glucose tolerance
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as pre-challenge glucose is elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as 1 hour post-challenge glucose is elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as 2 hours post-challenge glucose is elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as pre-challenge and 1 hour post-challenge glucose are elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as pre-challenge and 2 hours post-challenge glucose are elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as 1 hour and 2 hour post-challenge glucose are elevated
Gestational diabetes mellitus, as all blood glucose results are elevated
Impaired glucose tolerance as only a single value is elevated
Insufficient data to establish diagnosis
Questão 139
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 years ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclande MR 120 mg daily, Insulin Glargine 21 IU daily
After downloading his recent self-monitoring blood glucose readings you see that in the past week his SMBG results are
fasting up to 6.1 mmol/t 2 hours post meal-6.6 mmol/L
Based on these results, how should the treatment be adjusted?
Increase the dose of basal insulin
Discontinue gliclazide, add rapid acting insulin for the meal that results in the highest glycemia
Results are acceptable, no treatment adjustment required
Add a Sulphonylures class medication
Questão 140
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 year ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclazide MR 120
Studentul/ for Student
mg daily, and Liraglutide 1.8 mg daily HbA1c-7.5% His self monitoring blood glucose results are: fasting-up to 9 mmol, 2 hours post meal 7:3 mmol/1
Based on these results, what is the next step in adjusting the treatment?
Start basal Insulin
Discontinue Gliclazide and Liraglutide and start rapid acting insulin for the meal resulting in the highest glycemia
Discontinue Gliclazide and start basal as well as rapiting insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start basal insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start rapid acting insulin
Questão 141
A patient has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 6 year ago. He is currently on Metformin 850 mg tid, Gliclazide MR 120 mg daily, and Liraglutide 1.8 mg daily. HbA1c -7.5%.
His self monitoring blood glucose results are: fasting- up to 7.4 mmol/L; 2 hours post meal -7.7 mmol/L.
Based on these results, what is the next step in adjusting the treatment?
Start basal Insulin
Discontinue Gliclazide and Liraglutide and start rapid acting insulin for the meal resulting in the highest glycemia
Discontinue Gliclazide and start basal, as well as rapid acting insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start
basal insulin
Discontinue all current medications and start rapid acting insulin
Questão 142
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH -0.2 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/I, fT4-24.1 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 8.5 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-23 (n. <34), anti-TG 105.9 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 7.1 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 143
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH-13.2 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4 -24.7 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 - 12.7 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-13.1 (n. <34), anti-TG 32.5 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) -2.3 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically
Questão 144
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease these are the results: TSH-0.13 (n. 0.5-4.75) maut, fT4-222 (n. 10-20) pmolt, FT3-11.8 (n. 2-6) pmolt, anti-TPO 155.9 (n. 34), and TG-35.30100), and TSH (stimulating)-157 (n <10), What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 145
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH-0.28 m 0.5-4.75) mat, fT4-51 mm 10-20) pmol/l, f13-1.4 (n. 2-6) pmol/t; anti-TPO 32.2 (n. 34), anti-TG-29.2 (n100), antiTSH (stimulating) 7.8 (n. 10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease.
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroon producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 146
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH-1.9 (n. 0.5-4.75) mai (74-15.9m 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-4.8 (n. 2-6) pmol/t anti-TPO-288.7 (n. 34), anti-TG-88.1 (n-100), antiTSH (stimulating)-7.6 (n. 10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 147
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH-5.6 (n. 0.5-4.75) mU/L (T4-9.6 (n. 10-20) pmolt 113-1.6 (n. 2-6) pmol/t anti-TPO-295.6 (n. 34), anti-TG-137.8 (n<100), antiTSH (stimulating)-5.6 (n. 10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 148
Patient comes in with complaints of rapid weight gain and decreased libido. Further complaints include hirsutism and recent onset of acne. Hypercortisolemia is suspected and so 24 hour urine cortisol is performed and result was 320 μg/24h.
What is the appropriate next step?
a. ACTH should be checked to verify the cause of hipercortisolemia X
b. A high-dose dexamethasone suppression test should be done to verify the cause of hypercortisolemia
c. Overnight 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test should be done to rule out physiologic hypercortisolemia
d. The level of Cortisol is slightly elevated because of the obesity - no further tests are necessary
e. Further tests are not necessary. increased level of cortisol is the cause of obesity
Questão 149
Patient develops hypoglycemia while at the hospital and is currently unconscious. His current blood glucose is 2.1mmol/l. What is the recommended approach?
Questão 150
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH-0.24 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-26.4 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-9.9 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-276.5 (n. <34), anti-TG-83.5 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 11.3 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin-producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 151
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH -0.15 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-7.2 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 1.8 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO -2.9 (n. <34), anti-TG 6 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 2.7 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 152
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH 9.1 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-5.1 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-1.4 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO - 56.8 (n. <34), anti-TG-142.7 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) 9.2 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically
Questão 153
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH -8.6 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-7.5 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-1.6 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-240.4 (n. <34), anti-TG-147.3 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) 3 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 154
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH -6.3 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-5.4 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-1.8 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-59.2 (n. <34), anti-TG 143.4 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 3.2 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 155
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH-2.1 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-14.5 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-5.6 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-89.1 (n. <34), anti-TG-34.8 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) 3.5 (n. <10), What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically
Questão 156
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH - 0.44 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-6.5 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-1.5 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-17.3 (n. <34), anti-TG-75.8 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating)-5.8 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 157
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease- these are the results: TSH-0.12 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-26.9 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-11.4 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-15.6 (n. <34), anti-TG-150 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating)-3 (n. <10), What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 158
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH-16 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-22.9 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 12.2 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-8.2 (n. <34), anti-TG -21.1 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 4.4 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 159
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH -0.33 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-25.4 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3 -10.7 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO - 14.8 (n. <34), anti TG-121 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 3.1 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 160
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH-0.4 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-26.4 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-8.2 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-20.6 (n. <34), anti-TG-126.4 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) -8.4 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant
Questão 161
Patient underwent lab tests for a suspected thyroid disease - these are the results: TSH-12.6 (n. 0.5-4.75) mIU/l, fT4-25.2 (n. 10-20) pmol/l, fT3-8.4 (n. 2-6) pmol/l; anti-TPO-5.9 (n. <34), anti-TG-12.4 (n.<100), antiTSH (stimulating) - 6.6 (n. <10). What disease is the most probable based on such results?
Graves disease
Hypothyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Euthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto thyroiditis
TSH producing pituitary adenoma
Central hypothyroidism
Acute thyroiditis
Thyroxin producing pituitary adenoma
Deviation of lab results is clinically irrelevant