IPA UNED - Tema 2 - Inglés jurídico -TEXTS. The judge's role in civil cases.


1. The judge’s role in civil cases Choose the appropriate term for the blanks
José Carlos Balmón
Quiz por José Carlos Balmón, atualizado more than 1 year ago
José Carlos Balmón
Criado por José Carlos Balmón mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Civil cases involve hearings in open court which the public may attend; hearings in the judge's private room from which the public are excluded; and matters decided by the judge in private but on the basis of the papers alone, without any [blank_start]________[blank_end] by the parties or their legal representatives.
  • assistances
  • showings
  • appearances
  • attendances

Questão 2

Before [blank_start]_________[blank_end] a civil case the judge reads the relevant case papers and becomes familiar with their details.
  • enjudging
  • sentencing
  • trying
  • adjourning

Questão 3

The vast majority of civil cases tried in court do not have a jury -libel and slander trials are the main exception- and the judge (i) [blank_start]__________[blank_end] them on his own, deciding them by finding facts, applying the relevant law to them - and there may be considerable argument about what that law actually is -and then giving a (ii) [blank_start]____________[blank_end] judgment.
  • audits
  • hears
  • audiences
  • listens
  • reasoned
  • grounded
  • justified
  • motivated

Questão 4

Judges also play an active role in managing civil cases once they have started, helping to ensure they proceed as quickly and efficiently as possible. This includes: • encouraging the parties to co-operate with each other in the conduct of the case; • helping the parties to [blank_start]____________[blank_end] the case; • encouraging the parties to use an alternative dispute resolution procedure if appropriate and; • controlling the progress of the case.
  • agree
  • resolve
  • settle
  • accord

Questão 5

Occasionally, the parties will have agreed the relevant facts and it will not be necessary for the judge to hear any live (i) [blank_start]____________[blank_end]. The issues may concern the law to be applied or the terms of the judgment to be given. But more often than not, written and live evidence will be given by the parties and their witnesses and the live witnesses may be (ii)[blank_start]_____________[blank_end].
  • evidences
  • proofs
  • proof
  • evidence
  • cross-asked
  • cross-examined
  • cross-questioned
  • cross-interrogated

Questão 6

The judge ensures that all parties involved are given the opportunity to have their case presented and considered as fully and fairly as possible. During the case the judge will ask questions on any point he feels requires clarification, or which he feels is relevant. The judge also decides on matters of (i) [blank_start]______________[blank_end] which may arise during a hearing.
  • proceedings
  • procedure
  • process
  • course

Questão 7

Once the judge has heard the evidence from all parties involved and any [blank_start]___________[blank_end] they wish to put forward, he delivers his [blank_start]_______________[blank_end]. This may be immediately, or if the case is complicated, the [blank_start]___________[blank_end] may be given at a later date.
  • interventions
  • comments
  • submissions
  • remarks
  • judgement
  • sentence
  • finding
  • ruling
  • judgement
  • sentence
  • finding
  • ruling

Questão 8

Civil judges do have the power to punish parties if, for example, they are in [blank_start]___________[blank_end] of court but, generally, civil cases do not involve the imposition of any punishment on anyone. The [blank_start]___________[blank_end] -the person who has brought the case to court- will have asked for some form of relief against the defendant. This will more often than not be [blank_start]____________[blank_end] to compensate them for the losses they say have suffered as a result of the defendant's actions. Then, if the judge decides that the claimant is [blank_start]__________[blank_end] to damages, he will have to go on to decide the amount. Or the claimant may have asked for an [blank_start]__________[blank_end] -for example, to forbid the defendant from making excessive noise by playing the drums in the flat upstairs in the early hours of the morning, or a declaration -an order specifying the precise boundary between two properties about which the parties had never been able to agree. The task of the judge to is to decide on what is the appropriate [blank_start]__________[blank_end], if any, and on the precise terms of it.
  • scorn
  • disdain
  • despise
  • contempt
  • claimant
  • complainant
  • plaintiff
  • petitioner
  • damages
  • harms
  • losses
  • hurts
  • liable
  • entitled
  • empowered
  • likely
  • mandate
  • injunction
  • ruling
  • admonition
  • solution
  • countermeasure
  • remedy
  • sentence

Questão 9

And then, when the judgment in the case has been [blank_start]______________[blank_end] and the result is known, the judge must [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] with the cost of the case -like the [blank_start]___________[blank_end] of lawyers (if they have been involved), the court [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] paid out by the parties, the [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] of [blank_start]_____________[blank_end] witnesses, the[blank_start]__________[blank_end] that may be allowed to litigants who have acted in person (without lawyers), and the [blank_start]___________[blank_end] lost and travelling and other expenses incurred by the parties and their witnesses in getting to and from court and in preparing for the case. Whilst the general rule is that the unsuccessful party will have to pay the successful party's [blank_start]___________[blank_end], the judge has a wide [blank_start]_______________[blank_end] to depart from this rule. The judge's decision on this part of the case will be highly crucial to the parties. He may decide, for example, that the unsuccessful party should pay only a proportion of the successful party's costs or that each party should[blank_start]______________[blank_end] bear their own costs.
  • read
  • called
  • delivered
  • dictated
  • deal
  • treat
  • allocate
  • cover
  • payments
  • fees
  • salaries
  • wages
  • payments
  • fees
  • salaries
  • wages
  • payments
  • fees
  • salaries
  • wages
  • experienced
  • expert
  • expertise
  • specialist
  • expenditure
  • coverages
  • allowances
  • diets
  • remuneration
  • returns
  • stipends
  • earnings
  • expenses
  • costs
  • rate
  • charges
  • discretion
  • jurisdiction
  • consideration
  • judgement
  • put up with
  • support
  • bear
  • carry


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