
216 Anthropology Quiz sobre ANTHROPOLOGY CHAPTER 7 TERMS, criado por Michael Wickham em 28-10-2015.
Michael Wickham
Quiz por Michael Wickham, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Michael Wickham
Criado por Michael Wickham mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

When families have different marriage systems within the extended family there are two types of marriage through cousins. A [blank_start]Cross Cousin[blank_end] system involves when the cousins are children who of the opposite sex. Whereas [blank_start]Parallel Cousins[blank_end] are those children of siblings who are the same sex.
  • Cross Cousin
  • Parallel Cousin
  • Cross Cousins
  • Parallel Cousins

Questão 2

There are many ways in which people are related to each other. [blank_start]Affinal[blank_end] Relatives are people who are related to a person through marriage, like a brother in law or sister in law. [blank_start]Consanguineal[blank_end] Relatives are relatives who are related through biological means, examples are through blood or birth.
  • Affinal
  • Consanguineal
  • Affinal
  • Consanguineal

Questão 3

There are many ways in which generations continue to reproduce and have children. There are two subcategories of descent and their higher branch is called [blank_start]Multilineal[blank_end] Descent, because it deals with both parent's bloodline being important to the persons status. [blank_start]Bilateral[blank_end] Descent is when the persons parents are both equally important in the persons life, examples are through wealth or social class. [blank_start]Ambilineal[blank_end] Descent is when the persons social attachments are related to either the mother or the fathers bloodline, parents are the ones who choose which bloodline their child is more attached to. The subcategory of descent being determined only through one bloodline is called [blank_start]Unilineal[blank_end] Descent. [blank_start]Matrilineal[blank_end] Descent is associated with only the mother's bloodline. Where as [blank_start]Patrilineal[blank_end] Descent is related only to the father's bloodline.
  • Multilineal
  • Unilineal
  • Bilateral
  • Ambilineal
  • Bilateral
  • Ambilineal
  • Multilineal
  • Unilineal
  • Matrilineal
  • Patrilineal
  • Matrilineal
  • Patrilineal

Questão 4

There are different ways for married couples to choose a residence after their marriage. [blank_start]Ambilocal[blank_end] Residence is when the couple has a choice to live with or near to relatives of the wife OR husband. [blank_start]Avunculocal[blank_end] Residence is living near or with the uncle on your mothers side. [blank_start]Patrilocal[blank_end] Residence is when married couples live with or near to the husbands father. The opposite is when the married couple lives with or near to the relatives of the wife, this is called [blank_start]Matrilocal[blank_end] Residence.
  • Ambilocal
  • Avunculocal
  • Matrilocal
  • Patrilocal
  • Ambilocal
  • Avunculocal
  • Matrilocal
  • Patrilocal
  • Patrilocal
  • Matrilocal
  • Patrilocal
  • Matrilocal

Questão 5

An [blank_start]Arranged Marriage[blank_end] is a form of marriage that surpasses something purely based on emotional or romantic needs, but is an exchange of something sacred like goods or services. When negotiating an arranged marriage there are certain goods or services that are exchanged. [blank_start]Bride Wealth[blank_end] is one of them which is compensation, whether it be livestock or in a contemporary world money from the family of the groom to the family of the bride. [blank_start]Bride Service[blank_end] is also offered which is when the groom's family or themselves give up labour to the brides family instead of material goods. A [blank_start]Dowry[blank_end] is usually the opposite of Bride Wealth, which is when goods are given from the brides family to the groom's family as compensation, Usually [blank_start]Dowries[blank_end] are used to climb up the social ladder.
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Decided Marriage
  • Bride Wealth
  • Bride Service
  • Bride Wealth
  • Bride Service
  • Dowry
  • Groom Wealth
  • Dowries
  • Groom Wealths

Questão 6

When choosing who to marry if you don't live in a society that believes in arranged marriage there are different methods of choosing who to marry. [blank_start]Endogamy[blank_end] is the idea of marrying within a certain group, like marrying in a caste system. Where as [blank_start]Exogamy[blank_end] is the opposite idea of marrying outside of a certain group, like trying to raise your social status. Divorce is the formal dissolution of marriage. When a person has more than one partner there are a couple different terms for this. [blank_start]Monogamy[blank_end] is the marriage of one man and one women at a time. [blank_start]Polygamy[blank_end] is the idea of one partner having more than one partner. [blank_start]Polyandry[blank_end] is the idea of a woman having more than one husband. [blank_start]Polygyny[blank_end] is the idea of a man having more than one wife. Preferential Cousin Marriage is a preferred way in certain societies that cousins are the way to marry, it includes both Cross-Cousins and Parallel Cousins.
  • Endogamy
  • Exogamy
  • Endogamy
  • Exogamy
  • Monogamy
  • Polygamy
  • Monogamy
  • Polygamy
  • Polyandry
  • Polygyny
  • Polyandry
  • Polygyny

Questão 7

[blank_start]Neolocal Residence[blank_end] is when the newly married couple decide to live in a new location without attachment to either parent/ side of family. [blank_start]Serial Monogamy[blank_end] is related to marriage, it is the idea of taking a number of different spouses one after another rather than at the same time, often practiced in the contemporary western world. When a partner dies there are many different ways of how to deal with the after math. A [blank_start]Sororate[blank_end] is a customer when the wife dies so that the widower marries the sister of the deceased wife. A [blank_start]Levirate[blank_end] is basically the opposite and has to do when the male dies in the marriage and the wife is expected to marry the brother of the dead husband.
  • Serial Monogamy
  • Unilineal Monogamy
  • Structural Monogamy
  • Stratified Monogamy
  • Neolocal Residence
  • Unilocal Residence
  • Ambilocal Residence
  • Independant Residence
  • Sororate
  • Levirate
  • Sororate
  • Levirate

Questão 8

[blank_start]Descent[blank_end] is the reference to a particular persons kinship connections through multiple generations. There are often two ways to refer to different families or generations. A [blank_start]Nuclear Family[blank_end] is one who is two generations and is typically two parents and children and their grandparents. [blank_start]Extended Family[blank_end] is a family that consists of two or more families that are linked through blood ties. A [blank_start]Kinship System[blank_end] is an all encompassing system that involves both blood and marriage relationships that help establish different categories of kin. A [blank_start]Fictive Kinships[blank_end] is someone who isn't related through blood or marriage, an example is someone who is adopted. The [blank_start]Matriarchy[blank_end] is an ideal that a society is mainly ran and powered through females where they have the most control. The topic of [blank_start]Incest Taboo[blank_end] is one that prohibits mating between relatives, it is something frowned upon and not seen as acceptable in most societies.
  • Descent
  • Generational Links
  • Nuclear Family
  • Extended Family
  • Nuclear Family
  • Extended Family
  • Kinship System
  • Organized Kin
  • Marriage and Blood System
  • Fictive Kinships
  • False Kinship
  • Matriarchy
  • Patriarchy
  • Incest Taboo
  • Incest Unacceptance


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