CBC Ottawa news quiz for the week of Oct. 29


How closely did you follow the past week in local news?
Trevor Pritchard
Quiz por Trevor Pritchard, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Trevor Pritchard
Criado por Trevor Pritchard mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Ontario Provincial Police issued a warning this week after one-year-old Gizmo escaped from the Waddles 'n' Wags animal sanctuary in Eganville, Ont. What kind of animal is Gizmo?
  • An African serval cat.
  • A Burmese python.
  • An Indian rhinoceros.
  • A Patagonian capybara.

Questão 2

Helen Catselis is one of several people locked in a months-long dispute with an Ottawa-based company over incomplete work and unpaid bills. What is the artistically-inspired name of that company?
  • Poolcasso Pools & Landscaping.
  • Van Go! Auto Dealers.
  • Gembrandt Diamond Experts.
  • Pottycelli Toilets & Plumbing.

Questão 3

Amy Louttit says she's devastated by the death of her brother, George, and also appalled at how Ottawa police have handled the investigation so far. How did George Louttit die?
  • He drowned in the Ottawa River.
  • He was hit by a vehicle.
  • He lost consciousness while in police custody.
  • He fell from a balcony.

Questão 4

Which staple is piling up a the Johnstown, Ont., port along the St. Lawrence Seaway at a rate of roughly 5,500 tonnes per day? Port manager Robert Dalley says if an end to the Seaway worker strike isn't reached soon, they'll soon run out of room.
  • Soybeans.
  • Lentils.
  • Corn.
  • Barley.

Questão 5

Karn Laursen says people on Curl Road in Stone Mills, Ont., are living in fear after WHAT happened this past week?
  • Two suspicious fires broke out.
  • Residents got hateful anti-LGBTQ material in their mailboxes.
  • Someone poisoned several local cats.
  • A young child died after being struck by street racers.

Questão 6

Lucille Groulx, a former pharmacy technician who farms near Wendover, Ont., got lab test results back showing that something she grew on her farm had a never-before-identified DNA sequence. What was it?
  • An apple.
  • A truffle.
  • A wine grape.
  • Hop vines.

Questão 7

According to the NHL, why was Ottawa Senators centre Shane Pinto suspended Thursday for half of the 2023-24 season?
  • He missed a series of mandatory drug tests.
  • He fell afoul of the league's sports wagering rules.
  • He wrapped his hockey stick in rainbow-coloured tape.
  • He made offensive remarks about the Israel-Hamas war.

Questão 8

According to trademark filings by the Professional Women's Hockey League, what could potentially be the name of Ottawa's new club — an homage to a successful women's hockey team that played in the nation's capital a century ago?
  • The Ottawa Alert.
  • The Ottawa Echo.
  • The Ottawa Galaxy.
  • The Ottawa Blizzard.

Questão 9

Dozens of patients at The Ottawa Hospital's General campus had to be transferred after a Friday afternoon fire sent smoke billowing through several floors. Where did the fire break out?
  • In a hydro vault.
  • In a laundry room.
  • In the engine of an ambulance.
  • In a maintenance shaft.

Questão 10

Capital ward Coun. Shawn Menard says he plans to introduce a motion early in 2024 that could see Ottawa follow in Toronto's footsteps and do what?
  • Allow alcohol consumption in city parks.
  • Ban e-scooters.
  • Repurpose underused arenas as homeless shelters.
  • Convert the city's bus fleet to electric vehicles.


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