Something's Coming


GCSE Music (Mine) Quiz sobre Something's Coming, criado por Joanna van Dyk em 09-01-2016.
Joanna van Dyk
Quiz por Joanna van Dyk, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joanna van Dyk
Criado por Joanna van Dyk quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Repeating [blank_start]ostinati[blank_end]/riffs in lots of parts – e.g. opening 3 crotchets in bass part and an accented [blank_start]quaver[blank_end] pattern (bar ) [blank_start]Imitation[blank_end] between some parts Uses [blank_start]Tritone[blank_end] motif – e.g. on ‘soon as it shows’ Appoggiaturas – accented dissonances Accompanying [blank_start]riffs[blank_end] are ‘unifying force’ in piece. Combination of short snappy phrases and long sustained notes Melody is mostly [blank_start]syllabic[blank_end]
  • ostinati
  • quaver
  • crotchet
  • Imitation
  • Tritone
  • riffs
  • syllabic

Questão 2

Opening time signature is [blank_start]3 -4[blank_end] – but sometimes [blank_start]cross rhythms[blank_end] make it feel like [blank_start]6-8[blank_end]. Later changes to [blank_start]2 4[blank_end] – regularly swapping between the two Syncopated/pushed entries such as ‘could be’ give a sense of anticipation Fast song – crotchet = [blank_start]176[blank_end] Feel of [blank_start]one[blank_end] in a bar See also Ostinato ideas above Triplets – e.g. bar 76 Rhythms give a [blank_start]Latin American[blank_end] dance feel Cross rhythms can be heard in the accompaniment at the start.
  • 3 -4
  • 6-8
  • 2 4
  • 176
  • 200
  • one
  • two
  • Latin American
  • cross rhythms

Questão 3

Nearly all [blank_start]melody[blank_end] dominated [blank_start]homophony[blank_end] – no counterpoint to distract from the vocal line. That said, the [blank_start]accompaniment[blank_end] is made from lots of ‘[blank_start]layers[blank_end]’ (ostinati/riffs)
  • melody
  • homophony
  • layers
  • accompaniment

Questão 4

Tonality Clearly [blank_start]tonal[blank_end], despite [blank_start]dissonances[blank_end] [blank_start]D[blank_end] major – reflects the [blank_start]happy emotion[blank_end] Modulates to [blank_start]C[blank_end] major in bar 31 – (although with [blank_start]F#[blank_end]s in bass creates a [blank_start]bitonal[blank_end] effect – or they could be considered [blank_start]blues[blank_end] notes) – this is a distant key Bar 70 back to D [blank_start]major[blank_end] Back to [blank_start]C/G[blank_end] major in 97-98 Does finish on a [blank_start]C natural[blank_end] – could be regarded as a blue note - or a deliberate sense of [blank_start]in-completion[blank_end]
  • tonal
  • atonal
  • dissonances
  • D
  • C
  • F#
  • bitonal
  • blues
  • major
  • C/G
  • C natural
  • in-completion
  • happy emotion

Questão 5

Harmony Uses [blank_start]Tritone[blank_end] – e.g. in opening chord – makes music sound unpredictable [blank_start]Jazz[blank_end] based harmony (conventional chords have added [blank_start]blue notes[blank_end] and [blank_start]dissonances[blank_end]) – e.g. in bar 1 and 2 Frequent [blank_start]7th[blank_end] chords Neapolitan 6th chord – bar 90 [blank_start]Perfect[blank_end] cadence in 97-98
  • Tritone
  • Jazz
  • Rock
  • blue notes
  • dissonances
  • 7th
  • 9th
  • suspended
  • Perfect
  • Imperfect
  • Plagal

Questão 6

Structure Early in show ([blank_start]3rd[blank_end] number) – solo for [blank_start]Tony[blank_end] – he’s imagining a better future for himself. Solo/Aria [blank_start]Intro[blank_end] [blank_start]Section A[blank_end] [blank_start]Section B[blank_end] [blank_start]Section B1[blank_end] [blank_start]Section A1[blank_end] [blank_start]Outro[blank_end]
  • 3rd
  • 1st
  • 4th
  • Tony
  • Romeo
  • Intro
  • Alap
  • Section A
  • Section B
  • Section B1
  • Section A2
  • Section A1
  • Section B2
  • Section A3
  • Outro

Questão 7

Instrumentation/Word setting/Timbre [blank_start]Solo[blank_end] for Tony (Tenor) – sounds [blank_start]8ve[blank_end] [blank_start]lower[blank_end] than written Clnt and sax, [blank_start]2[blank_end] horns, [blank_start]3[blank_end] trmpts, 2 [blank_start]trmbones[blank_end], [blank_start]7[blank_end] violins, 4 [blank_start]celllos[blank_end], 2 double basses, drum kit + 2 other [blank_start]percussionists[blank_end], piano and guitar (electric and acoustic) – approx [blank_start]30[blank_end] players. Word setting is [blank_start]syllabic[blank_end] Accompaniment in bars 1 – 15 are [blank_start]clarinets[blank_end] (inc bass clnt) and pizz strings, supported by a busy [blank_start]drum[blank_end] part [blank_start]Muted[blank_end] trumpets in 17 – 28 [blank_start]Brass[blank_end] added in 52 for louder section In 2nd bridge, nigh violins illustrate the words ‘the air is [blank_start]humming[blank_end]’ – with [blank_start]tremolo[blank_end] and harmonics. [blank_start]Wire brushes[blank_end] on drums, mutes for trumpets so not to overpower the singer Tony has strongly contrasting [blank_start]dynamics[blank_end] [blank_start]Word painting[blank_end] e.g. on ‘Cannon balling down through the sky’ Some sections require a very quiet [blank_start]whispered[blank_end] tone.
  • Solo
  • Duet
  • 8ve
  • lower
  • Higher
  • 2
  • 3
  • trmbones
  • 7
  • celllos
  • percussionists
  • 30
  • syllabic
  • clarinets
  • drum
  • Muted
  • Brass
  • humming
  • tremolo
  • Wire brushes
  • dynamics
  • Word painting
  • whispered


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