Joints and arches of lower limb


خدمة جديدة تُقدمها أطباء 2022 وهي سلسة من الامتحانات للمتابعة المستمرة :)
أكونت أطباء
Quiz por أكونت أطباء, atualizado more than 1 year ago
أكونت أطباء
Criado por أكونت أطباء mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

1- Concerning hip joint , all are true except:
  • A. A multiaxial synovial joint
  • B. Synovial membrane surrounds ligament of head of femur
  • D. Depth of acetabulum is increased by lubrum acetabular
  • E. The iliofemoral ligament is the strongest intracapsular lig. Of hip joint

Questão 2

2- Regarding to hip joint , choose the correct statement:-
  • A. A saddle synovial joint
  • B. Synovial membrane covers head of femur completely
  • C. Capsule is attached to intertrochanteric line
  • D. Capsule is attached to intertrochanteric crest
  • E. None of the above

Questão 3

- concerning iliofemoral ligament , all are true except:-
  • A. One of the strongest ligaments in the body
  • B. Y – shaped
  • C. Prevents hyperextension of the hip joint
  • D. Apex is attached to lower part of anterior inferior iliac spine
  • E. Base is attached to inertrochanteric crest of the femur

Questão 4

All of the following are intra-articular structure of knee joint , except:-
  • A. Menisci
  • B. Cruciate ligaments
  • C. Oblique popliteal ligament
  • D. Tendon of popliteus
  • E. Synovial membrane

Questão 5

Which of the following muscles unlock knee joint at the beginning of flexion of fully extended knee
  • A. Sartorius
  • B. Gracilis
  • C. Popliteus
  • D. Gastrocnemius
  • E. Biceps femoris

Questão 6

- Regarding plantar aponeurosis , all are true except:-
  • A. A thickened central part of deep fascia of sole
  • B. Has a thick central part and this medial and lateral parts
  • C. Attached to lateral tubercle of calceneum
  • D. Divided into five processes , one for each toe
  • E. Helps in maintaining longitudinal arches of foot

Questão 7

Nerve supply of knee joint:-
  • A. Femoral nerve
  • B. Obturator nerve
  • C. Tibial nerve
  • D. Common peroneal nerve
  • E. All of the above

Questão 8

A 28-year-old woman develops degenerative joint disease of the feet and ankles , X-rays films show severe degenerative changes at the articular surfaces of the talus and at each of the bones that articulates with the talus. Which of the following bones has most likely been spared from this degenerative process?
  • A. calcaneus
  • B. Cuboid
  • C. Fibula
  • D. Navicular
  • E. Tibia

Questão 9

Concerning joints of foot , all are true except:-
  • A. Dorsiflexion occurs at ankle joint
  • B. Inversion occurs at talo-calceneo-navicular joint
  • C. Adduction occurs towards middle toe
  • D. Abduction occurs at metatraso-phalangeal joints
  • E. Metatarso-phalangeal joints are ellipsoid joints

Questão 10

Housemaid's knee is associated with the inflammation of which of the following bursae:-
  • A. Suprapatellar
  • B. Subcutaneous infrapatellar
  • C. prepatellar
  • D. Deep infrapatellar


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