Part3 US History EOC


Part3 US History EOC
Quiz por april.robinson.s, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por april.robinson.s mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

In the late 19th century, the major argument used by labor union leaders against immigrants was that immigrants
  • took jobs from United States citizens
  • contributed little to enrich American life
  • placed financial drains on social services
  • refused to assimilate into American culture

Questão 2

Mark Twain labeled the late 1800s in the United States the “Gilded Age” to describe the
  • end of the practice of slavery
  • absence of international conflicts
  • extremes of wealth and poverty
  • achievements of the labor movement

Questão 3

In the late 1800s, supporters of laissez-faire capitalism claimed that government regulation of business would be
  • essential to protect the rights of consumers
  • necessary to provide jobs for the unemployed
  • useful in competing with foreign nations
  • harmful to economic growth

Questão 4

In the 19th century, protective tariffs, subsidies for railroads, and open immigration showed that the federal government followed a policy of
  • support for economic development
  • noninterference in the free-market system
  • regulation of unfair business practices
  • support for organized labor

Questão 5

In the late 19th century, Congress tried to limit the power of monopolies by
  • creating the Federal Trade Commission
  • strengthening the Supreme Court
  • adopting Granger laws
  • passing the Sherman Antitrust Act

Questão 6

Which reform idea was a common goal of the Populists and the Progressives?
  • restoration of the nation’s cities
  • expansion of opportunities for immigrants
  • improvement in the status of African Americans
  • greater control of government by the people

Questão 7

The success of the Populist Party of the 1890s can best be measured by which development?
  • The party replaced one of the two major parties.
  • The party gained support among business leaders.
  • Two of the party’s candidates were elected to the presidency.
  • Several of the party’s proposed reforms were made into laws.

Questão 8

Between the 1890s and the start of World War I, the United States expanded its access to overseas markets and raw materials through the policy of
  • containment
  • imperialism
  • isolationism
  • neutrality

Questão 9

Base your answer to the question on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies. “. . . Whether they will or no, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it. An increasing volume of public sentiment demands it. . . .” — Alfred T. Mahan, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1890 This statement encouraged popular support among Americans for
  • isolationism
  • protectionism
  • neutrality
  • imperialism

Questão 10

Base your answer to the question on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies. “. . . Whether they will or no, Americans must now begin to look outward. The growing production of the country demands it. An increasing volume of public sentiment demands it. . . .” — Alfred T. Mahan, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1890 Supporters of Mahan’s ideas most likely favored a foreign policy that would
  • limit the military arms race
  • acquire foreign markets
  • abandon the Monroe Doctrine
  • establish an international peace organization

Questão 11

During the 1890s, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used yellow journalism to generate public support for the
  • election of Populist Party candidates
  • presidential candidacy of William McKinley
  • goals of workers in the Pullman strike
  • Spanish-American War

Questão 12

An important result of the Spanish-American War of 1898 was that the United States
  • acquired territories in Africa
  • became a world power with an overseas empire
  • improved its relations with Germany
  • lost interest in Latin American affairs

Questão 13

Which United States policy is most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines?
  • neutrality
  • isolationism
  • imperialism
  • international cooperation

Questão 14

Why was there increased interest in building a canal across Central America in the late 1800s?
  • The United States had acquired colonies in the Pacific region.
  • Tariffs on Chinese and Japanese products had ended.
  • The main source of immigration had shifted from northern Europe to southern Europe.
  • Transcontinental railroads had not yet been completed.

Questão 15

By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899, the United States was attempting to
  • keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China
  • increase trade between Russia and the United States
  • ensure equal trading opportunities in China
  • prevent European countries from colonizing the Western Hemisphere

Questão 16

A goal of President Theodore Roosevelt’s Big Stick policy and President William Howard Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy policy toward Latin America was to
  • join Western Hemisphere nations in a military alliance
  • protect American economic and political interests
  • encourage foreign nations to establish colonies
  • raise Latin America’s standard of living

Questão 17

Which heading best completes the partial outline below? (6.03) I. ____________________________________ -Sea power is the key to national greatness. -United States missionaries spread Christian principles. -The Anglo-Saxon civilization is the best in the world. -Sugar plantations in Hawaii were developed by Americans
  • Reasons to Declare War on Spain
  • Justification for American Imperialism
  • Theodore Roosevelt’s Political Platform
  • Yellow Journalism in Newspapers

Questão 18

Base your answer to the question on the chart to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which generalization about population growth is supported by the information in this chart?
  • For every census listed, rural population exceeded urban population.
  • By 1920, more people lived in cities than in rural areas.
  • The Civil War significantly slowed the rate of population growth.
  • Most urban population growth was due to people migrating from rural area

Questão 19

What was a result of the growth of big business in the late 1800s
  • a reduction in child labor
  • the elimination of the middle class
  • the widening of the economic gap between rich and poor
  • a shift in transportation investment from railroads to canals

Questão 20

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, where did most of the immigrants to the United States settle?
  • urban centers of the Northeast
  • plantations of the New South
  • mining areas of the Far West
  • farming regions of the Great Plains

Questão 21

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of the cartoon?
  • Government policies have created a recession.
  • Americans support the activities of the trusts.
  • Good government has saved the country from trusts.
  • Trusts are a threat to the nation.

Questão 22

Between 1880 and 1900, why did most immigrants coming to the United States settle in the cities along the east coast?
  • many factory jobs were available in the East
  • little farmland remained to be settled in the Midwest
  • most immigrants came from the cities of Europe
  • city laws afforded special rights and protections for immigrants

Questão 23

In 1906, what did the publication of The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair, lead Congress to do?
  • enact stronger prohibition laws
  • support the national conservation movement
  • establish a system for meat inspection
  • legalize strikes and boycotts by labor unions

Questão 24

The photographs of Jacob Riis are most closely associated with the
  • battlefields of the Civil War
  • living conditions of the urban poor
  • plight of sharecroppers in the South
  • victims of the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains

Questão 25

During the Progressive Era, why did muckrakers publish articles and novels?
  • to advance their own political careers
  • to make Americans aware of problems in society
  • to help the federal government become more efficient
  • to provide entertainment for readers

Questão 26

What did the tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 draw national attention to the need to do?
  • restrict immigration from southern Europe
  • establish full-time fire departments
  • protect the safety of workers
  • improve conditions for tenement dwellers

Questão 27

How did muckrakers contribute to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of the 20th century?
  • challenging big government and urging a return to past conditions
  • exposing widespread corruption in business and government
  • writing favorable biographies about wealthy Americans
  • aligning themselves with the women’s suffrage movement

Questão 28

What was a goal of the Progressive movement?
  • reduce the government’s involvement in social issues
  • correct the problems caused by industrialization
  • promote laissez-faire policies
  • promote settlement of land west of the Mississippi River

Questão 29

During the Progressive Era, Jane Addams responded to urban conditions by working to establish
  • settlement houses that provided assistance to the poor
  • newspapers that helped inform American about slum conditions
  • laws that restricted certain immigrant groups
  • free public schools located in inner-city neighborhoods

Questão 30

What was a goal of Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall?
  • increase the power of citizens in state and local government
  • reestablish the system of checks and balances
  • provide low-interest loans to farmers
  • expand voting rights to Native Americans

Questão 31

Which president was known as a trustbuster?
  • George Washington
  • Calvin Coolidge
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Dwight Eisenhower

Questão 32

Base your answer to the question on the table to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. What was the common purpose of these legislative acts?
  • protect the nation’s natural resources
  • improve conditions for recent immigrants to the United States
  • advance the growth of big business
  • promote the general welfare of the American public

Questão 33

Why was the Federal Reserve System created?
  • to maintain a national petroleum supply
  • to provide military support for the armed forces
  • protect consumers from fraud
  • manage the nation’s supply of currency and interest rates

Questão 34

The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in an effort to
  • promote the formation of new trusts
  • maintain competition in business
  • increase business investment
  • limit the activities of foreign corporation

Questão 35

To improve distribution of money and guarantee an adequate money supply, what did President Woodrow Wilson ask Congress to do?
  • eliminate the gold standard
  • limit foreign investment
  • provide insurance for bank deposits
  • establish the Federal Reserve System

Questão 36

In 1920, how did women gain the right to vote?
  • presidential order
  • Supreme Court decision
  • national election
  • constitutional amendment

Questão 37

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. . . .” -15th Amendment, Section 1, United States Constitution, 1870 Which actions did Southern States take to keep African Americans from exercising the rights guaranteed in this amendment?
  • suspending habeas corpus and denying women the right to vote
  • collecting poll taxes and requiring literacy tests
  • establishing religious and property-holding requirements for voting
  • passing Black Codes and establishing segregated schools

Questão 38

In the South, the passage of Jim Crow laws in the 1870s and 1880s led directly to the
  • racial integration of public schools
  • decline of the Democratic Party
  • organization of the Ku Klux Klan
  • segregation of public facilities


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