Virtual Teacher Training Module 9 Lesson 2


Odysseyware Virtual Teacher Training Module 9 Lesson 2
Jessica Powell
Quiz por Jessica Powell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jessica Powell
Criado por Jessica Powell mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Blackboard Ultra is used for which one of the following?
  • Grading assignments
  • Sending emails
  • Direct synchronous instruction
  • Monitoring student progress

Questão 2

Your Blackboard should be open during which of the following?
  • Every time you log on to grade work
  • When students schedule a meeting
  • During high volume times
  • During the day when you are not available via phone

Questão 3

Blackboard users have the option to call in using their computer or phone.
  • True
  • False

Questão 4

Odysseyware Virtual Teachers can enable or disable students' microphones.
  • True
  • False

Questão 5

In Blackboard, you can allow students to see what's on your desktop.
  • True
  • False

Questão 6

Select all that apply. What are best practices when located in the Blackboard room?
  • Be professional, respectful, and remember FERPA during sessions.
  • Make offhand jokes with extreme sarcasm.
  • Make sure your mic is on for audio and off when you don’t want audio.
  • Avoid non-work related tasks which may distract you from your dedicated synchronous session and could result in unprofessional situations should a student enter the room when you are unaware by being in a quiet location during office hours.
  • Have the TV on loudly in the background and the microphone on all the time so that students know you're there even if you're not speaking.


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