Trojan War


Events outlined of the Trojan War for Edith Hamilton's Mythology.
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Quiz por Urvee ___, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

During a banquet held by the gods, [blank_start]Eris[blank_end], an evil goddess, was left out. As revenge, she threw an [blank_start]apple[blank_end] that said, "[blank_start]for the fairest[blank_end]" to create disputes between the goddesses.
  • Eris
  • for the fairest
  • apple

Questão 2

The gods narrow it down to ...
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Hera
  • Artemis
  • Demeter
  • Persephone

Questão 3

They asked [blank_start]Zeus[blank_end] to judge, but he refused and told them to go to Mt.Ida and ask Prince [blank_start]Paris[blank_end] to judge. The goddesses bribed him. Athena: [blank_start]lead Trojans in victory and ruin Greece[blank_end] Hera: [blank_start]make him Lord of Europe and Asia[blank_end] Aphrodite: [blank_start]give him fairest woman on the earth[blank_end]
  • Zeus
  • Paris
  • lead Trojans in victory and ruin Greece
  • make him Lord of Europe and Asia
  • give him fairest woman on the earth

Questão 4

Paris chose [blank_start]Aphrodite[blank_end] and this event was known as the Judgement of [blank_start]Paris[blank_end].
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Hera
  • Paris
  • Paris
  • Aphrodite
  • Athena
  • Hera

Questão 5

Clearly, the most beautiful woman was [blank_start]Helen[blank_end], the daughter of Zeus and [blank_start]Leda[blank_end]. She was married to [blank_start]Menelaus[blank_end]. Aphrodite led Paris to [blank_start]Sparta[blank_end] and that is when he abducted her.
  • Helen
  • Leda
  • Menelaus
  • Sparta

Questão 6

For "along with ______ and ______", please order the answers alphabetically. That is the only way your answer will be counted as a correct response. [blank_start]Menelaus[blank_end] called an army together, along with [blank_start]Achilles[blank_end] and [blank_start]Odysseus[blank_end]. His commander in chief was [blank_start]Agamemnon[blank_end]. When Menelaus' army was sailing on the Mediterranean, the goddess [blank_start]Artemis[blank_end], twin sister of [blank_start]Apollo[blank_end], was angry as the Greeks had killed her hare. Thus, she was creating violent winds until the Trojan army sacrificed [blank_start]Iphigenia[blank_end], Agamemnon's daughter. After the sacrifice, the winds got calm.
  • Menelaus
  • Achilles
  • Odysseus
  • Agamemnon
  • Iphigenia
  • Artemis
  • Apollo

Questão 7

Please answer alphabetically. That is the only way your answer will be counted correctly. Trojan Side: [blank_start]Aphrodite[blank_end], [blank_start]Apollo[blank_end], [blank_start]Ares[blank_end], [blank_start]Artemis[blank_end] Neutral: [blank_start]Zeus[blank_end] Greek Side: [blank_start]Athena[blank_end], [blank_start]Hera[blank_end], [blank_start]Poseidon[blank_end]
  • Aphrodite
  • Apollo
  • Ares
  • Artemis
  • Zeus
  • Athena
  • Hera
  • Poseidon

Questão 8

During the 10 years that the war lasted, which of these things happened?
  • 1. Apollo's priest's daughter is abducted and given to Agamemnon 2. Apollo finds out and shoots deadly arrows at the Greek army 3. Achilles gathers a group of soldiers and orders them to please Apollo 4. Later, the priest's daughter is returned, but Agamemnon is angered 5. He sends a couple of his aids to capture Achilles' maiden 6. Achilles is told to stop fighting for the Greeks by his mother Thetis
  • 1. Thetis asks Zeus to help the Trojans win 2. Zeus kills some important people from the Greek side 3. He also restricts the gods' involvement
  • 1. After many undecided battles, Menelaus verses against Paris 2. Agamemnon declares that the Greeks had won and Helen must be returned 4. Hera wants to destroy Troy. 5. She convinces Athena who persuades a Trojan soldier to break the truce and shoot an arrow at Menelaus 6. Greeks are angered and the battle starts again
  • 1. Ajax and Odysseus lead the Greeks. 2. Athena made Ajax go crazy and kill some cattle, later killing himself as well 3. A prophet named Helenus tells Odysseus that Troy will only be destroyed with Hercules' bow and arrows. 4. However, Troy cannot be destroyed as long as Athena's Palladium is protecting Troy 5. Diomedes steals it.
  • 1. Hera realizes that her son Ares is fighting on the Trojan side 2. She tell Diomedes, a Greek soldier, to forcefully hit Ares with a spear 3. Ares goes to Zeus and complains
  • 1. Hector, the prince of Troy, gets a beautiful robe from his mother to give to Artemis 2. She declines the gift and continues fighting for the Greeks
  • 1. Greeks are about to loose without to Achilles 2. Agamemnon is blamed for angering Achilles and is sent to ask forgiveness 3. Agamemnon sends gifs and Achilles' maiden with Odysseus to take to Achilles 4. Achilles is kind and welcoming to him, but he refuses to fight in war
  • 1. Hector dies, but is revived by Apollo 2. Patroclus, Achilles' friend, puts on Achilles' armor and leads the army 3. He is killed by Hector 4. Achilles is informed by the other soldiers and he is ready to make Hector pay 5. Zeus uses his golden balances and the one representing Hector sinks, which means he is going to die 6. Some gods near the river of Troy try to drown Achilles 7. Although, Achilles teams up with Athena and kills Hector
  • 1. Achilles immediately returns Hector's body to the King and Queen of Troy 2. The gods, especially Zeus, are highly impressed by his sportsman-like behavior
  • 1. Achilles also kills King Memnon of Ethiopia who is helping the Trojans 2. He later falls near the walls of Troy 3. This is where Paris shot him 4. The arrow is guided by Apollo to his heal, which is the only place he could be killed

Questão 9

In the end, [blank_start]Odysseus[blank_end] has an idea. As a symbol of Greek surrender, a [blank_start]horse[blank_end] is made and left on the outside of the walls of [blank_start]Troy[blank_end]. However, Greek soldiers are hidden inside the horse and would destroy the city during the night. The Trojans [blank_start]accepted[blank_end] the gift as expected. During the night, the [blank_start]Greek[blank_end] army destroys the city.
  • Odysseus
  • horse
  • Troy
  • accept
  • Greek


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