Questão 1
Its difficult to read the exact scale on some of Simon's data.
Adding [blank_start]major tick marks[blank_end] would make it easier to read.
Questão 2
[blank_start]Custom List[blank_end] indicates the sequence in which you want data ordered.
Questão 3
[blank_start]Criteria filter[blank_end] enables you to specify various conditions in addition to those that are based on an "equals" criterion.
Questão 4
[blank_start]Field name[blank_end] is a unique label that describes the contents of data in column.
Questão 5
Simon tells Brooke that when he attempt to open a workbook, the edit links dialog box appears w/ the message "This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated". Brooke suggest several possible causes be of this error message. What is the possible cause?
one of the workbook's source files was edited
one of the workbook's source files was copied to a different folder
one of the workbook's source files was replaced with an updated file of the same name
the workbook was sent to him without links
Questão 6
When Ryder goes to save the workbooks, what is the required file extension?
Questão 7
Ryder wants to use the workbooks he has created on another computer.
what steps does he need to take?
He needs to copy just the workbook file to the other computer.
He needs to copy the individual worksheets to the other computer.
He needs to copy both the workbook file and the individual worksheets to the other computer.
He cannot copy the workbook; instead, he needs to copy the individual worksheets and recreate the workspace on the other computer.
Questão 8
Ryder wants to use a layout in which the workbooks overlap each other with all the title bars visible. Ryder opens all of the workbooks, and then he clicks the View Tab on the Ribbon and clicks the Arrange All button. What should he do next to obtain the desired layout?
click the Tile Horizontally option button
click the Tile Vertically option button
Click the Overlap option button
click the Cascade option button
Questão 9
Finally, Simon asks Brooke what steps (if any) need to be taken to keep a destination file up-to-date if he updates a value in one of the source files. what should Brooke say
If a destination file is open when a source file is changed, the destination file will be updated automatically.
Source files cannot be updated unless the corresponding destination file is open.
It is not possible to choose whether a destination file should reflect changes made to the source files.
If a destination file is open when a source file is changed, you need to update the destination file manually so that it reflects the changes.
Questão 10
After Brooke has helped Simon to resolve his original problem, Simon asks her about another linked workbook he has received. The source files for this workbook have not been included, But Simon would like to use the workbook with the most recent values from the source file.
What should Brooke tell him?
He can open the workbook and click the Continue button in the Edit Links dialog box.
He can open the workbook and click the Break button in the Edit Links dialog box.
He can open the workbook and click the Change Source button in the Edit Links dialog box
He will not be able to use the workbook until obtains copies of the source files.
Questão 11
They can be used to jump to a specific cell food words with underlines or images.
Questão 12
To rearrange records in a table or range based on the data in one or more fields.
Questão 13
Jared wants to create a hyperlink to a location in his current workbook. He clicks the hyperlink button in the links group on the INSERT tab. What option Should he select from the Link to List?
Place in this Document
Existing File
Questão 14
Jared has heard that screentips can be used in conjunctions with hyperlinks.
What is the correct statement about screentips?
Questão 15
Jared wants to create a hyperlink to link a new document. What should he click in the Link to List?
Place in this Document
Existing file
Questão 16
Click the button marked [blank_start]change source[blank_end] in the accompanying figure to fix broken links.
Questão 17
A(n) [blank_start]worksheet[blank_end] group is a collection of two or more selected worksheets.
Questão 18
A 3-D cell [blank_start]reference[blank_end] specifies not only the rows and columns of a cell range, but also the range of worksheet names that the cell appear on.
Questão 19
A(n) [blank_start]link[blank_end] is a connection between two files allowing information to be transferred from one file to the other.
Questão 20
when two source files are linked together, the workbook that contains the information is the [blank_start]source[blank_end] file.
Questão 21
when two files are linked together, the [blank_start]destination[blank_end] file receives the information.
Questão 22
If both the [blank_start]destination[blank_end] and source files are open, Excel will update the link between them automatically whenever a value in the source file is changes.
Questão 23
When the destination file is [blank_start]open[blank_end] and the source files are closed, the complete file path is included as part of the external reference formula that appears in the formula bar.
Questão 24
You can use the [blank_start]edit links[blank_end] dialog box to break lines between workbooks.
Questão 25
[blank_start]copying[blank_end] a worksheet duplicates all the values, formulas, and formats into the new worksheet, leaving the original worksheet intact.
Questão 26
A(n) [blank_start]hyperlink[blank_end] is a link in a file, such as a workbook, to information within that file or another file.
Questão 27
In the Links group, click the Hyperlink button and the [blank_start]insert[blank_end] Hyperlink dialog box opens.
Questão 28
[blank_start]screentips[blank_end] appear whenever you place the pointer over a hyperlink.
Questão 29
To manually [blank_start]update[blank_end] a link and see the new data values, click the Update Values button.
Questão 30
To use a template that you create, The template file is typically placed in the [blank_start]templates[blank_end] folder.
Questão 31
After you have saved a template, you can access the template from the New Screen in [blank_start]back stage[blank_end] view
Questão 32
Using multiple worksheets makes it easier to group and summarize data.
Describe features that can be applied by forming a worksheet group.
1. Enter or Edit data. Changes made to content in the active worksheet are also made in the same cells in all the worksheet group.
2. Apply fomatting. Changes made to formatting in the active worksheet are also made to all the worksheet in the group, including changing row heights or columns widths and applying conditional formatting.
3. Insert or delete rows and columns. Changes made to the worksheet structure in the active worksheet are also made to all the worksheets in the group.
4. Set the page layout options. Changes made to the page layout settings in one worksheet also apply to all the worksheets in the group, such as changing the orientation, scaling to fit, and inserting headers and footers.
5. Apply view options. Changes made to the worksheet view such as zooming, showing and hiding worksheets, and so forth are also made to all of the worksheets in a group.
6. Print all the worksheets. You can print all of the worksheets in the worksheet group at the same time.
Questão 33
what are the steps to inserting a hyperlink and linking to a file or webpage, a location in the current workbook, a new document, and an e-mail address.
- Select the text graphic or cell in which you want to insert a hyperlink.
- On the INSERT tab, in the Links group, click the Hyperlink button.
- To Link a file or webpage, click Existing File or Webpage in the Link to List, and then select the file or webpage from the Look in the box.
- To Link a location in the current workbook, click the Place in this Document in the Link to List, and then select the worksheet, cell or Document in the current workbook.
- To link a new document, click CREATE NEW DOCUMENT in the Link to List, and then specify the filename and path of the new document.
- To link to an email address, click E-mail Adress in the Link to List, and then enter the email address of the recipient (such as and a subject line for the message.
-Click the OK button.
Questão 34
What is an Example of when you would use a template?
A large organization may need to collect the same information from several regions. By creating and distributing a workbook template, each region knows what data to track and where to enter it. the template already includes the formulas, so the results are calculated consistently
Questão 35
Name at least three benefits of using a workbook template.
- Templates save time and ensure consistently in the design and content of workbooks because all labels, formatting, and formulas are entered once.
- Templates ensure accuracy because formulas can be entered and verified once, and then be used with confidence in all workbooks.
- Templates standardize the appearance and content of workbooks is inadvertently saved with new data rather than saved as a new workbook
Questão 36
Type of cell reference that refers to the cell or range of cells on multiple worksheets in the same workbook.
Questão 37
Usually represented by words with colored letters and underlines or images.
Questão 38
Divides the open workbooks evenly on the screen
Questão 39
" [blank_start]A[blank_end] " indicates that a link is updated automatically.
Questão 40
" [blank_start]M[blank_end] " indicated that a link has to be updated manually by the user.
Questão 41
[blank_start]Destination[blank_end] file receives the information when two files are linked.
Questão 42
[blank_start]source[blank_end] file contains the information when two files are linked.
Questão 43
[blank_start]Template[blank_end] contains text, formats, and formulas already built into it for your use.
Questão 44
A connection between two files allowing information to be transferred from one file to other.
Questão 45
A collection of two or more selected worksheets
[blank_start]worksheet groups[blank_end]
Questão 46
To temporarily hide all the records that do not meet your criteria.
Questão 47
A column within an Excel range.
Questão 48
Documentation that lists the fields to be maintained for each record.
[blank_start]Data definition table[blank_end]
Questão 49
to keep headings visible as you work with the data in a large worksheet
[blank_start]freeze[blank_end] pane
Questão 50
A collection of related fields that are grouped together.
Questão 51
What are the steps for sorting data using multiple fields?
1. Select any cell in a table or range.
2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the sort button.
3. If necessary, click the add level button to insert the sort by row.
4. click the sort by arrow, select the column heading for the primary sort field, click the sort on arrow to select the type of data, and then click the order arrow to select the sort order,
5. For each additional column to sort, click the add level button, click the THEN BY arrow, select the column heading for the secondary sort field, click the column heading for the secondary sort field, click the sort on arrow to select the type of data, and then click the order arrow to select the sort order.
6. click the OK button.
Questão 52
What are the guidelines for creating an effective structured range of data?
-Enter field names in the top row of the range
-Use short, descriptive field names
-Format field names
-Enter the same kind of data in a field
-separate the data from the rest of the work sheet.
Questão 53
The [blank_start]subtotals[blank_end] command automatically inserts a subtotal line into the range for each group of data.
Questão 54
The entry 20,000 is the [blank_start]criterion[blank_end] for the first condition
Questão 55
The [blank_start]Begins With[blank_end] criteria filter requires that the records displaying begin with the specified text string
Questão 56
When you want to see all the data in a filtered table, you can [blank_start]clear[blank_end], or rename the filters
Questão 57
The process of hiding certain records and viewing the ones you want is called [blank_start]filtering[blank_end] your data
Questão 58
A(n) [blank_start]custom[blank_end] list indicates the sequence in which you want data ordered
Questão 59
the secondary sort field in asort is called the [blank_start]secondary sort[blank_end]
Questão 60
To freeze a row, select the cell below row(s) you want to freeze, click the [blank_start]freeze panes[blank_end] button in the window group and then click freeze top row.
Questão 61
Each column in a range represents a(n) [blank_start]field[blank_end] that describes some attributes of characteristics of a person, place, or a thing.
Questão 62
when related fields are grouped together in a row, they form a(n) [blank_start]record[blank_end], a collection of fields that describes a person, place, or thing.
Questão 63
Shows patterns or relationship between two or more sets of values. Often used in scientific studies and statistical analysis.
Questão 64
displays stock market data
Questão 65
compares three sets of values in a three-dimensional chart.
Questão 66
Compares a collection of values from several different data sets
Questão 67
similar to a scatter chart
Questão 68
Compares values from different categories. Areas under the lines contain a fill color.
Questão 69
Compares values from different categories. A value is indicated by the length of the [blank_start]bar[blank_end]
Questão 70
compares relative values of different categories to the whole. A value is indicated by the area of a(n) [blank_start]pie[blank_end]
Questão 71
often used to show trends and changes over time
Questão 72
Compares values from different categories. A value is indicated by the height of each [blank_start]column.[blank_end]
Questão 73
An [blank_start]embedded[blank_end] chart takes up less space than a chart sheet
Questão 74
the [blank_start]chart area[blank_end] covers the entire background of the chart, whereas the plot area includes only that portion markers, such as the columns in a column chart, have been placed or plotted.
Questão 75
each value from a data series is represented by a [blank_start]data marker[blank_end]
Questão 76
[blank_start]gridlines[blank_end] are horizontal and vertical lines that help you compare data and category values.
Questão 77
a [blank_start]column chart[blank_end] displays data values as columns with the height of each column based on the data value.
Questão 78
A(n) [blank_start]bubble[blank_end] chart shows patterns or relationships between two or more sets of values, much like an XY chart except the size of the data marker is determined by third value.
Questão 79
you can add [blank_start]minor tick marks[blank_end] to identify smaller intervals between the major tick marks
Questão 80
the range of values, or [blank_start]scale[blank_end], of an axis based on the values in the data source.
Questão 81
excel supports [blank_start]53[blank_end] types of charts into 10 categories.
Questão 82
Mya needs to call attention to one category above all others. For this purpose, she should use a(n) [blank_start]exploded pie chart[blank_end]
Questão 83
sometimes Mya might want to see information on only specific slices. Rather than creating a new chart that includes only those selections, she can [blank_start]filter[blank_end] an existing chart
Questão 84
since its important for Mya to keep percentage of her whole reviewer base in mind set, she wants to represent data as parts of a whole. what chart type would you suggest to Mya.
[blank_start]pie chart[blank_end]
Questão 85
simon wants to change the charts borders. to do this, he should select
CHART TOOLS [blank_start]FORMAT[blank_end] tab
Questão 86
the goal of a [blank_start]sparkline[blank_end] is to convey the maximum amount of information within a very small space sparklines
Questão 87
each data source is a collection of [blank_start]data series[blank_end], which is a range of values plotted as a single unit on a chart.
Questão 88
since scientific data is often plotting two numeric values against one another, it is often times best to represent this data type with a(n) [blank_start]XY scatter[blank_end] chart
Questão 89
a chart that combines two or more chart into a single graph is called a(n) [blank_start]combination[blank_end] chart
Questão 90
to compare values from several categories with a sequential order, such as dates and times occurring at evenly spaced intervals, you would use a(n) [blank_start]line[blank_end] chart
Questão 91
in case where a label placed outside a pie might appear farther from its slice than easily readable, a(n) [blank_start]leader line[blank_end] might be added to connect the data to its corresponding slices.
Questão 92
consider the impact of a poorly designed chart, Explain why it is important to have a well-designed chart, and name at least four tips for creating a good chart.
- keep it simple. do not clutter a chart with too may graphical elements
- focus on the message. design the chart to highlight the points you want to convey to readers,
- limit the number of data series. most charts should display no more than four or five data series.
- choose colors carefully, displaying different data series in contrasting colors to make it easier to distinguish one series from another
- limit your chart to a few text styles. Use a maximum of two or three different text styles in the same chart
a well-designed chart can illuminate facts that might be hidden by viewing only numbers. However, a poorly designed chart can mislead readers. misrepresent data, and make it more difficult to interpret data
Questão 93
simon has finished his chart but needs to save some space . what's the most effective way for andy to reduce space w/o losing important data
overlay the legend in areas w/o data
Questão 94
describe some of the concepts and definitions associated with loans before using a PMT function.
the cost of a loan to the borrower is largely based on three factors: the principal, the interest, and the time required to repay the loan. Principal is the amount of money being loaned. interest is the amount added to principal by the lender. you can think of the interest as a kind of "user free" because the borrower is paying for the right to use the lender's money for an interval of time. Generally interest is expressed at an annual percentage rate, or APR
Questão 95
when selecting a chart, its important to choose the right type of chart to represent your data. if choosing between a pie chart and a line chart, which factors would you evaluate in choosing which chart to use? How would each chart differ in representing your data?
- pie chat should generally be used when the number of categories is small and the relative size of different slices can be easily determined
pie charts compare relative value from different categories to the whole. values are indicated by the size if the pie slice.
- line charts are best for categories that follow a sequential order. However, line charts will distort data that occurs at irregular time intervals, making data appear to have occurred regularly.
line charts also show trends overtime. values are indicated by the height of the line.
-pie charts and line charts assume that numbers are plotted against categories.
Questão 96
Mya has asked your advice. A collegue told her to remove the legend from her pie chart because it takes up too much space. what would be a better piece of advice to give Mya?
Overlay the legend on a part of the chart that's empty.
Questão 97
Mya has decided she needs to move her chart so that it appears below her data source. before she can move or resize her chart, she must?
select the chart
Questão 98
Since Mya is still reviewing her data, she wants to make sure that her chart reflects any changes she makes in her data source. she should?
do nothing since charts in excel remain linked to data sources