
Answer correctly
Camilo Ortiz
Quiz por Camilo Ortiz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Camilo Ortiz
Criado por Camilo Ortiz aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Why does T.V. make you gain weight?
  • because if we spend more than two hours watching the TV every day, or sleeping with the TV on. These increase the risk of obesity with 23%.
  • Because if we spend more than two hours watching the TV everyday. It will do nothing because TV helps us to lose weight.
  • When TV is on. Its light will shine the whole room.

Questão 2

Complete - Working at night breaks...
  • the routine. When we work at night, we can eat a lot of food because our bosses are not in there.
  • the physiological cycle and increases your weight. So the only thing you could do in this case to not gain more weight is to eat less.
  • the psychological perspective is lost. We eat because we are hungry. So, what you can do is to control your appetite.

Questão 3

What do more than half of people do when they are stressed out, depressed or anxious?
  • They tend to eat food high in fat and sugars.
  • They tend to eat fruits and vegetables.
  • They tend to eat many rice with tomatoes.

Questão 4

In a restaurant there is classical music. What happens in there?
  • Nothing.
  • People who are in there start to dance.
  • More food and coffee are consumed.


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