Psychology Chp. 1


PSYC 1106 Chapter One Quiz Questions
Natasha St.Louis
Quiz por Natasha St.Louis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natasha St.Louis
Criado por Natasha St.Louis mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Dr. Adams is a psychologist who works in the area of animal behaviour. She has a particular interest in crows, and her research is mostly aimed at gaining more information about the behaviours of these birds, such as their mating habits, eating rituals, and so on. Dr Adams' research is best described as:
  • Applied research
  • Basic Research
  • Insight research
  • Interaction research

Questão 2

Researchers studying human memory have participants memorize lists of words. These researchers then record how many of the words the participants accurately remember after the passage of time and exposure to new information. What type of memory research does this represent?
  • Applied
  • Basic
  • Elementary
  • Practical

Questão 3

Dr. Harris has created an academic performance enhancement program designed to help children who are struggling in school. Results from his research reveal that the program is effective at improving children's grades. Dr. Harris' work is most consistent with which goal of psychology?
  • Description
  • Understanding
  • Prediction
  • Control

Questão 4

Eyewitness studies suggest that the presence of a weapon appears to decrease eyewitness accuracy in identifying the perpetrator. To test whether or not this is true, researchers re-enact a robbery both with and without a gun. People viewing the robbery where a gun was used were far less accurate in their description of the robber. This knowledge has been used in courtroom cases, often discrediting eyewitness testimony. The application of this knowledge in the courtroom corresponds to which of the basic goals of psychology?
  • Description
  • Understanding
  • Prediction
  • Learning

Questão 5

The Canadian sociobiologists Daly and Wilson noted that females make a greater investment in the reproductive process. Which of the following statements does NOT support their statement?
  • Women have less opportunity to reproduce than males have.
  • Women have a greater health risk during pregnancy and delivery than males have.
  • In Canada, women contribute a greater proportion of their financial earnings to meeting family expenses than men do.
  • In Canada, women tend to be the primary caregiver after divorce.

Questão 6

Sometimes parents will sacrifice their own lives in order to ensure the survival of their children. An individual who associates with the sociobiological view would argue that these instances:
  • Are due to innate altruistic drives within every human being
  • Occur because genetic survival is more important than individual survival
  • Are due to the conflict between unconscious psychological forces and psychological defences
  • Occur because of the reinforcement of altruistic behaviour by culture and society

Questão 7

Behaviour geneticists use which of the following methods to address the role of genetic factors in behaviour?
  • Autobiographical journaling
  • Brain imaging techniques
  • Selective animal breeding
  • Psychological interviews

Questão 8

When Gary lost his job, he became depressed and started binge-eating. Gary started to seek help from a therapist. To his surprise, the therapist was not at all interested in Gary's relationship with his mother, his family history, or anything about Gary's past. Instead, Dr. Lee focuses on what Gary is currently thinking and how he interprets those thoughts. Dr. Lee conducts therapy from what type of perspective?
  • Psychoanalytic
  • Behaviourist
  • Humanistic
  • Cognitive

Questão 9

Which of the following was NOT provided in the textbook as influential in starting the cognitive revolution?
  • Research on eyewitness testimony and the distortion of memory
  • Psychologists designing information displays during WWII for the military
  • The debate about how children acquire language
  • The development of the computer

Questão 10

Professor Jean Piaget is best known for his research in which area? A. artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Thought patterns contributing to emotional problems
  • The cognitive development of children
  • Evolutionary psychology

Questão 11

A researcher is interested in exploring the nature of attention and consciousness as well as how unconscious processes influence behaviour. This researcher takes what type of perspective in the study of psychology?
  • Psychodynamic
  • Functionalist
  • Behaviourist
  • Cognitive

Questão 12

Which psychological perspective stresses the role of unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts from the past?
  • Behavioural
  • Cognitive
  • Psychodynamic
  • Sociocultural

Questão 13

What level of analysis does the cognitive perspective usually take?
  • Biological
  • Psychological
  • Environmental
  • Social Cultural

Questão 14

The research area of cognitive neuroscience represents a combination of which two psychological perspectives?
  • Biological and behavioural
  • Behavioural and cognitive
  • Behavioural and cognitive behavioural
  • Biological and cognitive

Questão 15

George was raised in a family where his sense of self was defined by his group membership, such as his community and his class at school. George understood that the goals of these groups were more important than any of the personal goals of people in these groups. These definitions of self and goals emphasized by George's family are most consistent with:
  • Collectivism
  • Structuralism
  • Individualism
  • Functionalism

Questão 16

George was raised in a family where his sense of self was defined by his personal preferences and accomplishments. George understood that people need to set personal goals and strive to achieve them. These definitions of self and goals emphasized by George's family are most
  • Collectivism
  • Structuralism
  • Individualism
  • Functionalism

Questão 17

Which technique did Sigmund Freud use to treat his patients?
  • Free association
  • Graded expression
  • Introspection
  • Behaviour Modification

Questão 18

What common childhood factor was consistently reported by Sigmund Freud's patients?
  • They reported struggling academically in elementary school
  • They reported painful and forgotten sexual experiences
  • They reported suffering from childhood anxiety and depression
  • They reported that their mothers had also suffered from hysteria

Questão 19

The perspective that emphasizes the environmental control of actions through learning is known as:
  • Behaviourism
  • Constructivism
  • Humanistic
  • Psychoanalysis

Questão 20

The psychological perspective that arose from the philosophical roots that emphasized free-will, innate tendencies to work towards personal growth, and the attempt to find meaning in personal existence is called:
  • Sociocultural
  • Behavioural
  • Humanistic
  • Cognitive


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