Physics Theory #3


Hanzo Conard
Quiz por Hanzo Conard, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hanzo Conard
Criado por Hanzo Conard aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

A point source is to be used with a concave mirror to produce a beam of parallel light.The source should be placed:
  • As close to the mirror as possible
  • At the center of curvature
  • Midway between the center of curvature and the focal point
  • Midway between the center of curvature and the mirror
  • Midway between the focal point and the mirror

Questão 2

Light from a small region of an ordinary incandescent bulb is passed through a yellow filter and then serves as the source for a Young’s double-slit experiment. Which of the following changes would cause the interference pattern to be more closely spaced?
  • Use slits that are closer together
  • Use a light source of lower intensity
  • Use a light source of higher intensity
  • Use a blue filter instead of a yellow filter
  • Move the light source further away from the slits

Questão 3

In an experiment to measure the wavelength of light using a double slit, it is found that the fringes are too close together to easily count them.To spread out the fringe pattern,one could:
  • Decrease the slit separation
  • Increase the slit separation
  • Increase the width of each slit
  • Decrease the width of each slit
  • None of these

Questão 4

If two light waves are coherent:
  • Their amplitudes are the same
  • Their frequencies are the same
  • Their wavelengths are the same
  • Their phase difference is constant
  • The difference in their frequencies is constant

Questão 5

The magnitude of the momentum of a particle can never exceed:
  • mc, where m is its mass
  • E/c, where E is its total energy
  • K/c, where K is its kinetic energy
  • None of the above, but there is an upper limit
  • None of the above; there is no upper limit

Questão 6

The units of the Planck constant h are those of:
  • Energy
  • Power
  • Momentum
  • Angular momentum
  • Frequency

Questão 7

The quantization of energy, E = nhf, is not important for an ordinary pendulum because:
  • The formula applies only to mass-spring oscillators
  • The allowed energy levels are too closely spaced
  • The allowed energy levels are too widely spaced
  • The formula applies only to atoms
  • The value of h for a pendulum is too large

Questão 8

The wavelength of light beam B is twice the wavelength of light beam B. The energy of a photon in beam A is:
  • Half the energy of a photon in beam B
  • One-fourth the energy of a photon in beam B
  • Equal to the energy of a photon in beam B
  • Twice the energy of a photon in beam B
  • Four times the energy of a photon in beam B

Questão 9

Which of the following electromagnetic radiations has photons with the greatest energy?
  • Blue light
  • Yellow light
  • X rays
  • Radio waves
  • Microwaves

Questão 10

Which of the following electromagnetic radiations has photons with the greatest momentum:
  • Blue light
  • X rays
  • Radio waves
  • Yellow light

Questão 11

In a photoelectric effect experiment no electrons are ejected if the frequency of the incident light is less than A/h, where h is the Planck constant and A is:
  • The maximum energy needed to eject the least energetic electron
  • The minimum energy needed to eject the least energetic electron
  • The maximum energy needed to eject the most energetic electron
  • The minimum energy needed to eject the most energetic electron
  • The intensity of the incident light

Questão 12

The probability that a particle is in a given small region of space is proportional to:
  • Its energy
  • Its momentum
  • The frequency of its wave function
  • The wavelength of its wave function
  • The square of the magnitude of its wave function

Questão 13

Maxwell’s equations are to electric and magnetic fields as equation is to the wave function for a particle:
  • Einstein’s
  • Fermi’s
  • Newton’s
  • Schr.odinger’s
  • Bohr’s

Questão 14

The energy of a particle in a one-dimensional trap with zero potential energy in the interior and infinite potential energy at the walls is proportional to (n = quantum number:
  • N
  • 1/n
  • 1/n^2
  • √n

Questão 15

A particle is trapped in a one-dimensional well with infinite potential energy at the walls Three possible pairs of energy levels are 1) n = 3 and n = 1 2) n = 3 and n = 2 3) n = 4 and n = 3 Order these pairs according to the difference in energy, least to greatest
  • 1, 2, 3
  • 3, 2, 1
  • 2, 3, 1
  • 1, 3, 2
  • 3, 1, 2

Questão 16

The ground state energy of an electron in a one-dimensional trap with zero potential energy in the interior and infinite potential energy at the walls:
  • Is zero
  • Decreases with temperature
  • Increases with temperature
  • Is independent of temperature
  • Oscillates with time

Questão 17

The ionization energy of an atom in its ground state is:
  • The energy required to remove the least energetic electron
  • The energy required to remove the most energetic electron
  • The energy difference between the most energetic electron and the least energetic electron
  • The same as the energy of a Kα-photon
  • The same as the excitation energy of the most energetic electron

Questão 18

In a laser:
  • Excited atoms are stimulated to emit photons by radiation external to the laser
  • The transitions for laser emission are directly to the ground state
  • The states which give rise to laser emission are usually very unstable states that decay rapidly
  • The state in which an atom is initially excited is never between two states that are involved in a stimulated emission
  • A minimum of two energy levels are required

Questão 19

The relation between the disintegration constant λ and the half-life T of a radioactive substance is:
  • λ = 2T
  • λ = 1/T
  • λ = 2/T
  • λT = ln2
  • λT = ln(1/2)

Questão 20

In a nuclear reactor the fissionable fuel is formed into pellets rather than finely ground and the pellets are mixed with the moderator This reduces the probability of
  • Non-fissioning absorption of neutrons
  • Loss of neutrons through the reactor container
  • Absorption of two neutrons by single fissionable nucleus
  • Loss of neutrons in the control rods
  • None of the above

Questão 21

In a subcritical nuclear reactor:
  • The number of fission events per unit time decreases with time
  • The number of fission events per unit time increases with time
  • Each fission event produces fewer neutrons than when the reactor is critical
  • Each fission event produces more neutrons than when the reactor is critical
  • None of the above

Questão 22

In the normal operation of a nuclear reactor:
  • Control rods are adjusted so the reactor is subcritical
  • Control rods are adjusted so the reactor is critical
  • The moderating fluid is drained
  • The moderating fluid is continually recycled
  • None of the above

Questão 23

Max Plank found his constant h
  • To get same result as Rayleigh and Jeans
  • To describe experimental intensity distribution of blackbody at ultraviolet region
  • To describe Compton scattering
  • To describe experimental intensity distribution of blackbody at long wavelengths
  • To describe experimental intensity distribution of blackbody at all wavelengths

Questão 24

Energy and momentum of photon is respectively:
  • ħω; 1/λ
  • ħω; 2πħ/λ
  • m0c^2; 2π/λ
  • m0c^2; 2πħ/λ
  • ħω; m0c^2

Questão 25

Nucleus of which element has no neutron:
  • Deuterium
  • Tritium
  • All nucleus for all elements
  • Hydrogen
  • Helium

Questão 26

The number of electron states in a shell with principal quantum number n = 3 is:
  • 3
  • 15
  • 18
  • 19
  • 25

Questão 27

The activity of radioactive substance is
  • –dN/dt
  • dN/dt
  • N0
  • N
  • Ndt

Questão 28

A hydrogen atom is in its ground state. Incident on the atom is a photon having an energy of 10.5 eV. What is the result?
  • The atom is excited to a higher allowed state
  • The atom is ionized
  • The photon passes by the atom without interaction

Questão 29

A hydrogen atom makes a transition from the n = 3 level to n = 2 level. It then makes a transition from the n = 2 level to the n = 1 level. Which transition results in emission of the longest-wavelength photon?
  • The first transition
  • The second transition
  • Either transition because the wavelengths are the same for both

Questão 30

A section of hollow pipe and a solid cylinder have the same radius, mass, and length. They both rotate about their long central axes with the same angular speed. Which object has the higher rotational kinetic energy?
  • The hollow pipe
  • The solid cylinder
  • They have the same rotational kinetic energy
  • Impossible to determine

Questão 31

Two spheres roll down an incline, starting from rest. Sphere A has the same mass and radius as sphere B, but sphere A is solid while sphere B is hollow. Which arrives at the bottom first?
  • Sphere A
  • Sphere B
  • Both arrive
  • At the same time
  • Impossible to determine

Questão 32

Two solid spheres roll down an incline, starting from rest. Sphere A has twice the mass and twice the radius of sphere B. Which arrives at the bottom first?
  • Sphere A
  • Sphere B
  • Both arrive at the same time
  • Impossible to determine

Questão 33

Which of the following statements is not true regarding a mass- spring system that moves with simple harmonic motion in absence of friction?
  • The total energy of the system remains constant
  • The energy of the system is continually transformed between kinetic and potential energy
  • The total energy of the system is proportional to the square of the amplitude
  • The potential energy stored in the system is greatest when the mass passes through the equilibrium position.

Questão 34

For an object undergoing simple harmonic motion,
  • The amplitudes are usually regarded as being large
  • The acceleration is greatest when the displacement is greatest
  • The acceleration is greatest when the speed is greatest
  • The maximum potential energy is larger than the maximum kinetic energy
  • The displacement is greatest when the speed is greatest

Questão 35

A skater can spin faster by pulling in her arms closer to her body or spin slower by spreading her arms out from her body. This is due to
  • Conservation of momentum
  • Conservation of energy
  • Newton’s third law
  • Conservation of angular momentum

Questão 36

The moment of inertia of a body depends on
  • The angular velocity
  • The angular acceleration
  • The mass distribution
  • The torque acting on the body

Questão 37

The moment of inertia of a wheel about its axle does not depend upon its:
  • Diameter
  • Mass
  • Distribution of mass
  • Speed of rotation

Questão 38

A mechanical wave generally does NOT
  • Move the medium from one place to another
  • Move through a medium
  • Move through solids
  • Disturb the medium

Questão 39

A woman sits on a spinning stool with her arms folded. When she extends her arms, which of the following occurs
  • She increases her moment of inertia, thus increasing her angular speed
  • She increases her moment of inertia, thus decreasing her angular speed.
  • She decreases her moment of inertia, thus increasing her angular speed
  • She decreases her moment of inertia, thus decreasing her angular speed
  • Her angular speed remains constant by conservation of angular momentum

Questão 40

In elastic collision between the two bodies __________.
  • Only momentum of the system is conserved
  • Only the kinetic Energy of the system is conserved
  • Both the kinetic Energy and Momentum of the system remain the same
  • Total energy is not conserved


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