MGT ch 14


Quiz sobre MGT ch 14, criado por carrissa.flores em 17-04-2014.
Quiz por carrissa.flores, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por carrissa.flores mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

An interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of how individuals and groups tend to act in organizations is called
  • a. sociology.
  • c. cultural anthropology.
  • d. psychology.
  • e. organizational behavior.

Questão 2

Which of the following refers to work behavior that goes beyond job requirements and contributes as needed to the organization's success?
  • a. Job satisfaction
  • b. Organizational citizenship
  • c. Cognitive dissonance
  • d. Job involvement
  • e. Organizational Commitment

Questão 3

An evaluation that predisposes a person to act in a certain way is called a(n)
  • a. attitude. b. authoritarianism. c. perception. d. projection. e. personality.
  • a. attitude.

Questão 4

The ____ is the beliefs, opinions, and information a person has about the object of an attitude.
  • a. affective component b. feeling component c. cognitive component d. behavioral component e. dissonance aspect of attitude
  • c. cognitive component

Questão 5

When Bonnie remarks that she loves the classes she is taking this semester, it refers to which component of attitude?
  • a. Knowledge b. Behavior c. Dissonance d. Affect e. Cognitions
  • d. Affect

Questão 6

Kendall, a senior at Morgan University, believes that it is okay to get at "B" but more important to learn in a class than get an easy "A" without learning. Kendall's belief reflects which component of attitude?
  • a. Behavior b. Affect c. Dissonance d. Feeling e. Cognitions
  • e. Cognitions

Questão 7

____ refers to a positive attitude toward one's job.
  • a. Organizational citizenship b. Job satisfaction c. Cognitive dissonance d. Organizational commitment e. Job involvement
  • b. Job satisfaction

Questão 8

People generally experience ____ when their work matches their needs and interests, when working conditions and rewards (such as pay) are satisfactory, and when the employees like their co-workers.
  • a. job involvement b. extroversion c. cognitive dissonance d. Machiavellianism e. job satisfaction
  • e. job satisfaction

Questão 9

Research shows that the link between ____ and ____ is small and is influenced by other factors.
  • a. satisfaction; performance b. stress; work c. stress; home d. stress; performance e. satisfaction; personality
  • a. satisfaction; performance

Questão 10

____ refers to loyalty to the heavy involvement in the organization.
  • a. Organization citizenship b. Job satisfaction c. Dissonance d. Organizational commitment e. Job involvement
  • d. Organizational commitment

Questão 11

____ is defined as a positive attitude toward one's job.
  • a. Occupation approval b. Career fulfillment c. Job satisfaction d. Organizational happiness e. Organizational commitment
  • c. Job satisfaction

Questão 12

Roy is a top executive at a cigarette manufacturing company who believes that cigarettes are dangerous products and they kill people. This condition can be described as
  • a. job involvement. b. extroversion. c. cognitive dissonance. d. Machiavellianism. e. job satisfaction.
  • c. cognitive dissonance.

Questão 13

The cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information is called
  • a. selective retention. b. dissonance. c. attitude. d. perception. e. personality.
  • d. perception.

Questão 14

Which of the following describes the last step in the perception process?
  • a. Observing information b. Screening the information c. Selecting what to process d. Organizing the selected data into patterns e. Transmitting the observed information
  • d. Organizing the selected data into patterns

Questão 15

____ is the process by which individuals screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention.
  • a. Person-job fit b. Perceptual selectivity c. Organizational citizenry d. Projection e. Perceptual grouping
  • b. Perceptual selectivity

Questão 16

____ supports the old truism that first impressions are important.
  • a. Contrast b. Values and beliefs c. Primacy d. Personality e. Recency
  • c. Primacy

Questão 17

Doug wants to look his best when he goes for interviewing. He is focusing on which of these perceiver's characteristics?
  • a. Contrast b. Personality c. Needs and motivation d. Primacy e. Recency
  • d. Primacy

Questão 18

Which of the following is the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category and then to attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual?
  • a. Stereotyping b. Projection c. Figure-ground d. The halo effect e. Perceptual defense
  • a. Stereotyping

Questão 19

An overall impression of a person or situation based on one attribute, either favorable or unfavorable, is an example of
  • a. projection. b. the halo effect. c. perceptual defense. d. stereotyping. e. attribution.
  • b. the halo effect.

Questão 20

Josh evaluates Kandi's performance and gives her an “outstanding” based on his knowledge that she came to work everyday earlier than anyone else and therefore she is extremely hardworking. Josh is making which of these errors in perceptual judgment?
  • a. Perceptual defense b. Projection c. Stereotyping d. The halo effect e. Figure-ground
  • d. The halo effect

Questão 21

Which of the following refers to the tendency to see one's own personal traits in other people?
  • a. Perceptual defense b. Projection c. Stereotyping d. The halo effect e. Figure-ground
  • b. Projection

Questão 22

____ describes a person who has observed others handle situations in the same way he would.
  • a. Distinctiveness b. Consensus c. Consistency d. Conscientiousness e. Agreeableness
  • b. Consensus

Questão 23

The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors on another's behavior and to overestimate the influence of internal factors is called
  • a. perceptual distortion. b. closure activity. c. the fundamental attribution error. d. stereotyping. e. perceptual grouping.
  • c. the fundamental attribution error.

Questão 24

The tendency to overestimate the contribution of internal factors to one's successes and the contribution of external factors to one's failures is a result of
  • a. self-serving bias. b. openness to experience. c. over stability. d. emotional plateau. e. Machiavellianism.
  • a. self-serving bias.

Questão 25

____ refers to the set of characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects, or people in the environment.
  • a. Dissonance b. Personality c. Halo effect d. Attitude e. Perception
  • b. Personality

Questão 26

The Big Five personality factors includes all of these EXCEPT
  • a. extroversion. b. conscientiousness. c. emotional stability. d. locus of control. e. agreeableness.
  • d. locus of control.

Questão 27

Bernice is a talkative, assertive, and sociable individual who is very comfortable with interpersonal relationships. This describes which quality of Bernice?a. Machiavellianism
  • a. Machiavellianism b. Conscientiousness c. Agreeableness d. Emotional stability e. Extroversion
  • e. Extroversion

Questão 28

Jay is a trusting and forgiving individual who gets along with others because of being good-natured and cooperative. This describes which of the Big Five personality factors?
  • a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion
  • a. Agreeableness

Questão 29

Which of the following refers to the degree to which a person is focused on a few goals, thus behaving in ways that are responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented?
  • a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion
  • b. Conscientiousness

Questão 30

Which of the following refers to the degree to which a person is focused on a few goals, thus behaving in ways that are responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented?
  • a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion
  • b. Conscientiousness

Questão 31

If Ben is tense, nervous, depressed and insecure, he would tend to be rated as low on which of these factors?
  • a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion
  • c. Emotional stability

Questão 32

Canyon River, Inc. is looking for an individual who has a broad range of interests and is imaginative, creative, artistically sensitive, and willing to consider new ideas. Which of these factors are they emphasizing in their search?
  • a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Emotional stability d. Openness to experience e. Extroversion
  • d. Openness to experience

Questão 33

Traits of ____ seem to be particularly important in today's collaborative organizations.
  • a. likability b. agreeableness c. friendliness d. openness e. sociability
  • b. agreeableness

Questão 34

Managing emotion is a basic component of emotional intelligence. Which of the following best describes managing emotions?
  • a. It is the basis for all the other components; being aware of what you are feeling. b. It is the ability to balance one's moods so that worry, anxiety, fear, or anger do not cloud thinking. c. It is the ability to be hopeful and to persist in the face of obstacles. d. It is the ability to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes. e. It is the ability to connect to others and build positive relationships.
  • b. It is the ability to balance one's moods so that worry, anxiety, fear, or anger do not cloud thinking.

Questão 35

A high degree of ____ means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence.
  • a. self-management b. social cohesiveness c. social awareness d. relationship management e. self-awareness
  • e. self-awareness

Questão 36

Which of the following refers to the tendenacy to place the primary responsibility for one's success or failure either within oneself or on outside forces?
  • a. Machiavellianism b. Emotional stability c. Locus of control d. Authoritarianism e. Extroversion
  • c. Locus of control

Questão 37

36. Individuals who believe that they control their own destiny are described as having a
  • a. high external locus of control. b. high Mach personality. c. low introversion characteristic. d. high internal locus of control. e. low Mach personality.
  • d. high internal locus of control.

Questão 38

Jason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, "If I am lucky, I will get my old job back." Jason would be considered as having a(n)
  • a. external locus of control. b. high conscientiousness. c. sensation and intuition type personality. d. internal locus of control. e. high Mach attitude.
  • a. external locus of control.

Questão 39

People with an external locus of control are
  • a. more achievement oriented. b. better able to handle complex information and problem solving. c. more independent. d. easier to motivate. e. easier to lead.
  • e. easier to lead.

Questão 40

Which of the following terms is the belief that power and status differences should exist within the organization?
  • a. Extroversion b. Machiavellianism c. Authoritarianism d. Perceptual distortion e. Locus of control
  • c. Authoritarianism

Questão 41

Individuals high on authoritarianism have problems with
  • a. power and toughness. b. use of subjective feelings. c. sticking to conventional values. d. obeying recognized authority above them. e. critically judging others.
  • b. use of subjective feelings.

Questão 42

Which of the following is defined as the tendency to direct much of one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of others for personal gain?
  • a. Authoritarianism b. External locus of control c. Introversion characteristic d. Machiavellianism e. Organizational citizenship
  • d. Machiavellianism

Questão 43

42. Research shows that ____ are predisposed to being pragmatic, capable of lying to achieve personal goals, more likely to win in win-lose situations, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded.
  • a. high introverted individuals b. high authoritarians c. high Machs d. low extroverted individuals e. low Machs
  • c. high Machs

Questão 44

____ type people, according to Jung, would rather work with known facts and hard data and prefer routine and order in gathering information.
  • a. Feeling b. Gut-feel c. Intuitive d. Sensation e. Affective
  • d. Sensation

Questão 45

Which of these styles, according to Jung, avoids specifics, decentralizes decision-making and develops few rules and regulations?
  • a. Intuitive-feeling b. Sensation-thinking c. Intuitive-thinking d. Sensation-feeling e. None of these.
  • a. Intuitive-feeling

Questão 46

Which of these styles would likely be appropriate for a counseling job?
  • a. Intuitive-feeling b. Sensation-thinking c. Intuitive-thinking d. Sensation-feeling e. None of these.
  • d. Sensation-feeling

Questão 47

The extent to which a person's ability and personality match the requirements of a job is called:
  • a. person-environment fit b. person-requirement fit c. person-job fit d. employee-organization fit e. employee-environment fit
  • c. person-job fit

Questão 48

A widely used personality test that measures how people differ on all four of Jung's sets of paired opposites is the ____.
  • a. Keirsey personality test b. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator c. Eysenck Personality Test d. Enneagram Personality Type Detector e. Oxford Capacity Analysis
  • b. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Questão 49

The extent to which a person will fit into the overall organization is called:
  • a. person-environment fit b. person-requirement fit c. person-job fit d. employee-organization fit e. employee-environment fit
  • a. person-environment fit

Questão 50

Which of the following refers to a change in behavior or performance that occurs as the result of experience?
  • a. Stress b. Conceptualization c. Observation d. Learning e. Distortion
  • d. Learning

Questão 51

The four stages of the learning process include all of the following EXCEPT:
  • a. concrete experience b. reflective observation c. abstract observation d. abstract conceptualization e. active experimentation
  • c. abstract observation

Questão 52

All of the following are fundamental learning styles labeled by researchers EXCEPT:
  • a. Assimilator b. Disseminator c. Diverger d. Accommodator e. Converger
  • b. Disseminator

Questão 53

Which of the following describes a person with the learning characteristics of being good at generating ideas and seeing a situation from multiple perspectives?
  • a. Diverger b. Assimilator c. Converger d. Accommodator e. None of these
  • a. Diverger

Questão 54

A person with the learning characteristics of being good at inductive reasoning and creating theoretical models is a(n):
  • a. diverger b. assimilator c. converger d. accommodator e. none of these
  • b. assimilator

Questão 55

A person with the learning characteristics of being good at decisiveness and practical application of ideas is a(n):
  • a. diverger b. assimilator c. converger d. accommodator e. none of these
  • c. converger

Questão 56

Which of the following describes a person with the learning characteristics of being good at implementing decisions and carrying out plans?
  • a. Diverger b. Assimilator c. Converger d. Accommodator e. None of these
  • d. Accommodator

Questão 57

Stress can be caused by
  • a. task demands. b. role demands. c. interpersonal demands. d. physical demands. e. all of these.
  • e. all of these.

Questão 58

Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these EXCEPT
  • a. impatience. b. devotion to work. c. aggressiveness. d. relaxed lifestyle. e. extreme competitiveness.
  • d. relaxed lifestyle.

Questão 59

Which of the following is the uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role?
  • a. Role conflict b. Task overload c. Nonprogrammed decisions d. Role ambiguity e. Task underload
  • d. Role ambiguity

Questão 60

All of the following are things bad bosses do to create stress for their subordinates EXCEPT:
  • a. Bully and harass people to keep them on their toes. b. Create perpetual doubt about how well employees are performing. c. Fail to give people credit for their contributions and achievements. d. Impose unreasonable demands and overwhelming workloads. e. Tell people exactly what is expected of them.
  • e. Tell people exactly what is expected of them.

Questão 61

____ is considered by many employees to be the most effective work-life practice.
  • a. Daily flextime b. Offsite childcare c. Work from home network d. Telecommunication e. Reduced work schedule
  • a. Daily flextime

Questão 62

An individual’s strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome is referred to as:
  • a. Locus of control b. Self-confidence c. Self-efficacy d. Perceptual selectivity e. Cognitive dissonance
  • c. Self-efficacy

Questão 63

The general assurance in one’s own ideas, judgment, and capabilities is referred to as:
  • a. Locus of control b. Self-confidence c. Self-efficacy d. Perceptual selectivity e. Cognitive dissonance
  • b. Self-confidence

Questão 64

Studies have found that the characteristic most common to top executives is:
  • a. A Type A personality b. A workaholic mentality c. An unsatisfied worker d. An optimistic attitude e. An introverted personality
  • d. An optimistic attitude

Questão 65

William wakes up on Monday thinking, “I am going to get to work early this morning, get my tasks done, and help my colleagues with their tasks.” This is an example of which attitude component?
  • a. Cognition b. Affect c. Feeling d. Thought e. Behavior
  • e. Behavior

Questão 66

the following are tactics for promoting stronger organizational commitment EXCEPT:
  • a. Maintaining a secretive culture b. Being honest and trustworthy in business dealings c. Giving employees a say in business decisions d. Treating employees fairly e. Offering employees rewards that they value
  • a. Maintaining a secretive culture

Questão 67

When Sylvia receives her annual performance evaluation, she makes note of all of the positive statements that her supervisor has made, but subconsciously overlooks a handful of negative comments that are meant to help her improve in the future. This is a classic example of
  • a. The halo effect b. Stereotyping c. Low job satisfaction d. Perceptual selectivity e. Cognitive dissonance
  • d. Perceptual selectivity

Questão 68

__________ are errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perceptual process.
  • a. Attributions b. Projected expressions c. Perceptual distortions d. Secondary perceptions e. Personality defenses
  • c. Perceptual distortions

Questão 69

Ralph is a tireless workaholic who spends most of his time thinking about work, even when not at work. He considers this to be the norm at his place of employment, and believes that his three subordinates are equally committed to their jobs. This is an example of which perceptual distortion?
  • a. Stereotyping b. Halo effect c. Perceptual defense d. Personality expression e. Projection
  • e. Projection

Questão 70

Frank regretfully missed an important deadline at work. His boss, George, thinks to himself, “Frank missed that deadline because he is lazy; I really need to crack down on him more.” This is an example of what kind of attribution?
  • a. External attribution b. Internal attribution c. Horizontal attribution d. Vertical attribution e. Skewed attribution
  • b. Internal attribution

Questão 71

Rachel is described by her colleagues as pragmatic, super-competitive, and more likely to persuade than be persuaded. She fits which personality category most closely?
  • a. High Mach b. Low Mach c. High Feeling d. Low Feeling e. Moderate Thinking
  • a. High Mach

Questão 72

Maliah bases her judgments on impersonal analysis. To resolve problems at work, she uses reason and logic rather than personal values or emotional aspects of the situation. In gathering information, Maliah prefers routine and order. Based on this information, Maliah ranks highly in which Myers-Briggs category?
  • a. Judging-Perceiving b. Intuitive-Thinking c. Sensation-Thinking d. Sensation-Feeling e. Intuitive-Feeling
  • c. Sensation-Thinking

Questão 73

Henry, an easy-going and laid back individual, just accepted an attorney position at an elite law firm that is known for its formal and authoritarian culture. What is the fit mismatch that Henry should be concerned about?
  • a. Person-job fit b. Task-role fit c. Job-environment fit d. Person-environment fit e. Role-person fit
  • d. Person-environment fit

Questão 74

When managers who express positive emotions such as happiness, enthusiasm, and appreciation trigger these same positive emotions in employees, ___________ is happening.
  • a. Perceptual selectivity b. Cognitive dissonance c. Contagious feeling d. Self-efficacy e. Emotion contagion
  • e. Emotion contagion

Questão 75

Seeking positions of power and responsibility, Chandra has rapidly moved up the ranks within her organization. Colleagues describe her as someone with a tremendous amount of energy, and a powerful force for leadership within the organization. Based on this description, Chandra has what type of personality?
  • a. Type A b. Type B c. Type C d. Type X e. Type Y
  • a. Type A

Questão 76

Seeking positions of power and responsibility, Chandra has rapidly moved up the ranks within her organization. Colleagues describe her as someone with a tremendous amount of energy, and a powerful force for leadership within the organization. Based on this description, Chandra has what type of personality?
  • a. Type A b. Type B c. Type C d. Type X e. Type Y
  • a. Type A

Questão 77

________ conflict occurs when an individual perceives incompatible demands from others.
  • a. Attitude b. Role c. Personality d. Perception e. Ability
  • b. Role


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