Laboratory Safety Quiz


Make sure your students know how to be safe in the lab before undertaking any experiments
Terri Vincent
Quiz por Terri Vincent, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Terri Vincent
Criado por Terri Vincent aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Why is it important to know the names and appearance of lab equipment before doing laboratory work?
  • So you will score higher on the lab test.
  • So you can quickly obtain your laboratory supplies before lab.
  • So you can follow the lab instructions clearly.
  • So you can make sure everything has been cleaned before beginning the lab procedure.

Questão 2

What is the correct procedure to follow when smelling the odour of a chemical substance?
  • Fan your hand over the substance toward your nose which should be directly over the beaker.
  • Place your nose directly over the substance and take a big whiff.
  • Fan your hand over the substance toward your nose which should be several centimetres away from the substance.
  • Place your nose near the opening of the beaker and inhale.

Questão 3

Which of the following is NOT a safe lab practice?
  • Keep chemicals, glassware, and other equipment away from the edge of the lab table.
  • Report minor accidents to your lab supervisor and/or teacher.
  • After removing glassware from a heat source touch it right away to see if it is cool.
  • Heat chemicals in a flask without a stopper

Questão 4

Which of the following does NOT help explain why contact lenses should not be worn in lab?
  • It is difficult to remove lenses after a chemical splash
  • The lens is permeable to vapours, which cause irritation
  • Chemicals trapped under lens will cause severe damage
  • That boy or girl you are trying to get to see you cannot tell the colour of your eyes.

Questão 5

Which of the following is considered safety equipment in our classroom?
  • Eyewash station
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • all of the above

Questão 6

What is the correct procedure for students to follow if a chemical is spilt?
  • Stand back and advise the teacher of the spill
  • Run madly about the room.
  • Splash large amounts of water onto the spill.
  • Tell everyone that your friend did it and that "Ooooh, they are in BIG trouble!".

Questão 7

I can perform an experiment of my own when:
  • When I am sure it is safe to do so.
  • Whenever I want to.
  • Only with permission from the teacher.
  • Never.

Questão 8

Keeping the work area neat and clean is important because:
  • My teacher is a neat-freak
  • I won't lose my supplies in the clutter.
  • It keeps the room from looking messy.
  • It helps prevent accident

Questão 9

If you are not sure what to do during a lab activity:
  • Guess.
  • Change lab partners.
  • Ask the teacher.
  • Just sit quietly and do nothing.

Questão 10

Goggle/ safety glasses and lab coats must be worn when using
  • Fire.
  • Glassware.
  • Chemicals.
  • All of the above.
  • None of the above.

Questão 11

I can eat in the classroom:
  • I want to.
  • Only with permission from the teacher.
  • When I am sure it is safe to do so.
  • Never.

Questão 12

You should tie back long hair remove loose clothes (scarves)or flammable jackets when:
  • Working near fire.
  • Using chemicals in the lab.
  • Trying to impress a friend.
  • A and B
  • A and B and C

Questão 13

You should make sure that equipment is clean:
  • Before you use it
  • After you use it
  • Cleanliness doesn't matter
  • Both A and B
  • A,B and C

Questão 14

A pipette is a slender tube attached to or incorporating a bulb, for transferring or measuring out small quantities of liquid, especially in a laboratory. Which of the following statements is correct about pipetting by mouth?
  • Always - it is a fast and efficient method for transferring liquids
  • Only when you can't find a pipette bulb or you think it might be dirty
  • Only when you are sure that the teacher, your lab partner or the principal aren't looking
  • Never - and if you thought yes to any other choice you should never be allowed in a lab

Questão 15

In the lab, sharp object should be carried:
  • With the point facing out in front
  • with the point down and away from the body
  • with the point covered up by your hand
  • so that the point will give your lab partner a pretty good jab

Questão 16

What should you do with any left over chemicals at the end of a lab session
  • Put them back in the jar it came from
  • pour it down the sink
  • check with the teacher
  • mix them all together

Questão 17

If you get chemicals in your eyes, you should flush them with water for:
  • Less than 10 minutes
  • 10-15 minutes
  • about 15-20 minutes
  • more than 25 minutes

Questão 18

You should wash your hands after
  • Touching a plant in the classroom
  • handling one of the class pets
  • Working with chemicals
  • all of the above

Questão 19

To put out a fire in a person's hair or clothes, use:
  • a fire blanket
  • a handy chemical
  • the wind from running around the room
  • a fire extinguisher

Questão 20

Helping to clean up the lab or classroom is the job of:
  • the older students
  • the lab tech
  • the teacher
  • each and every student

Questão 21

Disturbing other students in the laboratory or class with horseplay (mucking around) is:
  • helpful
  • poor manners
  • dangerous
  • the quickest way to do the job

Questão 22

The most important thing in laboratory experiments is:
  • getting it done first
  • getting the answer right
  • safety
  • penmenship

Questão 23

During the heating of a liquid in a test tube, you should
  • point the test tube towards others
  • point the test tube away from any person
  • place the test tube vertically up
  • place the test tube so that you can see its top

Questão 24

which is the correct sequence to light up a bunsen burner
  • light the match --> light the gas --> open air hole --> turn gas on --> close air hole
  • turn on gas --> light up gas --> close air hole --> light match --> open air hole
  • turn on gas --> close air hole --> light match --> open air hole --> light gas
  • close air hole --> light match --> turn on gas --> light gas --> open air hole


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